Rating:  Summary: A Beautiful Film Review: Benigni gives an outstanding performance in the World War II story. Anyone who thinks Benigni is just a comedic actor will find themselves surprised by his touching portrayal as a loving father devoted to his family during the Holocast. Do not be deceived by reviews that say this film is a comedy/drama. This film is very dramatic and serious. The comedic touches come in when Benigni's character does everything in his power to shield his young son from the horrid situation around them. Watch Benigni's face during this film, and you will see one of the best acting performances of our generation.
Rating:  Summary: A movie of indescribable perfection Review: If Hollywood had made this movie, it would have been a much poorer film, a cliché of rampaging Nazis and crying children. Roberto Benigni is flawless in his acting and direction here. The story told is one of beauty and hope amid misery and pain. For bumbling waiter Guido, every day is like a box of joy yet to be opened. He wins his girl with his irrepressible optimism and their family is complete with a little boy. But not happily ever after, because the Nazis have a different idea for Jewish people.Guido's family must relocate to a concentration camp. Once there, he carries on an elaborate deception for his little boy, pretending the entire episode is a game they must win. Benigni does play on our emotions, but in a gentle way that never feels like manipulation. He lets us feel the characters' joy, fear, humor, and pain so subtly, you feel as if a story is being told to you, not watching a movie. I had never before seen a foreign film, but I saw this one twice and bought the tape. You will laugh, you will cry, you will come away enriched.
Rating:  Summary: At first I liked it very much, but I won't buy the tape/DVD Review: Italian is my mother tongue, so I watched the movie without dubbing, at the cinema. I enjoyed the first part, which is full of gags and magic. Benigni really shines here, and I don't know for the dubbed version, but if you do understand Italian, and you don't laugh your jaws off, you better go visit a doctor. My wife doesn't speak Italian, but she enjoyed it, too. However, then the second part of the movie begun, when Benigni and his family is brought to the concentration camp. Even though there were hints to the holocoust in the first part already, the magic, the unbeliavable events created by Benigni, made those hints less painful. In the second part, however, we understand that the magic is over. I was still carried over and laughed, like with some inertia, but I noticed that I was uneasy. Suddenly, the magic Benigni tries to create is hard to accept and digest. Probably because I know too much about the concentration camps, I had a conflict in my head. This conflict wasn't clear to me while I watched the movie, I just felt uneasy and thought that the problem was with the gags. Later, much later I realized that it's the magnitude of the inconsistency between the movie and the very sad reality, that made me feel that way. In the end: I am not at all sorry for watching the movie, and I would encourage everyone to do so, but do your due diligence and learn a little about how was it really, learn a little bit about the history of the holocoust and the concentration camps. One last work, about the actors: nothing short of brilliant can describe Roberto Benigni's acting, to which I got used to from his other movies and theatrical performances. His wife and son, though, left a lot to be desired, and were probably the weakest side of the movie. As I said in the title, I enjoyed watching it, but this is not the Benigni movie I will want to watch again.
Rating:  Summary: A rare gem - and a very nearly great dvd Review: Every so often, a movie will come along - a movie so sincere and incredible touching - that one can not help to describe it as anything BUT beautiful. This is such a movie. It is quite possibly the single most heart-warming film I have ever had the absolute pleasure to watch. Bar none. Roberto Benigni's direction is something to stand to in awe. Movies are simply no longer made with such charm anymore. His acting is impeccable and absolutely suited to this story. Not only one of the greatest foreign films in as many years as I can recall - but arguably one of the greatest FILMS ever. The price tag for the dvd is not excessive when you take into account the quality of the transfer. I can honestly say that the video quality of this disc is simply the greatest I have ever seen. This came as quite a surprise considering the nature of the movie. However, what is one of the most puzzling aspects of this dvd - is the lack of an anamorphic transfer. Its incredibly obvious that care and effort went into this marvellous dvd transfer... and I have to wonder why the decision was made to not make the dvd anamorphic. I kid you not when I say that this really had the potential of being one of the greatest dvds ever... and quite possible THE best looking dvd ever. It baffles the mind that this oppurtinity was lost due to the lack of far superior anamorphic video. Its still well worth the purchase simply for the movie - but this is just one of those movies that DESERVES to be anamorphic. Studios - PLEASE revist this one???
Rating:  Summary: one of the best films in years Review: the first time i saw this movie i had no idea what to expect. when the movie was over, i was blown away. roberto benigni just stole my heart. it was the first movie in over 15 years that moved me like it did. i highly recomend this movie to every one.
Rating:  Summary: : ) Review: Nazis not so funny When up against the clowning, Crazy Benigni
Rating:  Summary: Great movie! Review: I loved this movie. It's very touching. The first time I heard about it was from a friend who said it was a holocaust comedy. When she said that I thought "Holocust comedy?" I watched it with her and loved it. It doesn't concentrate on the gory stuff in the holocust but a father's love for his son who can make life beautiful for him even in the worst of times. I highly recomend this movie. Get the dub or sub, it doesn't matter. i have seen both versions and in the dub, the Italine actors voice over in english so you still here Guido's voice so you don't have to worry about bad voice actors. I guess English is a second lauguage in Italy.
Rating:  Summary: Beautiful Review: Life is Beautiful is a true masterpiece. Roberto Benigni did a great job on this film and this work will be remembered for years to come. Benigni's character is an Italian-Jew, and he is sent to a Concentration Camp with his son. His wife decides that she will go to the camp too, even though she is not pure jew and does not have to. Benigni turns the whole Concentration Camp into a game, to insure that his son, Joshua, will survive and will not know the truth about the Nazis making them work. Everyday, Benigni hides Joshua in his bunk so he does't have a risk of being killed in a gas chamber. I don't think it is neccesary to give away any more information on the plot. Life is Beautiful is a great movie that anybody would love to see. This movie has a great story and superb characters. This movie gives a new meaning to the phrase "Life is Beautiful." Watch this movie and enjoy. HAPPY VIEWING!
Rating:  Summary: Simply The Best... Review: If someone were to ask me, "What is one of your favorite movies of all time?" Life if Beautiful would be the first title that rolls off my tongue. No question.
Rating:  Summary: Five Stars, Without A Doubt. Review: I've been reading a few of these reviews, and quite frankly, I've been disappointed with those who despise this wonderful and wholesome film. I think the fact that this film is considered somewhat of a controversy is a misconception -- this is one of the most beautiful and fulfilling films I have ever experienced. I guess some people label this as comedy, but I don't see it as so. Yes, there are moments where you laugh, but this is hardly a piece that can be taken lightly. Perhaps Benigni shouldn't have used the Holocaust as a background for his story as that has seemed to offend many viewers, people who believe that it does not do the horrible historical event justice. Being that I am not (Jewish) I cannot know the extent of this offense...However, I don't believe Benigni's intention was to dishonor the event in any way. Furthermore, this movie is fiction, and is NOT, and has never claimed to be, a movie based on the events of the Holocaust. This film is not about the Holocaust. It is about a beautiful and loving family in adverse times, and the sacrifices parents are willing to make to maintain the innocent mind of their beloved child. This film is an expression of humanity, and survival. Some people I've spoken with expressed their disgust for the film's title, since the ending's tragedy does not seem to fit the meaning of the title. I disagree. The laughter and tears are an equal summation of the title - the beauty of the tragedy is the love that lives on, and that is passed down from one generation to the next. Life is full of ups and downs, and without the downs, we would never know the real extent of our happiness.