Rating:  Summary: My favorite movie, EVER Review: I'm not one to go for the hype of a movie, so it was to my great suprise how much I LOVED this movie. I never saw it in the theatre, but rented it one day. I started watching it and it took awhile, but it grabbed me, and did not let go for the entire movie. Nicole Kidman is wonderful, and a very good singer. Her acting in this movie is as good as any Oscar winning performance I have ever seen. I hope my husband doesn't see this, but I am so in love with Ewan McGregor now it's a little silly. He also is great in this movie and is so attractive and sexy, it's a bit unfair. I hope everyone gives this movie a chance! P.S. Baz Lurhmann was truely robbed by not being nominated for this film
Rating:  Summary: Slightly Weird but a Great Movie Review: I loved Moulin Rouge! it has a great plotline. Christian a writer goes to France to well...write. There he agrees to write the script for a play Spetacular Spectacular. They play is going to be preformed at the Moulin Rouge. There he meets Satine, The Sparklind Diamond of the Moulin rouge. They fall in love but hve to hide it because she is the star of the Moulin Rouge and the Duke, blackmails Harold, the owner to sign an agreement so literally he "oens Satine. The movie has a lot of great music and dancing. It certaintly deserved all the awards it got! It was kind of weird at times (like when Christian and his friends get drunk so they see a fairy) but it was honestly great!
Rating:  Summary: The Academy Award Committee Got It Half Right Review: The usual gripe -- how can the nominating committee give a film the nod as best picture and fail to nominate the director in that category? -- is a topic of current debate regarding Moulin Rouge and Lurhmann. It is an outrage, but not the outrage most reviewers think it is. The nominating committee was half right. It neglected to nominate Luhrmann; it ought also to have given the film a pass.Luhrmann is, it seems to me, the Cecil B. Demille of the current batch of MTV-inspired directors and his gimmicky film is as likely to be well-regarded twenty-thirty years hense as are the over-blown Demille creations. Both made films that are vastly overstated, under-acted and over-rated. Finally, while I'm a Nicole Kidman fan, if she deserved a nomination as best actress, it ought to have come for her performance in the better -- by far -- Other film she made last year.
Rating:  Summary: My favorite movie, forever. Review: Come what may, I will love this movie until my dying day! Ewan McGregor's portrayal of Christian, the innocent, ardent, naive, enraptured, penniless poet is the absolute embodiment of romance. I've never seen romantic love portrayed more truly, giddily, and heartbreakingly. Christian is the sledgehammer of love that every romantic wants to be clobbered over the head with. The emotional impact of this story is increased by the cumulative effect of all the songs and other movies it references. I've seen this movie eighteen times now and if I could inject it directly in a vein I would. There's no doubt that this movie seems to be a love it or hate it experience for people. It wasn't until the second time I saw it that it really made into a convert. If when I was fourteen years old I had made a collage of all my favorite songs and favorite bits of movies then gone to bed and had a fever dream about them, it could have been something like "Moulin Rouge". Only Baz Luhrmann did it better than I ever could. This movie made me remember what it was like to be young and madly in love and for that I will love "Moulin Rouge" forever.
Rating:  Summary: The most devastatingly, inspired, brilliant movie ever made Review: I was immediately captured from the opening curtain parting showing the old 20th Century Fox logo to the final credits and their inspirational ending with what the film was about -- especially love. Inspirational, brilliant, awe-inspiring-- I cannot find yet the right adjectives to bring this film to its highest praise. I watched it again after the first time and if I didn't have to get dinner done I'd have watched it a third time immediately. I cannot understand others being so perfunctory in their disdain about this film. To have watched only ten minutes and than given up is obscene. And it is doubly obscene to write a review about something you haven't seen in its entirety. Kidman is phenomenal as are all the others in the cast. Maybe the reviewers who disliked it so are too young to remember being a part of the bohemian life long ago. I spent my teens and 20's in the village and the Left Bank in Paris at Deux Magots and the Sorbonne drinking wine, pernoud, reading poetry and enveloping the beauty of art around me. But that can't be. I know a wonderful young lady who loved this movie. Amber is from Memphis, TN, and I'm proud of her for having the insight that all these others don't. Her heart must be at Deux Magots listening to poetry. People--see this movie again and again until you finally understand what it's all about. If you don't you will be missing one of life's wonders and you will be all the less for it. Don't cheat yourselves out of being loved in return.
