Rating:  Summary: You missed the point Review: For all of you that gave "Saving Private Ryan" bad reviews I feel sorry for you because you missed the point. The film was shot in the style with shaking cameras and bad color to help make it seem like you are watching it from a camera that was really there. The story was great the actors played their roles so good that every time one of them died it ripped your heart out. I can't see how it didn't win best picture. For those of you who didn't like it. I think you need to sit down and watch it again. Maybe you will catch the point this time. War is hell and the men who fought and died for you and me are true heros.
Rating:  Summary: Overrated Review: Anyone who seriously believes Saving Private Ryan is the best war movie ever made needs to rent Full Metal Jacket.
Rating:  Summary: Le meilleur en son genre! Review: À ceux qui ont aimé ce film, je recommande fortement d'essayer Braveheart ou Titanic. Ils font tous partie d'un nouveau genre de films qui montrent la réalité sans essayer de l'embellir. Certains peuvent dire qu'ils sont violents, mais moi je considère que ces films contribuent à nous faire prendre conscience de ce qu'était la deuxième guerre mondiale, ce à quoi ressemblait une bataille en 1314, ou encore à quoi peut ressembler un naufrage! Avant de voir Private Ryan, je m'imaginais que le débarquement de Normandie s'était passé relativement bien et que les alliés avaient débarqué sans trop de peine...! La première demi-heure du film m'a vraiement convaincu du contraire! Ce film en est définitivement un à voir!
Rating:  Summary: The best movie ever made. Period. Review: I first saw "Saving Private Ryan" its opening day in the theater that gloomy July day in 1998. I walked out of the movie forever changed and emotionally drained. Never before has a movie evoked such emotions. A powerful masterpiece, Steven Spielberg's "Saving Private Ryan" deserved the Best Picture Oscar that went to "Shakespeare in Love." Everyone should see this film if not for its sheer power, for its message which permeates throughout the entire film effortlessly and subtly. I am of the opinion that those who do not like the film have missed that point and have no compassion for a war that left the world defeated and dehumanized. I really don't think the global community has recovered from the peril caused by the Nazis, Americans, British and Japanese. And hopefully, "Saving Private Ryan's" message will be picked out, passed around and taught so that we, as the human race, can avoid another military conflict as large a scale of that which created large generational gaps in families of all different religions, race and ancestry.
Rating:  Summary: The best movie I have ever seen. Review: This movie was so intense and incredibly realistic. The cast was wonderful. The supporting cast of soldiers was of the great young actors that aren't as well known as others, but are just as fantastic. The opening and closing battle scenes tear your heart out, as well as the scenes of Vin Diesel and Giovanni Ribisi's deaths.
Rating:  Summary: I am proud to be Virginian Review: I read more into the real shocking history of the Omaha Beach battle after seeing the movie. I found out that the men in the first wave of the attack were in the 116th Regiment of the 29th Division. They were almost all Virginians. Boys from my state. People who used to live where I live today. They were the first to hit the beach and the first to die. I don't have any grandparents who landed in Normandy, but I honor those of us who half a century ago gave their lives so we could live ours free. I hope more people will take the time to read more into the history of D-Day after they see the film. I hope the movie will win the state of Virginia some national recognition.
Rating:  Summary: Good, but I found it a bit racist. Review: This movie did indeed depict realistically the sacrifices made for victory on D-Day. Its plot moved me a lot and made me question the decency of orders and the struggle between right and wrong. But I didn't like the way the movie ridiculed German soldiers so much. I understand Spielberg is Jewish and he has personal feelings toward them, but the movie might offend some German audiences who might be watching it.
Rating:  Summary: Good action, Muddle point of View Review: The opening and last scene are great, Tom Hanks is good, but the films pacing is off center, the cinemtography is uneven( colors and visual tones change from scene to scene) The films point of view is never clear, What kind of film was Spielberg making ? A view of war that is strictly combat, a portrait of the soliders ? A political film ? He never onces decides on what he is trying to show so the films becomes increalby uneven by not trying to tell one story but tell many and all are uneven and trite
Rating:  Summary: Thought provoking, heart wrenching Review: This film is the best to come along in a very long time. Spielberg did an outstanding job depicting the tragedies and horrors of war. Many of the youth (and by youth I include Generation X)of today fail to comprehend the true horror of war. As a military member currently serving my 21st year, I find that most of the American public views war as something out of GI Joe comic books - very colorful and remote. This film caused me to stop and rethink my own personal views and wrenched at my heartstrings. The sacrifices made by the few that many may live in freedom is awe inspiring when viewed through the eye of Spielberg's camera. The realism is shocking and sobering. Imagine the horror of seeing someone searching for his amputated limb in real life! This is definitely a flick that should be not be missed and certainly one that should be purchased for future viewing.
Rating:  Summary: Good but too long Review: I really wish people would stop making these rediculously long movies. What happened to the 90 or 100 minute movies that you could watch over and over again without having to take a vacation to do it? I thought the action scenes were some of the best ever made but that is all. It was too long. I don't think I could sit through it again. It could have been just as good a movie if they would have shortened it 40 or 50 minutes.