Rating:  Summary: Surprisingly good... Review: I did not want to rent this movie, but my fiancee did. I really enjoyed it!!! The film had my complete and undivided attention. Definitely see this one. If you are looking for some suspense, this is the selection for you!
Rating:  Summary: Fincher, Fincher, Fincher Review: I Love all David Fincher Films, I have them all on DVD, and the reason being, In this film for example, The camera movements, the way it pans around the house, This film Full of Tenity, Great Camerawork, Brilliant Acting.... What can I say but WOW. Anyone who hasn't seen it or is in 2 minds wheather to bux it, I got a few words for you, you will not be disappointed you will watch it over and over and over because it's.... GENIUS.
Rating:  Summary: Great transfer for an excellent film! Review: Panic Room, director David Finchers darkly paranoid feature about how to protect yourself from unwanted intruders stars Jodie Foster and debuts in Superbit DVD format, for the sound and picture quality connoisseur. Superbit is the latest DVD technology expanding the digital enconding process to utilize every available unit of space on the disc to maximize sound and picture quality usually at the expense of extras on the disc. You'll be able to listen to Panic Room your choice of Dolby Digital 5.1 or DTS sound, the audio is digitally mastered and video is anamorphic in high definition. As expected, it is presented in widescreen format with English or French subtitles. There are filmographies of the cast and crew as well as the theatrical trailer and a scene selections menu.
Rating:  Summary: Room Royal Review: When the Tuileries (some kind of royal cathouse) was sacked by angry mobs in August of 1792, a royal family fled to the Assembly Hall and took refuge in a small barred (reinforced) room called the "Loge du Logographe"--a press box. There they were safe, safe for the moment, safe from being torn limb from limb for all their oppression and corruption in France. King Louis the XVI holed up in there in his finest hour with his family and companions, 9/10/1792, while the mob filled the hall surrounding its prizes. The following January their heads rolled, and it became the most famous Panic Room in history, (the lodge of heads to be rolled), antechamber of horrors to the French Revolution, where best laid plans, profligate waste, fraud and abuse met a bad end. Louis thought he could suspend the legislation by his presence on the grounds of the Assembly Hall, a rule they'd contrived. Today legislation is is suspended proactively in closed sessions and midnight grave-robbing rammed through larceny--nobody seems to bat an eye. Americans are simply too numbed by the scale of corruption here and its brash, casual confidence. It waves the flag, by God! And can lower and raise our defenses at will...it would seem, run foreign exchange programs in terrorism through the sovereign haven of the State of Florida, and tell the FBI Arabic translators not to do their jobs (60 MINUTES,i.e. 9-11). Later, when the intelligence village opened its recruitment yearbooks, all those mooks were in there. How'd that happen? "Hail to The Chimp!"indeed (The Simpsons). Dare I say treasonous grounds for impeechment? Call it abandonment of sworn offices to ignore endangerment, if not assist it by proxy. The image makers insist their creative intentions aren't to be drawn into inspection, that the only good review of their product is whether it was "entertaining", (was there good acting, was it technically proficient) and that the public is too obtuse to fathom their agenda, the creative strategies that seed their efforts and investments. Jodie Foster, in a Larry Kind interview told Americans this much, and we appreciate her candid, if somewhat delerious composure (CNN.com/Transcripts 3/27/2002.) The problem is, she's one of the "beautiful children" too (a luxury caste pet) and what she doesn't say (especially in the press box with Larry King), says as much as what she does. Foster speaks in oxymorons, "Hannibal Lectur is a despicable, brilliant man."..."Americans are naive, beautiful children."--there is nothing beautiful about an illiterate, rancid populace, grown so shrill and depraved we have to process juvenile gun violence and mass murder on a seasonal basis. Kansas City has 4,000 beautiful gang-banging, drug running children. And by refusing to comment on Hannibal ("y'all never know")she betrays a real fear, a code of silence, that Hollywood really is run by gangsters and hoodlums with idiot intentions to persuade viewers to delight in their perverse, inimical dinintegrations. It is that moth on that mouth. Nobody wants to get lead poisoning, but George Wallace and Ronald Regan got lead poisoning, and Taxi Driver's screenplay by Paul Schrader used the diary of Arthur Bremmer, a man crazed with "ultraviolent" thoughts, fixated on A Clockwork Orange, (Stanley Kubric--a biography, Lobrutto, Penguin, 1997, p. 368). Bremmer emptied five rounds into Wallace, who never walked again--and you know the rest of the story. Among other imfamous panic rooms we can count Hitler's Berlin bunker. Hitler hired an image maker named Leni Reifenstahl to hypnotize the world into aligning with that totalitarian ideology, a biographical subject Foster was approached to portray in some film a while back. Today's totalitarian ideologies are ones of total success, maximized profits, corporate executive compensations, and plundered retirement accounts, book-cooking, off-shores, etc. And today's