Rating:  Summary: DIDN'T LEARN NOTHIN Review: This is a movie which most people will enjoy, but forget about soon after they saw it. There was nothing that really stood out about it, whether it being good or bad. In my opinion, the entire cast were good, and I did enjoy the movie while I was watching it. This is how I think most people will reflect on the movie.My only memorable problem with the film is that there was just one too many resurrections where a character looks dead, stays still for a moment, then gets up and the movie continues. This comes not from a perspective of hunger for violence, but credibility is pushed just a bit too far, even for a movie. The last one, in particular, where the "victim" is not an important or likeable character was an instance where the character really should have actually died. On the whole, the movie is not one worth writing home about, or even seeing more than once, but worth watching because it will pass the time quite satisfactorily, and does not require much thought or terrify the viewer.
Rating:  Summary: passable Review: The basic plot for "Teaching Mrs. Tingle" follows several high school students; very intelligent Leigh Ann Watson(Katie holmes) is caught with the answer's to the finals, given to her by Luke Churner(Barry Watson)and Jo lynn(Marisa Coughlin ). With a prize schoolar ship at risk, Katie attempts to prove that she is innocent of the crime. Mrs. Tingle will have none of this, as it is blatantly obvious that she is, above all, pure evil. One event leads to another, and our precious students tie Tingle to her bed and slowly force her to listen to them, while Tingle is slowly pyschologicly tearing the group apart, planning her freedom.............. Simply by a glance at the cover of the film and it becomes apparent that "Teaching Mrs. Tingle" is targeted toward teens. Add the fact that it is directed by (ugh) Kevin willimason and features such popular teen stars; adults might dislike this film. The various reasons why this movie was passible are; 1) Was it entirely nessessary to shoot Tingle with a cross-bow? Would it not be smarter to reason with the principal or someone else that has communicated with Mrs. Tingle, as everyone who knows her hates her? 2) Helen Mirren gives off a fantastic preformance as the evil teacher, but her physical strengh is unbeleviable. She punches, crushes, and strangles all the students who get in her way. 3) Helen Mirren stays tied to the bed post for the entire movie. 4) The students are so dim that they acually confide their personal secrets to Tingle, and she uses the information to manipulate them. 5) The use of the word "Ironic". 6) The plot is somewhat weak, mostly involving the students madely scrambling to keep the kidnapping secret; just add a little weak humor, sex, and violence. 7) At one point Tingle is smashing a certain student around, spaltering them is blood. Tingle acually gets pushed down the stairs and all of the blood dissapears. I doubt that one is healed from falling down stairs... 8) The ending. Holmes sleeps with Watson, who is Coughlin's crush. This breaks the bond of friendship between Holmes and Coughlin, yet the group are seen walking together during ther ending, in a cheery sort of mood. WhAt? 9) Bad lines. "Why are you doing this to us?" "I want you to learn!" "No, you want me to fail". Bravo. There are positive points however; Marisa Coughlin depiction of the excorist must be seen to believe, Coughlin herself gives of a charming preformance, and the entire film manages is not to boring. If you're looking for a teen movie with several dusterbingly funny moments, then go for it, but otherwise this is a bad apple.
Rating:  Summary: WONDERFUL JOB BY KATIE HOLMES Review: A lot of poeple did not like this movie. I thought that it wsa great. The plot was good and the acting was great. And Katie Holmes Was in it. Who needs more said. Excellent movie and great fun to watch.
Rating:  Summary: Teaching Mrs. Tingle Review: I did not like this movie much at all. It was not boring, it was just so stupid. The one good thing about the movie is that Mrs. Tingle represents every teacher that you despised, and on that level I liked this movie. On every other level the film failed miserabley.
Rating:  Summary: Katie Holmes' Best Review: Everyone I talked to who saw this movie said it was the worst, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. The acting wasn't bad, the plot was good enough, and Marisa Coughlan's portrayal of Linda Blair in 'The Exorcist' was awesome. Also, Katie Holmes' acting was better than that of 'Disturbing Behavior' and 'The Ice Storm', but that's my opinion. Over-all, I would recommend this movie to people.
Rating:  Summary: Not Really a Black Comedy, But Still A Good Movie... Review: Big Surprise: Kevin Williamson does it again. The only thing missing in this film is the knife (or hook) wielding killer trying to get revenge, or just plain crazy. It's refreshing to see Kevin do something else every now and then. The only thing is that the film was advertised as a "black comedy" and I really do not think of it as one. It is really just a regular teen comedym except for a few scenes that are mildy suspenseful. Don't expect this film to be scary like Williamson's other films, because it is not. It is a great teen movie, though, and if you're a big fan of Kevin Williamson, you're sure to like it.
Rating:  Summary: Another gold star for Kevin Williamson Review: This was such a good movie! I just bought it today, and I am very pleased with it. The storyline was very original, and entertaining. The actors/actresses did great with their roles, especially Helen Mirren as Mrs. Tingle. I knew Kevin Williamson could write good movies, but I never knew of his hidden directing talent. I hope he directs more films like TEACHING MRS. TINGLE :)
Rating:  Summary: Let Teaching Mrs. Tingle teach you something Review: I can honestly say that I didn't think I was going to like this movie when I first rented it. I watched though and I was taken by surprise. It was truthfully one of the funniest movies I have ever seen. I was totally shocked by the ending. Marisa Coughlan is one of the funniest young actresses I've seen this year. Great movie!
Rating:  Summary: 1 star for Katie Review: What category does this movie fit in to, other than a stupid teenage chick flick? It might be a horror movie but it was anything but scary. It could be a comedy but it was not at all funny. So we can conclude that the only category that this un-realistic film fits into is "flop". The only good part of this movie was Katie Holmes. She was way too good for the movie.
Rating:  Summary: Worth watching when there is nothing else to watch. Review: It really isn't as bad as most teachers and preachers made it out to be. However, if it was not for Helen Mirren this movie would be worthless. I was surprised that she acceted a role like this, but she did a fantastic job as Mrs. Tingle. All in all--nothing to get shook up about. But watch Helen Mirren portray Mrs. Tingle that part is fantastic.