Rating:  Summary: Who's really left behind? Review: Made for video but given a brief, unsuccessful theatrical release, "Left Behind-The Movie" is based on the first of Tim LeHaye and Jerry Jenkins' popular novels fictionalizing events from the New Testament's Book of Revelation. The title refers to those earthly inhabitants who remain inhabitants of earth following the Rapture, an event many Christians believe is foretold in Bible prophecy, notably in I Thessalonians 4:16-17 which reads, "For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God, and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air, and so shall we be with the Lord." Regardless of one's beliefs, this movie has neither the budget nor the talent to properly depict the aftermath of this event with any credibility or power. The devastation that occurs after planes without pilots and cars without drivers crash and burn is only referred to, not shown. Instead we get shots of dogs without owners, and worried looks on the faces of those (cue the ominous music) LEFT BEHIND! Imagine what Spielberg, working with a bigger budget, could do with this scenario if so inclined! Instead of Harrison Ford or Tom Cruise, we get former teen idol Kirk Cameron as our hero, a reporter named (I'm not kidding) Buck Williams. Suddenly hip to what's happening, Buck forms the Tribulation Force to oppose the Antichrist, who in LeHaye and Jenkins' tale is named (I'm still not kidding) Nicolae Carpathia. If that name isn't a dead giveaway to his villainy, Gordon Currie's suavely saturnine approach to the role should clue you in. But the film's biggest flaw is not its mediocre presentation, but its content. I don't doubt the producers' sincerity, but in their zeal to reach as wide an audience as possible they seem to have compromised their beliefs. The Lord referred to in Thessolonians (and throughout the New Testament) is Jesus Christ whom John 14:6 quotes as saying, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me." But Jesus is conspicuosly left behind in this movie. Characters, including a minister, speak of, and to, "God," but the deity is referred to only in the most generic way possible as if the filmmakers fear alienating any viewer who worships at a competing altar. The filmmakers may be devout Christians, but the courage of their convictions never made it to celluloid. This is one time when it really is better to read the book. No, not "Left Behind" - The Bible.
Rating:  Summary: "Left Behind-The Movie" Delivers Big Time Review: "Left Behind-The Movie" is an extraordinary piece of film work. Starring Kirk Cameron as Buck Williams, "Left Behind" tells the story of the final days before the rapture. As people all over the world disappear, a wordlwide disaster is declared. Buck discovers the truth about Nicolae Carpathia, who is coming to power in a time of crisis, and hooks up with 3 other believers, and together the form the Tribulation Force, who must stop the rise of the AnitChrist. This movie is amazing. It is not preachy at all, which can be a huge fault in many Christian movies, and tells the story just as a regular action movie would. There are surprises and twists, and the story behind it is great. Kirk Cameron does a wonderful job playing the zealous reporter, and has a great supporting cast working with him. While the ending does leave you hanging, it is only based on the first book in the "Left Behind" series, and there are 7 more to follow. All in all, this is a great movie, which is not getting the recognition it deserves. Hopefully when it is released in theatres on February 2, 2001, people will finally open their eyes to the wonder that is this movie.
Rating:  Summary: this is a great move! Review: On an overseas flight to London, Journalist Buck Williams (Kirk Cameron) and pilot Rayford Steele (Brad Johnson) are caught in the middle of the most incredible event in history. Suddenly, without warning, dozens of passengers simply vanish into thin air. But it doesn't stop there. It soon becomes clear that millions of people are missing from around the world. As choas and anachry engulf the world, both men set out on vastly different paths in a desperate search for answers. Based on the New York Times best-selling novel, Left Behind is overflowing with suspense, action and adventure. This riveting motion picture will take you on a spellbinding journey through the most mysterious book of the bible The Book of Revelation. The acting of two of the movie's main actors (Kirk Cameron and his wife Chelsea Noble) is excellent. This is an excellent movie. I checked it out from the library and I stayed up until 3:00 in the morning watching it. If you like movies overflowing with suspense, action, and adventure Left Behind is the movie for you. Enjoy!!!.
