Rating:  Summary: A "MUST SEE" movie! Review: I cannot recommend any movie more highly; subtitles and all. The first time I rented this movie, I did so without knowing it had subtitles. Upon beginning to watch it, I was disappointed in the subtitles and thought it was hokey and boring. I stopped it at the bicycle ride and introduction of the wife-to-be and sent it back. Then, when reading about it a second time, I thought I would try it again.I intend to purchase the movie with the subtitles instead of dubbing to keep the integrity and "feel" of it pure. (I believe that adds to the impact, story and message.) You would be doing yourself a disservice by not viewing this movie; especially if you enjoy historical reality and the encouragement toward love, persistence, creativity, courage and the ultimate love of self-sacrifice, which are all portrayed ingeniously in "Life is Beautiful." How the hero won his lady's heart, his at first irritating, but then totally winning personality, his devotion to his son, his instinct and humble genious toward the circumstances of life dished out to him were all richly portrayed, not only by the actor, but the writer as well. A must see movie full of hope for a hurting generation.
Rating:  Summary: Extraordinary Review: "Life Is Beautiful" is the most wonderful and enchanting film I have ever seen. It portrays the Holocaust in such an unusual and emotional way while also leaving the viewer with hope in life and the future. Roberto Benigni is the perfect actor for this movie and his presence contributes immensely to the movie's genuineness. It is a true magnum opus and certainly long awaited after all the "artificial" Hollywood movies have been thrown at us in the past. Finally something heartfelt and refined.
Rating:  Summary: Now Appearing in my Top Five Review: I have never reviewed a movie, and may never again, but I felt like I wouldn't be doing this movie justice if I did not sing its praises. I seldom watch foreign films, because I usually find myself missing too much of the dialogue or the action to fully appreicate the picture, but I guarantee that these are perfectly complimentary in Life is Beautiful and even getting the full benefit of only one aspect of the picture makes it a fabulous experience. Begnigni puts on a stunning performance, his son is played very well, his wife is beautiful and is a wonderful actress as well. At the same time, the bit players, the music, and the scenery make this a beautiful movie to watch and listen to. Aside from that the plot of the movie, the action, and the satire, all make this an excellent triumphant-tradgedy. I really can not say enough about this film, I thought it was fabulous and can not think of any reason ANY other viewer would not appreciate it as well.
Rating:  Summary: FAR better than any Hollywood version of the holocaust! Review: So there I was, looking for a video to rent and this one had a lame title but promised a powerful ending. I rented it. The beginning was almost like a comedy; this realistic-looking (i.e. not a Hollywoodized version of a Jewish person) Jewish fellow was very lighthearted as he creatively courts a very beautiful woman, the kind you're thinking, "This guy? THAT woman? Yeah right, as if THAT could ever happen..." The movie continues; the family winds up in a Nazi Prison Camp but again, the Jewish fellow uses his creativity and wits to keep his young son from knowing the truth by creating an elaborate story about how they're actually in this place willingly, because it's a GAME and they have to play it correctly so they can win first place. The ending - oh god the ending will just blow you away. The review on the back of the video box sure wasn't kidding about THAT part. This movie did far more than "Schindler's List" ever did for me to understand and be moved by what happened to all those families in NAZI Germany -- I felt like I KNEW the psyche of this Jewish fellow, far more than anyone ever gotten inside Schindler's head, anyhow. In fact, I realize I'm still carrying this skinny little Jewish fellow around in my head; that's probably what prompted me to actually write this review...it's been almost two months since I rented the video, and now I'm here to buy it. I wouldn't probably watch it again, but rather I'd keep it sealed in a keepsake box like a cherished item of my lifetime; this movie really MEANS something.
Rating:  Summary: Life is Beautiful is Beautifl Review: This is my all time favorite movie. The message it sends is so uplifting. The tragedy of the Holocaust is taken seriously, while it sends a message of hope! You have got to see this!
