Rating:  Summary: ATTENTION SPAN Review: It's too bad more people don't have the attention span to sit and watch great films like this; we deserve more films that tell complete stories rather than few events.
Rating:  Summary: Director's Cut? Maybe...maybe not. Review: The 224+ minute versions of this film truly show just how much of a masterpiece this movie is. No review really does justice to the brilliance of Leone's masterwork. But note that there are a number of variations of this film with running times in and around this length. Forget the hack job that was the 139-minute version; the nearly four-hour long versions are far truer to the original Leone vision, which indeed was a considerable one to fathom. While this new DVD release is supposedly a faithful reproduction of the brilliant Cannes version (which has been available on DVD--even with Region I compatibility--in other parts of the world for years; it is different than the long version shown in the original U.S. theatrical release and in the original VHS release, where several "objectional" scenes from the Cannes were edited out), Leone supposedly added back in even MORE scenes for the version that was aired on Italian television. Searches on the web give a number of different running times, but it seems safe to say that the running time of this Italian version was well over 4 hrs, and probably the most quintessential version of all.A great movie that any connoisseur of excellence in filmmaking MUST OWN, let alone see; that there is no doubt. But this being the Director's Cut, especially since the director has passed on, and can't say so for himself? Marketing people being overzealous once again is more like it, as is the fact that the studio execs are finally correcting for the lack of an official DVD version for the U.S.
Rating:  Summary: Brilliant, Long, Confusing to a point.... Review: I recently was going through my old VHS tapes that I had recorded off TV and I found this movie. I remember taping it a few years back but I never got around to watching it. I had never really heard anything about it even though I was a huge Robert DeNiro fan and I liked gangster movies. So tonight I put it in and hoped I had the 4 hour long version everyone recommends to see. Well I did and after viewing the movie I am left with many diverse feelings. DeNiro and the other actors are first rate. The actors playing the young hoods are also very good. Leone's directing style though is not for everyone. I found myself wanting to fast forward through certain parts of the movie. The movie moves around a lot but is easy to follow. The only thing I am left with is questions about the ending. I won't get into what I think to save it for people who haven't perhaps seen it yet. I do feel the script is lacking. DeNiro usually chews up scenes but has little to work with here as far as lines are concerned. Some characters are underwritten and some seem to have no purpose to the film. If you are a fan of DeNiro's and haven't checked this out, do so. Even a fan of the genre it's worth it. Others I advise to steer clear. Once Upon a Time in America is a good film, not a great one.
Rating:  Summary: One of the Best Review: Once Upon a Time in América is undoubtfully one of the best movies ever made. The plot is original, the characteres and the actors just perfect, the photography outstanding. You have to see it at least twice to get all the details.
Rating:  Summary: Bloated and boring melodrama Review: That's why this movie bombed in 1984 and whether you watch the 139min version or the director's cut, it can't make up for the poor script or storyline. Leone masterfully recreates New York in the 1910s and '30s, but then insists on labouring absolutely every scene, while irritating us with ringing telephones, clinking teaspoons or Morricone's morbid soundtrack. The storyline is weak, with the tedious "Our Gang"-like sequence showing the young hoods, the Bonnie & Clyde-like 30's mobster sequences and then the wholly implausible '60s finale. The script is poor and doesn't contain a single memorable line. The acting is ordinary, with most of the cast seemingly sleep-walking through their parts, De Niro and Pesci are wasted (Goodfellas this is not), while Elisabeth McGovern seems unable to even open her mouth to speak. This movie cannot be compared in any way to The Godfather (or even Godfather III!). I regret wasting my time and money on this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Masterpeace Review: A great film with great actors from a wizard director. The last masterpeace about amirica in an european vision...buy it!
Rating:  Summary: One Of The Best Films Of All Time Review: Sergio Leone is the master of protracted silences. Anyone not familiar with this, check out the "Man With No Name" trilogy and his western masterpiece "Once Upon A Time In The West". Because Leone's primary language was Italian but he wanted his films to be seen in English speaking countries (namely the USA), he chose to tell his stories with few words. Once Upon A Time In America is no exception. Leone chooses to show us images that tell a complete story, rather than have the whole story explianed through dialogue. In fact, in one classic moment, Robert DenIro's character appears after a decades long self imposed exile from New York. As he prepares to go to sleep, his friend asks him, "what have you been doing all these years?" DeNiro's answer is simple: "Been going to bed early." The plot of Once Upon A Time In America is both simple and complex. The story of Jewish boys from turn-of-the-20th century New York growing up in the streets and eventually becoming titans of organized crime. Yet, the time periods jump from their childhood, to the roaring twenties, to the pre-war depression era to the late 60's/early 70's and back again without any warning or hesitation. If you are steeped in the music and styles of these periods, you will follow the timeline with ease. Robert DeNiro stars as "Noodles" a kid from the streets who meets his con-artist match in Max (who will grow up to be James Woods). Together they gain entrance to organzied crime by helping local smugglers. However, Noodles has one weakness, he's smitten with a neighborhood girl (played as a child by a very young Jennifer Connelly and as an adult by Elizabeth McGovern). He makes it clear early on that his devotions are divided between his friends and this beautiful girl, a pattern that will ultimately be his undoing. After doing a stint in jail for manslaughter (the comitting of this crime is easily one of the most heartwrenching moments in cinema history), Noodles emerges to discover his pals at the heart of the illegal alcohol trade. They're filty rich, and Noodles is an equal partner. However, with Noodles in prison, Max has emerged as the new "leader" of the gang and his ego has begun to spin out of control. With Noodles being the more conservative and intellectual one, this causes a rift in the gang that will span the rest of their lives. This film, in my opinion, is the ultimate tale of friendship, loyalty and betrayal. It's a love story that pits DeNiro in the middle of an impossible choice that he must make. His final decision is haunting. Fans of James Woods will not be disappointed. This was the first film I ever saw him in and I have been obsessed with his work ever since.
Rating:  Summary: A crime drama worth seeing Review: With the majority of the people here rating this film 5 stars, I have to agree with them. Sergio Leone has triumphed with this masterpiece. If you are a fan of great movies and great acting, this movie is worth seeing even if it is about 4 hours long. All your emotions will come to life as you view the story of poor Jewish immigrant boys who grow up to be powerful gangsters in New York. This is truly one of the most beautiful films ever made in its genre and finally a DVD version will be released soon!
Rating:  Summary: Can't Wait for the DVD Review: I have been waiting for the release of this film on DVD since I bought my DVD player in January, 2002. This movie is a masterpiece. It never got the recognition it truly deserved, as the American distributor chopped the movie in half. Restored to its original length, the movie is a work of art. The music is fantastic and the acting is great. The movie is a tragedy of epic proportions. It's aboutlost love, lost friendship, and the regrets that a man must bear for stabbing his life long friends in the back in a desperate attempt to save them. Jennifer Connelly also makes an appearence, early in the film.
Rating:  Summary: The best mafia movie of all time... Review: There are only one thing to say about this movie, and that is that nothing can compare to it...