Rating:  Summary: A movie that asks, "What do you want in a movie?" Review: Original and challenging, it deserves repeated viewing. As Kidman herself recognised, it's not for everyone, so why does every malcontent with a grievance insist on (unhelpfully) telling us how they failed to join in the fun and did little more than regret the emptying of their popcorn containers half way through? It may not be entirely successful, but bloody hell, I'd rather spend my money on something that took a real risk in this world of the generic and in the case of this movie wore its heart on its sleeve and recognised that a story about the past produced at the turn of the next millenium was going to be influenced by the culture (and pop-culture) of its own era. What's more, the Like a Virgin sequence, among others for that matter, is absolute inspired lunacy! For a moment I didn't know whether to be repulsed or to laugh. I chose the latter - but at least I was given the choice. And there are so many moments when the serious is juxtaposed or even expressed with apparent sincerity through material that seems curiously at odds with the seriousness of the drama. While the story line may be simplistic, no denial there, the role that the audience is meant to play in this piece is a complex and finally gratifying one. Thanks Baz for suggesting that as a film goer I do have something to bring into the cinema other than my wallet and bags of annoyingly distracting "munchies". We'll be talking about this film long after many other "worthy" efforts have finished their reruns on pay TV. Terrific, would love to see more from this director. In all an honest film that highlights, rather than slyly disguises its artificiality and that of the musical; and of the motion picture for that matter. NB. The DVD extras are the best you'll see anywhere.
Rating:  Summary: About as bad as bad as it gets Review: What amazes me most about this film was that it did so much right. Was it visually stunning? Indeed. Was the acting good? It was great. I didn't believe Nicole Kidman could give such a performance. I still think a stunt-double must have done the acting parts for her. Unfortunately, no amount of polish can make up for the fact that the framework of this film is rotten. The story is completely uninspired. And the songs, well... let's just say I was expecting to hear the cast break out into a Boz Scaggs tune at any time (that's NOT a compliment). It amazes me that anyone could find this film enjoyable, and that is not sarcasm.
Rating:  Summary: Spectacular, Spectacular Review: I can't give this movie enough stars. I actually went in watching it with quite a bit of skepticisim. But once you move past the first ten minutes are so; you are absolutely captivated. The colors, music and love story are wonderfully written, along with the performances of Nicole and Ewen. I watched it a second time the next night and LOVED it even MORE.. The people writing bad reviews, really need an adjustment to the modern day musical and what it means TODAY. If you feel open, love deep and see clearly.. You will fall head over heels for this fantastically stunning musical.. Standing Ovation for all the actors!... BRAVO!
Rating:  Summary: I hated it!!!!!! Review: What is up with everybody saying how great this movie is. I sat in the front row with a friend and we couldnt stand it. It wasnt worth the money we paid to get in, much less our time even. I went to see it because it was getting raving reviews, and she wanted to see it. Well just giving you my review so maybe u can save yourself the time and money. There are so muhc better movies to see. Go see Oceans 11, Bandits or Pearl Harbor.
Rating:  Summary: Give it a chance and you will love it Review: I saw this movie in the theater and on dvd. I have worked in and studied musical theater for years and do not typically enjoy movie musicals, because you can never connect to a tv as you can to seeing something live. During the first few minutes I was a bit overwhelemed by the camera shots but soon was able to get into the story. I recomend seeing this movie twice, the 1st time you have to get use to the visual experience but when you watch it again you can fall in love with the story. This movie is very different and refreshing. The plot is simple but it is visually and emotionally stimulating. Even my husband loved it and his idea of a great movie classic is James Bond or Adam Sandler.
Rating:  Summary: Movie Of The Year Review: Yeah, it deserves a couple of Oscars, but probably won't win any. I hope for it to score a couple of Golden Globes though.
