Rating:  Summary: Keep It Real Review: This Pilates method is amazing and transformative if you practice it properly. Like any physical activity, you probably won't get the best results if you are taught incorrectly. The reason why I love this DVD is because the demonstrators work hard and take the Pilates method seriously. They also have fun. Believe it or not, there aren't any two-piece bathing suit models posing or exercising attractively for the camera. The performers, instead are beautiful (and handsome) in a classic style that transcends short-lived fashion trends.I have been a certified Pilates instructor on the West Coast for many years and previously trained in New York City. This DVD shows real Pilates at its best, and it is completely different than the many new-fangled newly-created types of Pilates. Here, you get your money's worth. If you pay $19.95 for this DVD and get 5 times more material than other DVDs, isn't worth it? If you pay $19.95 and you get the real Pilates, isn't worth it? The $11.95, $$12.95, $13.95, and $14.95 DVDs are less expensive, but you're usually getting one workout, maybe two workouts at the most. And the DVDs that claim more workouts cut them short. This DVD keeps Pilates real.
Rating:  Summary: New to Me Review: Pilates is new to me, but I tried a few classes and I felt my abdominals muscles become stronger. It was good to see a few other men in the Pilates classes. The instructor had a copy of this DVD and recommended it to everyone. I'm glad I bought it because it helps me stay in better shape on a daily basis. The instruction was really good and the people demonstrating Pilates exercises were great.
Rating:  Summary: The Hope Diamond of Pilates DVDs Review: I've been doing Pilates for many decades. In fact, I started at Joseph Pilates' studio in New York City during the 1950s. I took many lessons from the master himself, and many lessons with his very kind and and patient wife, Clara. I think Joseph Pilates would be very happy with the popularity of his method today, yet he would be saddened and discouraged by the many ways people have changed his original work. The biggest difference is that instructors have lost the method's focus upon being a strong and vigorous workout with flowing movement. I have taken mat classes that are so slow and so disconnected in their movement, that I could barely recognize it was Pilates. Also, it seems that a lot of people do not know the real exercises and real exercise orders that Joseph Pilates created. The reason why I like this DVD is that the participants DO NOT change the original Pilates method. It is straight forward with no frills, but it shows brilliantly articulated Pilates method exercises and workouts. I know that all the participants trained with one of Joseph Pilates most dedicated, artful, and renownded instructors, Romana Kryzanowska. With Bob Liekens and Alycea Ungaro on this DVD, you can't go wrong because they are purists. And they have collaborated with the top instructors/practioners in the country. This DVD is the Hope Diamond of Pilates DVDs.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent for Sports Review: I grew up surfing off the coast of Southern California then traveled to different parts of the world to find the best waves. It is really important to practice some kind of body conditioning and do some cross-training to stay in good shape. Someone told be about this DVD, how it was made by professionals who are serious about their work, so I bought it. I bring this DVD everywhere I go because I love how it makes my body feel; it wakes up my body in the morning and it wakes up my mind! I am more strong and flexible as a result. Thank you Classical Pilates!
Rating:  Summary: Infinite Value Review: I have learned a lot about myself and about life through the Pilates method. One thing I know: you must have a good work ethic to gain benefits from the Pilates method. There's an educational value too, which I really enjoy. I have better health, more strength, improved muscle tone, energy levels, memory and concentration. All of this makes me a happier and more confident person. This DVD shows all the best of the Pilates method with sincerity and remarkable expertise. I never heard of Classical Pilates before I bought this DVD, but I certainly know when people are professional and serious about their work. A lot of the Pilates videos available seem to focus on women; they often show models in two piece bathing suits and a workouts that look pretty with no sweating. I was glad to find this DVD. I personally use it to supplement my current exercise routine at the gym. Pilates also helps your everyday activities to simply become more physically and mentally enjoyable. Pilates also helps to improve your skill level in sports. Whether you're looking to improve your posture or your golf game, or whether you want more flexibiltiy or strength, this DVD is for you.
Rating:  Summary: What's a Rep and a Set? Review: This is my first experience with Pilates and the instructions are not clear. I am going to have to email the company to find out what a Set is and how many Reps in a set. Example: Single Leg Stretch 5 - 8 Sets. This doesn't tell you much if you don't know the number of reps in each set. Not worth $20. See [website].
Rating:  Summary: Great Instruction by Bob Review: I am a Pilates instructor who highly recommends this video to my clients. Recently, I had a chance to meet Bob Liekens at the Pilates Method Alliance convention in Colorado. Bob has a kind presence in addition to expert knowledge about the Pilates method. Although the demonstrators are excellent, Bob provides the backbone of Pilates guidance on this video. I can sum up this video by simply saying: listen to Bob, practice the exercies, have fun, and improve your life with the wisdom and spirit of Pilates.
Rating:  Summary: Documenting The Real Thing Review: This DVD is an unapologetic documentary of Joseph Pilates' original mat workout series with superb demonstration of exercises, and expert verbal instruction by Bob Liekens. The workouts move quickly without stopping so that your heart gets pumping and your muscles start working. This is precisely the point: The Pilates method is supposed to be vigorous as you gain familiarity with the exercises. Learning Pilates is sort of like learning a language. You start slowly at first then you pick up the pace then interact with your new 'movement vocabulary.' If you want a slower workout, the "modified basic" routine on this DVD gives you the basics. I recommend this video without reservation, yet you should always try to take Pilates lessons from a certified instructor, so you can glean the full benefits from the method, from this DVD, or from any other DVD. Classical Pilates has the best example of Pilates done well. This DVD shows the full range of exercise levels.
Rating:  Summary: Totally Worth The Price Review: You can buy a lot of Pilates DVDs for $11-$14, but this DVD has more FULL and COMPLETE workouts than any other. I should know, because I am a Pilates enthusiast, and I have purchased over 10 different Pilates DVDs from Amazon before getting this one. Plus, I take Pilates lessons when I can. Other Pilates DVDs tend to have more polished video sets and television game showlike instructors, yet in my bones, I can feel the Classical Pilates folks are for real. I would much rather take a trip back in time to Joseph Pilates' original studio than have a flashy video try to please my modern gym aesthetics and lifestyle. I particularly liked the difference between the pre-basic workout and basic workout; there's a big difference! The instructor on this video said some really cool things that helped me workout more deeply, smoothly, and with more coordination. As I progressed, I enjoyed the precision of the intermediate workout. The demonstrator make Pilates look so beautiful. I can't wait until I can do that.
Rating:  Summary: A Cool DVD Review: I am an exercise enthusiast who loves cross training: swimming, running, biking, tennis, and skiing. I started Pilates about a year ago and it helped every other activity I enjoy. So I bought about five Pilates DVDs from Amazon. Well, I should have gotten Classical Pilates first! These people show what a good challenge Pilates can be, and the verbal instruction is intensely insightful; it's not just someone telling you what to do. The master instructor describes what you should be feeling and thinking about.