Rating:  Summary: Stinko! Review: I'm glad I read the book before I watched this. It does a terrible injustice to the book.
Rating:  Summary: Left Behind - The Movie Review: A few days after an attempted aerial attack on Israel fails mysteriously (the planes blew up without even being shot at), millions of people around the world have apparently disappeared into thin air. In the meantime, several countries have agreed to unite their official currency with the United Kingdom. For different personal reasons, the news reporter who witnessed the aforementioned phenomenon in Israel (Kirk Cameron) and an extramarital-affair-having airplane pilot (Brad Johnson) realize the Rapture has come upon the world. Since they cannot stop the antichrist from converting most of the world's population, they become born again, and commit themselves to the Lord for the 7-year period that the Antichrist will rule the world.The premise is intriguing and the execution is decent. However, the acting is weak and the message fails to convince a large amount of non-Christians about the end of the world. Most importantly, the film is theologically flawed. For further note, the soft Christian rock portions of the soundtrack slightly ruin suspenseful credibility in more intense scenes. If you like this film, I also recommend "The Omega Code" and "Invasion of the Body Snatchers". Overall rating: 2.5 stars Rated PG-13 for some violence and dramatic intensity.
Rating:  Summary: Not as good as the book... Review: I have borrowed and read the book, and I thought it was phenomenal. It was deep, intriguing, and really left the reader on the edge of their seat. Cheers to Tim LaHae and Jerry Jenkins. This movie on the other hand is a joke. Bad acting, bad scripts, bad production. Cheesy music, and it reminds me of a Lifetime special. I really wish the film followed the book better. They left out alot of important details, and summed a 500 plus page book into a 90 minute film. Talk about pushing the envelope. I think the film would have done much better without actors from the Mickey Mouse Club and stuck with better scripts. There are a few good points in the movie, such as when Rayford Steele notices his wife gone, he totally ruled that scene. Great job on that one. Nicolae looks like a choir boy, but once again, the innocent can fool people. I think the film would have been more exciting had they included a more "orchestrated" music piece. They stuck with Newsboys and all of those other Christian pop bands that sing pretty and try to be cool (no offense to the newsboys, but yeah). It shuts the film down completely and makes it seem like a pop teen flick. The story is good, and it is surprising how accurate some of that interpretation was by the authors. Only if they knew that Revelation would soon be unravelling in real life after they wrote that book. The film leaves alot to be desired by the viewer. The first time that I had viewed it, I had felt empty because I was expecting more. That 90 minutes went way too fast and it didn't hardly touch the magic that the written novel had. So if you're a fan of the book, it might be a good idea to skip this one if you don't want to be terribly disappointed. Once again, great book, poor movie. Most transcriptions from book to movie are poor in the first place, but alot of this gibberish is unexcuseable. I really wish the directors, producers, and actors had polished up their technique a little bit before filming this for the big screen. Keep God in your heart, time's almost up! Accept Jesus Christ as your Savior, and He will accept you into His Kingdom! God bless you all.
Rating:  Summary: exceeded my expectations... Review: As someone who's heard all sorts of reviews for this film, I was a little skeptical about seeing it. I know that it was shot on a relatively small budget, but give them some credit....they took what they had and made a really good movie with it. The acting was good, the scenery was believable, and the movie was overall enjoyable. Of course, much of the book had to be left out...there's only so much you can pack into a 2 hour movie, but they stuck mostly to the original storyline. What was changed really didn't bother me at all. Please take the time to see this movie and encourage Christian films!!!
Rating:  Summary: Very Inspirational Movie! Review: I would recommend this movie to anyone young or old. I personally saw it at the request of a friend and It made me think twice about my believes and my daily devotions. This one DVD was purchased for my mom as a gift and she loved it and wants to see the next one out! So do I!