Rating:  Summary: "Someone cracked the Seventh Seal..." Review: With my interest in religious-themed entertainment piqued by some of Hollywood's recent offerings, I decided to seek out the film adaptation of the popular "Left Behind" book series. After all, according to NBC's "Today," in some areas the books sell even better than "Harry Potter" novels! I'll take Bible-themed stories over black magic and witchcraft any day, thank you very much! Lo and behold, the first film stars one of my favorite television actors: Mr. Kirk Cameron, who played Mike Seaver on the delightful "Growing Pains" program. Fortunately for "Left Behind," his friend Boner is nowhere to be found. Knowing that Kirk has always been very open about his Christian beliefs, I felt he was the perfect choice to headline this franchise-in-the-making. And the built-in fan-base from his hit WB show "Kirk" ensures that every episode in the series will be a mega-event! This gripping film depicts just what might happen if "the Rapture" (a Biblical moment where all faithful Christians are teleported to Heaven, leaving behind all the non-believers) came to pass in the modern world. Combining elements from "the Langoliers," "V," and "the Stand," the story traces the paths of a number of those left behind (hence the title) and how they must face the rise of an evil villain bent on world domination. Since I disapprove of wagering, I don't often make gambling analogies--but those sound like some pretty high stakes! While most Hollywood pictures tend to be glossy, over-produced distillations of bad scripts, "Left Behind" goes for a more subdued, low-key feel. By spending more time on character-based arcs (like one man's crisis of faith) than budget-busting scenes of CGI chaos, "Left Behind" lets the viewer do the work, and fill in the blanks him or herself. Finally, a movie that allows -- no, FORCES -- me to use my own imagination! I can only hope that the trend continues, and the "Left Behind" film series supplants more secular entertainment on the Box-Office Charts.
Rating:  Summary: The book is always better than the movie (3 1/2 stars) Review: I must say first that I watched this movie with an open mind so that I would be able to give an unbiased review. Being an avid movie watcher and a Christian, I was prepared for Cloud Ten Productions to not do the book justice. The initial flush that I felt was that they did a fairly good job with it. A VERY brief overview of the movie is as follows: The Bible talks about Jesus returning to take Christians to heaven and that there will be a 7 year period of chaos in which He will unleash several judgments upon the earth. Left Behind is about the actual return of Christ and a brief period after His return. How good is the movie? The following is my rating of it (everything is based on a 1-10 scale): Actual overall movie (best picture award? No): 7 ½ Acting (in general): 7 Talked about how to become a Christian: 9 ½ Script: 6 ½ Kept to the book: 7 Rating against any other Christian movie: 10 Directing: 8 Specific Actors Kirk Cameron (Buck Williams): 8 ½ Brad Johnson (Rayford Steele): 8 ½ Chelsea Noble (Hattie Durham): 8 Clarence Gilyard (Bruce Barnes): 6 Colin Fox (Chaim Rosenzweig): 9 ½ Gordon Currie (Nicolae Carpathia): 8 Janaya Stephens (Chloe Steele): 7 The actor who portrayed Ken Ritz did an excellent job. His small part was actually my favorite part of the movie. Anyone who watches the film will enjoy him. One of the disappointments of the movie was the fact that it left out some of the key elements of the book. For example, the chaos after the Christians were taken was played WAY down. I won't say anymore because I don't want to give anything away. To be honest, I really don't know how understandable the movie was from the standpoint of someone who had never read the book. I kept "filling" in the missing parts. Final thoughts. As the movie progressed, I was able to "get into" it more. Although Gordon Currie did a decent job acting, I think there could have been a better choice for Carpathia. It did do a decent job portraying the gospel. For the budget of the movie, I think that they did a really good job, compared to what others with same budget would do. I would love to see what they could do with a double or tripled budget for the next book. One small thing I would like to see changed is the credits. Yes, it's small, but it looked like someone did them in Word 2000 or something. Will I go to the theater to watch it? Probably, but mainly to support the film, since I have already seen it at home.