image makers must convince the public that the wealthy are victims of the poor, disadvantaged, and disenfranchised. So this film twists and distorts perspectives to achieve that end, it uses a human shield under duress (a child with an infirmity) for moral decoy. Image makers have changed costumes through history, capitulating to whatever currents secured elite advantages. Does art imitate life or life imitate art...I don't think that question is well posed. One can't tell which is rehearsal or walking into the role of a lifetime, for real. Who are the mannequins, and who are the masqueraders? It is interesting that Fincher's other movie Fight Club uses that soap from human fat thing, reminiscent of Nazi attrocities--if not borrowed from them (skinhead?) Do our tax dollars funnel into propoganda Inc? Do we literally get double billed to be insulted and marginalized, even dehumanized, psychologically abused through this media mental cruelty, by a cynical patrician media aristocracy? By her equivocal neutrality, industry abetment, directly addressing the American public on national cable television, only to condescend to us, guage our intelligence and credulity with, what I think is fair to say--a perceptible degree of ingenue snobbery--I can't help but reply to her (Jodie Foster): Madame, "Let them eat cake."? "LIBERTY EQUALITY PATRIOTISM"
Rating:  Summary: A Miss Review: Great concept for a film. But, executed poorly. Fincher is great director who couldn't seem to get this one off the ground. Plus, did anyone who worked on this film, look at the dailies? Jared Leto was embarrasing with his overacting. A true B-movie performance. I wasn't surprised when his character was killed off. Weak. I look forward to Fincher's next film.
Rating:  Summary: This is what I call suspense! Review: Panic Room is a movie that you will know if you are going to like based on the opening credits alone: Howard Shore's sets the tone through his awesome score, and David Fincher sets the visuals as well that you're either completely going to love this movie, or wonder why something so [poopy] simple was made. The story and characters are very straight forward, but any viewer should know what they are getting into based on the movie's title alone. Like Hitchcock, Fincher takes a minimilist idea and blows it out of the water: the movie's entire setting is confined in one house, but what the director visually creates the most beautiful intensity that has what Fincher has established as a director style. This is a movie that will speak to anyone who appericates natural lighting cinematography and direction with excellent performances from everyone, including the kid(who succesfully walked the fine line of being a brat type character, but one you still didn't want to die). Many people who didn't like The Game complained about its ending, and they probably certainly will on Panic Room.... as for me, I loved the anticlimaxtic ending, and thought it fit the tone of the movie perfectly.
Rating:  Summary: good suspense-thriller Review: i saw oanic room last night. i am not gong to lie to y'all, i was looking forward for it because i love jodie foster. i have to say that she did it again. the movie itself is simple, but require great acting. of course, jodie and forrest whitaker managed to carry out the whole movie. it is a good suspense thriller. well acted, well directed.
Rating:  Summary: Fincher rocks! Review: It's great to see Foster in the movies again, I wish she made more films, she is so intelligent and full of intensity, always wonderful. I was very impressed with Forest Whitaker and Jared Leto. The two of them are driven by different things and it works very well here. Don't see this movie if you are a fraidy cat, you have been warned!!!
Rating:  Summary: Do Panic! Review: Panic Room is the best thriller I have seen in years with this much style and energy. Jodie Foster is believable as the divorced Mom. I widh dhe did more like this because you hardly see Jodie Foster in movies anymore, but this is a triumph for Foster! Director, David Fincher(Se7en, Fight Club)has much for an eye of capturing his actors and his style of the movie. I'm giving it a bonus, because it is very rare when the main character doesn't anything stupid! huray. The film is geniously suspensfull. It always is true to what it is never anything else. I loved Panic Room and I can garantee that you will have a good time seeing it.
Rating:  Summary: It's called a Panic Room...it tooked 3 months to design... Review: In her first starring role since 1999's Anna and the King, Jodie Foster is simply wonderful as Meg Altman in this one heck of a thriller movie, PANIC ROOM! In this film there is little time to establish any since of normality, until the actionbreaks with a tag-team of three robbers breaking into Meg's new four story 4, 200sq foot NYC brownstone. Meg, of course immedently wakes her daughter and they run to the Panic Room, a fortified fortress, within her castle of a home! From her station in the Panic Room, Meg, though the use of cameras comissions a standoff with the robbers, them all the time trying to get into the Panic Room, with Meg trying all the time to contact the outside world to help her get out of the Panic Room. This makes for some very interesting situations when you inject a diabetic daughter, a caring ex-husband, dazzling visual effects, a fearless robber, a money-hungery robber and another with a heart of gold! This is a film not to be missed! Jodie is just fabulous yet again!