Rating:  Summary: Great movie. Review: Ok. As A christians we need to applaud them. ALot of you didn't seem to like this movie. Ok Your personal choice. But I'm sorry but we need to applaud them for trying to warn people. This is a great way to get the Gospel out to a whole bunch of people all at once.Do you think God cares whether the acting was good or whether or not the special effects were good. No! He just wants us to inform as many people as we can And I think they did this. So we need to support this kind of movie so they can get enough popularity to keep makeing them and to keep getting them out there so we can witness. so for that this movie was great. (personally: Loved this movie, Loved the actors,thought it stucked to the book.)
Rating:  Summary: Pretty good look at one idea of the end of the world Review: I have never read any of the books that this movie is based upon. The only reason I saw this movie was because our bible school instructor showed it to us when we were studying the book of Revelations. I am glad that I did because this film is a great look at one particular biblical interpretation of the end of the world. This is one of the popular views of the end of the world called, "Amillenialism" or more appropriately "Pre-tribulation rapture". It is not a view that I agree with or support but that didn't stop this movie from being good. How the writers managed to fit our current world's state into the prophecies of the bible was brilliant. I don't want to ruin the film so I'll try not to say too much about it. The plot for this film is the pre-tribulation interpretation of Revelations. Pre-trib theology is simply God taking the selected few to heaven while leaving the others to endure trials and tribulations, and ultimately the battle of Armageddon. This film does a great job at making a tough theololgy come to life and making it real. 142 million people suddenly vanish from the face of the earth and that begins a global panic that begins the move of the antichrist to take over the world. Biblical prophecies begin to take shape in accordance to what the bible says the end will look like. This movie was obviously filmed with a lower budget and with many B actors but I thought it was very good. This film is an example of directors and editors making the most they can with what they have in terms of film footage, effects, etc. They key characters were well chosen and played their roles wonderfully. The plot does have holes, but what movie doesn't. To fully appreciate this movie you should be familiar with what the bible says regarding the end times. If you don't know what the bible says than this movie will seem like a very bad film. Whether you believe this theology or are even a Christian you'll probably get some enjoyment out of this film if you understand the biblical basis for it. It doesn't have the actors or special effects of a Deep Impact or Armageddon or any other "end times" movie but has its writing based on a document that is about 1900 years old, the book of Revelations and other biblical books.
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie, but the Book is better. Review: The movie was great....but I LOVED the book. When they adapted the book to the big screen, they made some changes to the story. It is still basically the same story, but the movie rushed the story along and left out details that I thought was important in the book. All in all I do recommend the movie (I own both Movies) I do have one complaint though. The first release of the Movie wasn't Closed Captioned and later when they did Close Caption it, they did a poor job. The Captioning is choppy. I noticed this, because my wife is deaf. A couple of times I had to tell her key dialog that was left out of the Captioning or just chopped off. If you are deaf, I recommend watching it with a hearing friend. The Captioning isn't horrible, but a couple of key moments might need to be explained to you because of the captioning. The second movie has better captioning!!
Rating:  Summary: A must buy Review: This movie is ,Awsome,Fantastic,What else is there to say but great, A must see. Well worth the money.
Rating:  Summary: Campy and Funny (sometimes the laughs are intentional!) Review: First off, let's all admit this is a bad movie. I mean, a badly written, not terribly well acted, silly exercise in evangelism. Okay, is that out of the way? Good. This movie is fun. I mean, it's a conversation piece, and it does have its moments. Brad Johnson does a phenomenal job in the scene where he comes home and finds his bedroom empty. Clarence Gilyard OWNS that church scene, and how many of us (Christians) don't know someone who would react EXACTLY the way he did? And Gordon Currie's climactic scene as Nicolae Carpathia provides more than enough campy bravado to cover up for the moment's ludicrous premise. There are far worse movies. Truth is, you've probably already made up your mind whether you're going to buy this movie, so my review won't persuade you one way or another. But just so you know what you're in for, this is not Oscar material. Heck, it's not even Emmy material. But if you can imagine spending money renting "Night of the Creeps" or other [...], stupid, silly non-religious movies, there's no reason against renting or buying this movie.