Rating:  Summary: So Beautiful, you'll be tempted to lick the TV screen. Review: Far be it from me to criticize other's taste in film, my own is pretty eclectic. But I really can't figure out some of these reviews. Moulin Rouge is sheer entertainment - exhuberent and lovely. When I saw it in a crowded (sold out)theatre, the audience was so appreciative that they applauded between numbers and gave the film a seven-minute standing ovation at the end. Film is a collaborative art, not only in its production but in its performance. What one sees in the film is, ultimately, what one brings to the film. My only explanation for the few bad reviews, therefore, is that perhaps the video incarnation of Moulin Rouge is somehow a less rich experience than the theatrical performance. Seeing movies in solitude is a great way to study them (left brain activity) but a very poor way to enjoy them (right brain activity). Film critics see movies in solitude - usually in special screenings arranged before the premiere. Film lovers, though, enjoy the electricity and excitement of a shared experience. Love is only love when it is shared. I have never been particularly fond of Nicole Kidman, but she shines here, reminding me of a young, beautiful and talented Ann Margaret. When Kidman moved from "Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend" into "Material Girl" the audience became ecstatic, laughing and applauding the goofy incongruity which, nevertheless, worked. Ewan McGregor's voice quavers a bit on the high notes, but I think it might be intentional -- after all, those notes mark a high point of emotion. The rest of his singing voice is fine and full. Both of them are incredibly beautiful to look at and there is palpable chemistry between them. Yes, the story is thin -- but we're talking "fairy tale" here, not Tolstoy - it IS light, airy, weightless, almost. So was Shakespeare's "Midsummer Night's Dream". It is giddy and sometimes silly, but so is being in love. With the exception of those musicals that moved from stage to screen, few movie musicals have completely original scores. One of the greatest movie musicals, Singing in the Rain, is COMPLETELY a rehash of older material. When talkies began and musicals became popular, Warner Brothers bought a huge catalogue of standards and simply recycled them through most of their movie musicals from the early 30's through the late 50's. Yes, it is a bit disconcerting to hear Elton John and the Beatles (not to mention Madonna) in a turn-of-the-century narrative, but after the initial shock, the fun is infectuous. This is a movie ABOUT love . . . and it is a movie TO love. I love it, and I hope you will too. Valentine's Day is coming up, and Moulin Rouge has my vote for the best "Valentine's Day" choice this year. As I mentioned, Love is only Love when it is shared -- so be sure to share the experience of watching this film with someone you love.
Rating:  Summary: You'll love it, or you'll hate it Review: When I first sat down to watch this movie, nothing could have prepared me for what I was about to experience. There are some parts of the movie that, at first viewing, don't work. The first part of the film, especially the first twenty minutes, are a blur of colors and people. However, the more I watched it, the more I liked it. The chemistry between Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor is fabulous, they're both great in their roles and they're awesome singers. All the supporting actors are great too, especially John Leguizamo, who is virtually unrecognizable in his role. The songs somehow fit in perfectly with the rest of the film and you'll be singing them long after the movie's over. I'm not normally a fan of musicals, but this movie is so addictive, it has become my favorite movie of all time. If there's any justice in the world, this movie will win for best actor/actress, best director, and best picture at the Oscars. My only regret is that I didn't see it in the theater.
Rating:  Summary: Pretty Darned Good Review: Well, it wasn't the best movie of all time, as has already been pointed out. For one thing, the use of "modern" songs in Paris in 1890 (?) is a little jarring... And yet it's pretty funny as well. I'm a sucker for tragedy, so the ending really appealed to me. What really surprised me about the movie, though, were the vocal talents of its stars. I thought that Ewan and Nicole both sang very well for being actors who don't normally sing in movies--especially Ewan.
Rating:  Summary: Outstanding DVD, Phenomenal Fantasy/Musical Review: I think the word missing from many of these reviews is "FANTASY." The film is a musical, yes, but above and beyone that it's a fanciful vision dedicated to the human ideals of beauty, freedom, truth and (most importantly) love. There are plenty of fanciful images: the moon sings opera, green fairies appear, pixie dust swirls around Ewan McGregor and Nicole Kidman as they sing on a floating cloud.... Come on, how can you take this movie seriously enough to hate it so much! And how can you then be so upset when they start singing Madonna... like the film was super-serious until Elton John entered the picture? My advice to anyone who likes theatre or Broadway shows: relax, sit back, and enjoy. The story and music may not be original, but the VISION is certainly worth attention!