Rating:  Summary: Spectacular! Spectacular! Review: This movie, winner of the 2001 Golden Globe for Best Actress, Best FILM and many other things, has to be the most amazing movie rleased in the previous year. The use of colour, light, music, motifs and technology knock all other films out of water. I can't understand why people don't like this movie. Kidman and McGregor have such beautiful chemistry on screen that it makes it complelety believable. I can hardly describe it in words. If you like FILM ( not chick-flicky escapist "movies" ) then you WILL love Moulin Rouge.
Rating:  Summary: Moulin Rouge, the Modern Musical Review: Moulin Rouge is a highly entertaining film filled with music, comedy, romance, suspense and heartbreak. The movie will captivate you and you'll be singing the songs for days. I was so impressed with Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGreggor for their superb acting and singing abilites. The movie truly is the modern day musical but don't let that scare you... many of the songs are taken from well know artists and you'll be rolling on the floor with laughter. I highly encourage everyone to see this fresh and creative movie.
Rating:  Summary: Unfortunately one star is the lowest I can go. Review: There was one major problem about this movie. It left me with one important unanswered question, "What the hell did I just watch!?" This is one of the most disturbing movies of all time yet everyone seems to love it. I wonder how much in royalties the creators had to pay to use all those songs they "borrowed". They combine Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit", Lady Marmalade, the Can Can song, and some hideous rap song to create the most disturbing and freakish opening musical number ever. I was severely disappointed in this "Oscar Worthy" film. To end on a better note Ewan McGregor was the only thing that made this film worthy of the manditory One-Star. AVOID THIS MOVIE AT ALL COSTS!!!
Rating:  Summary: Fresh, Original and Exciting!! Review: A refreshing break from tiresome regular trends Hollywood continues to vomit forth! A vibrent colorfull extravaganza making use of film as a true artform. Not simply "realism" for the sake of believability... dreamlike, otherworldly and fun. The music is all an exciting choice because it is contemperary and the date of the film is turn of the century making the whole experience even more surreaul! Beautifuly performed by Nicole and Ewen especially; proving they can sing as well as act. And it is such a treat to see Nicole Kidman finally come into her own this past year with so many fine, fine films. The Others is also one not to miss. Clearly however, this film is not for everyone. Some people really do need blatent reality to find a story believable and dried up washclothes like Kevin Costner or Julie Roberts as stars. Pity. But if you like a turn of originality, unpredictability, and high visual stimulei, you will most certainly Love Moulin Rouge as so many people do!
Rating:  Summary: After all is said and done, I'm simply not a Baz fan. Review: I realize this film is a pop culture phenomenon, and it will undoubtedly be remembered as one of the few immediate cult-classics in film history. I am aware of the fact that Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor are not only two of the most gorgeous people in the acting biz, but also two of the most talented. And I am also willing to admit that this is an amazingly creative venture, full of original ideas from the ringmaster and so-called genius Baz Luhrman. But at the end of the day, I could not bring myself to love this film. I wanted to -- oh so badly I wanted to! -- but it's just not for me. The over-produced effects, the banal story (if anything, you must give me that one!), the horrible cinematography (my opinion, folks, my humble opinion), and the general feeling of overly romantic, lovey-dubbie sentiments. Again, that's just me and my cynicism talking. But with the glorious setting in early 20th-century Paris and the intoxicating soundtrack (for the ones who are willing to forgive its idiosyncracies and listen to Ewan's superb voice), I can understand why anyone would love this.