Rating:  Summary: In response to review by jem-aja Review: You, my friend, are a complete idiot. The first 2 Godfather movies are masterpieces. Hmmm, day dreaming in cinema class...if you are thinking about pursuing a career in film, may I suggest another choice for your life's work?
Rating:  Summary: The Godfather collection is the worst!! Review: As you can tell from my other reviews, I usually give great reviews. But these movies deserve ZERO STARS!! The Godfather films ... big time. I day dreamed during the first two. I didn't watch the third one. I only watched the first two because of Cinema class I had my senior year during high school. Don't waste your time on this piece of garbage. It's not worth it. I would not recomend watching this movie even if it was for free. Find another movie to watch you will be glad that you did. The Godfather ... big time. I did not find any enjoyment out of the first two movies, except for when they were over. I wanted to jump up and down when they were over. I have seen tons of movies and there are only three movies that I do not like. I don't like the first two Godfather movies, and a horror movie that I can't remember the name of. In other words stay as far away as you can from the Godfather movies. You will be glad that you did.
Rating:  Summary: Now we are waitting for the IV Review: Well what can I say about this movies, nothing but great and lots of persons already have to say something about them. So I only want to say Where's the fourth part, I heard that Coppola killed Michael when he was a really old man so he can make a new film with the new Godfather, Andy Garcia. Please us the fans really want this film been made.
Rating:  Summary: THE GODFATHER is God Review: The mafia. If you ever did business with one of these people, you would either wind up dead or with much less money in your pocket. These people would not make ideal friends, but one thing remains for sure: the mafia is freakin' cool. From Hollywood's colorless beginning, filmmakers have been fascinated with the idea of a private organization capable of running the entire government. Films like "Public Enemy" defined the genre, and ever since, filmmakers have strived to capture this dangerous yet intriguing lifestyle. "The Godfather," a film by Francis Ford Coppola, is undisputedly the best mafia film. In fact, movie fans have voted this 1972 film their #1 movie of all time on imdb.com. Why is this movie so great? First of all; it's just darn good filmmaking. It captures 1930's New York in such a superb fashion that it might as well been filmed in that era. The script, written by Coppola and Mario Puzo (who also wrote the book), is wonderful. Coppola also perfects the art of directing with this film. The cast; oh the cast! Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, Diane Keaton, Robert Duvall, and James Cann are all in this one film, who could ask for more? (If you were to want more, however, you will be glad to know that Robert DeNiro plays a key role in Part II). This is possibly the most talented group of actors ever assembled in a film, and it shows. Their own identity is washed completely away when they are on screen. The acting is just that good. Even if all the above elements were in place, "The Godfather" would only be a sub-par movie if it wasn't for a great story. And hot-diggity-dog, is it a great story. This movie does not create a genre; it expands and perfects one. Unlike many mob movies, the characters in "The Godfather" are not 2-dimensional. Although they are not of the nicest of people, they are still human. In the Corleone family, around which the film is centered, family values are very important. This is hypocritical, for the adults in the family make their living by invoking fear and death in their community. This impossible balance between morality and greed is very real in "The Godfather." Throughout the film, its characters are in constant internal battle to try to retain some sort of moral ground. This internal battle is mixed with the external battle of the mob world, and its results provide film lovers with an unbelievably powerful movie. There is also a form of this wonderful story in paper and ink. Although "The Godfather," the book was the basis for the film, the film is the full realization of the story of the Corleone family. Puzo, the author, not only helped write the screenplay for "The Godfather," but also for "The Godfather Part II" and "The Godfather Part III." These films provide a full scope of the rise and fall of a powerful mob family, whereas the book only gives a glimpse. Is "The Godfather" worth seeing? Without a doubt. In fact, it's worth buying and possibly even memorizing. Its successors, especially "The Godfather Part II," contain an awe-inspiring greatness that will not be found in many, if any, other films. The "Godfather" films should not be missed by any human being. They are simply that great.
Rating:  Summary: Do you really need to read a review?!?! Review: Some of the best pieces of cinema ever made. Buy this, no collection is complete without it! Are you still reading this and not buying it?! BUY THIS SET!
Rating:  Summary: A Must Review: According to Bruce Reid, "...our very own Shakespearean cycle..." This is very fitting and appropriate. The Godfather films [yes, including Part III] are in a class with Euripides, Shakespeare, Goethe...Regarding the DVD collection, the films look and sound remarkable. The chapters are well divided, the menus are elegant and usable, the 4th [extra material] disc is indispensable. What struck me as fascinating was how integral last minute script rewrites factored into these films. One would think that every detail had been agonized over, every symbol considered and weighed. Not so, many details were accidents or capricious anomalies that came together at the last moment. For instance, in Part II, it's interesting to note that Brando was supposed to appear as the elder Vito just prior to Michael joining the army in WWII [when not flashing back to Deniro as Vito or forward to Michael's reign] but literally didn't show up to the filming, so the scene was rewritten to have Vito off-camera. This type of thing always seemed so purposeful, but rather, is an example of how great creative endeavors tend to develop a life and mind of their own. I really enjoyed the genealogical tree that showed all the birth/death dates of the Corleone family. You can click on each name and it takes you to a summary page for each character. I can honestly say that after watching these films countless times for twenty years, I really didn't fully understand all the in's and out's of the Godfather trilogy until I owned the DVD collection. 5/5
Rating:  Summary: I've seen better transfer from movies much older than this Review: I rate this DVD collection with a 3-star, and not the movies in the collection. I'd give the movies a 3 1/2 stars... I don't find them as great as everyone else. This is kind of like people that enjoy Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey... that was horrible, but somehow people seem to accord it this great deference. The Godfather stories are pretty decent and the acting is great, but come one, I had a hard time understanding some of the lines, especially Marlon Brando and his wheezy, smoky voice (or however you described his performance). As for the transfer, I've seen much much better from older films. The Godfather was very dark, full of noise and the color was off. Want a look at a great transfer from an old film? Try My Fair Lady... seriously, I'm a little disappointed.
Rating:  Summary: Godfather praise Review: In my opinion, one of the most intellegent and thought provoking movies ever made.
Rating:  Summary: All Godfather, all night long Review: This set is a dream come true for Godfather fans. It has all the films, extra footage, and interviews. I would have given the set a 5 star rating but for some reason, there's lots of extra footage that you see in the "Godfather Saga" that was made for TV that is not included in the set. (Yes, I know, even though the write-up says the extra footage is included, any hardcore fan that knows every scene of the saga will easily identify that much of the extra footage for the "Godfather Saga" made for TV, is not there.) Why? Some of that footage is excellent and really fills in lots of scenes that were too brief. If I could buy the "Godfather Saga" on DVD (or on VHS for that matter) I would but for now, this is the best they got.