Rating:  Summary: A Great Movie to Highlight an Incredible Book Series Review: I can see that most of the complaints here are clearly from a case of reading the book first and feeling the movie falls short. But I ask you to name a movie where that's not the case. There is sooooo much that takes place in the book, how could you possibly get it into and hour and a half movie? Look past that and see it for what it is... A Movie BASED ON the book. I think they did a Great job with this Movie. It was very well acted, very well cast, and as far as I am concerned, a must see for any Left Behind Fans. I am anxiously awaiting the 3rd movie, in hopes that they will make one. Where I come to recommend this movie and the Tribulation Force Movie the most is, for those who haven't yet read any of the books. I have shown them to many people and it has led to many of them reading the book and loving it. If you have yet to get into the Left Behind Series, or wonder what all the hype is about.... The Movies truly are a great place to start!!
Rating:  Summary: Please read the book first Review: I have to agree in some part with the other person who commented on the "budget look" of this movie. I am a huge fan of this series, whether or not the writing is good, the message is clear. However, I worry that some will see this movie and never feel any interest in the books at all. We watched the movie after reading the book, and were very dissapointed that there were some major differences. Characters that werent even mentioned in the movie, such as Steve Plank. Buck plays a TV journalist instead of the News journalist and I dont feel they portrayed him as intellegent and 'go get 'em' as he is described in the book. It also seems, that they cut out MAJOR details of the book that make in more interesting. It seems they were trying to cram too much into too short of a movie. I almost wish they would have just read it word for word instead of taking the liberties they did. Bottom line: read the book first, if you want to watch this movie. Then decide from there. On a footnote: I am amazed at those who think the portrayal of the end times is not biblical. It is VERY biblical. Those who say it is not, rarely have any 'proof' or reasoning for the statement.
Rating:  Summary: Don't Miss an Awesome Movie-Don't Be "Left Behind"! Review: Left Behind is a fantastic movie as well as book series. It really makes you think and appreciate the life and things we have on a daily basis. It is true. Someday those who do not know Christ as their Lord and Savior will be left behind. Many authors both biblical and non biblical call this series the most accurate interpretation of Revelation yet. It may be a fiction series, but I have cryed through all of the books and can not wait for the next book to come out. The movie truly hits home. The church I attend in Dalton Georgia is called Dug Gap Baptist Chruch. My Sunday School class sponsored a showing of the movie and over 50 adults and children attended. There were 2 decisions made for Christ that very night. The movie takes into account real people working day to day. Some peoples jobs take priority in their lives where as others it may be family or money. But what happens when you wake up in the middle of an airplane flight only to find your children gone and you have been Left Behind. I do not know about you, but that would get my attention! To realize that after all is said and done your children have gone to heaven and you left behind would break anyones heart. Whether you are a christian or not, everyone should see this action packed thriller. And please read the books as well! Once you pick them up, you won't be able to put them down. I know I could not. My mother and I would talk for weeks about things that were happeninng in the books as we read through them. Come on February 2 and see by far the best movie of the year. You will not regret it.
Rating:  Summary: Comparatively Speaking, Not Bad Review: Christian films made for wide distribution are relatively new. The studios are fledgeling studios, operating with low budgets. Therefore, one can't expect Lord of the Rings style production values. This is the Christian equivalent of a Roger Corman film. If you can accept that, you just might like this little yarn. As compared to other Christian films such as the disastrous Omega Code, this film is a solid, well-paced and enjoyable flick. One thing it has going for it is a VERY attractive cast (at least from a male perspective). Janya Stephens as Chloe is charming and loveable. Her soft skin, warm smile, and big brown eyes kept me glued to the set. Overall, not bad.
Rating:  Summary: Please read the book first Review: I have to agree in some part with the other person who commented on the "budget look" of this movie. I am a huge fan of this series, whether or not the writing is good, the message is clear. However, I worry that some will see this movie and never feel any interest in the books at all. We watched the movie after reading the book, and were very dissapointed that there were some major differences. Characters that werent even mentioned in the movie, such as Steve Plank. Buck plays a TV journalist instead of the News journalist and I dont feel they portrayed him as intellegent and 'go get 'em' as he is described in the book. It also seems, that they cut out MAJOR details of the book that make in more interesting. It seems they were trying to cram too much into too short of a movie. I almost wish they would have just read it word for word instead of taking the liberties they did. Bottom line: read the book first, if you want to watch this movie. Then decide from there. On a footnote: I am amazed at those who think the portrayal of the end times is not biblical. It is VERY biblical. Those who say it is not, rarely have any 'proof' or reasoning for the statement.