Rating:  Summary: The Holocaust as a Coming of Age Adventure Review: "Life is Beautiful" is one of the strangest movies ever made. The first half of the film introduces us to Roberto Benigni's character, the Jewish Italian Guido. Benigni's performance is immediately captivating and the story of his life in fascist Itlay before the war is lighthearted and quite enjoyable. Then the Nazis take over his portion of Italy and Guido and his son end up in a concentration camp. Despite this development, however, the movie's lighthearted tone doesn't change. In fact, Guido shelters his son from the cold reality of what is going on around them. This, of course, is utterly implausible and is the biggest flaw in the film. Though the horrors of the Holocaust are by no means ignored, the unreality of the camp scenes make it difficult to figure out how one is supposed to react to the film. Ultimately, the film is worthwhile to see Benigni's almost magical performance. But in no way should the film be mentioned in the same sentence with "Schindler's List" or be at all taken seriously.
Rating:  Summary: One of the best Review: When I first heard of this movie during the Academy Awards, I was skeptical of the plot because well, how could a person shield such horror from one's child, especially at a time such as the Holocaust? Yet, somehow, this man did. And the reason I feel that it was like that is because it was a relatively short stay. I don't think he could have pulled it off if it were longer. What I love about this movie is that I was touched by it. And each time I see it, I am more touched, and I fall in love with a certain aspect of the film. Despite the fact that I am African American, I can identify with this film, and I give it two thumbs way up!! (Personally, it needs more than five, more like ten)
Rating:  Summary: Life is Beautiful no matter where you are coming from... Review: I personally enjoyed this movie a lot. Benigni is so incredibly smooth that any guy who watches him would probably want to take notes. Benigni's character of Guido is set so far beyond superficial. Throughout the entire movie he kept the same optimistic and charming character despite the background of being placed in a concentration camp. He goes above and beyond the role of "superdad" which makes this movie even more touching. He is a miracle worker who shows you that "Life is Beautiful."
Rating:  Summary: Worst movie I have ever seen--minus 5 stars Review: If you saw Benigni at the Oscars, grandstanding, goofing off, doing more than any WWF wrestler has ever done to attract attention to himself, that would be be a good gauge to see if you will like this movie. If you thought that was acceptible behavior (but would you allow your children to act like that? -NO!)and found it charming, you will like the movie. If you found Benigni's behavior to be altogether deplorable and completely lacking in any humorous content, you will hate this movie. Forget about any other factor - this movie is pure Benigni - the plot, cast, setting, are practically irrelevant to whether you would enjoy the movie. Having said that, the plot in this movie is horrible - Benigni making a game out of being interned in a Nazi concentration camp for his young son to spare him the horrors of the Holocaust. It is so ridiculously implausible that it boggles the mind how people can enjoy his meanderings around the camp without getting caught by the guards. Imagine if the producers of Hogan's Heroes tried to keep everything exactly the same, but make it a heavy drama instead. It just doesn't work. Regardless of what platitudes others have said about the lightness of the human spirit, the originality of the story, the power of love,...... Blech! this movie simply makes a mockery of the Holocaust. It is shameful. Most Americans do not like children acting out and being ridiculous. Most Americans are happy to throw Jerry Lewis to the French and then mock them for their lack of taste. Most Americans switch channels when Carrot Top is the guest on Leno. Most Americans cringe horribly at the thought of putting a needle full of heroin into their own vein. So why are there so many five star reviewers out there?
Rating:  Summary: Enough with the REALISM people! Review: You know, is there anyone else but me who watches movies to escape from reality for two hours, instead of being swallowed by it? True, great dramatic movies like Schindler's List and the sort should be as accurate as possible, but can we really demand so much from a comedy? I found the performances of both the father and the son touching and heartwarming, regardless of the setting, Nazi prison camp or not, realistic or not. The second half of the movie, yes, requires you to suspend your disbelief a bit, but so does Shakespeare. The plot was seamless, well written, and wonderfully acted. I would suggest to anyone who thinks it was below par to try writing or acting their own, and do it better than this. I extend my well-deserved praise to "Life is Beautiful," which truly changed my attitude for days. Clean enough to watch with your parents without cringing, well deserving of it's best Foreign Film Oscar. Watch it, I beg you, and it will change your life.