Rating:  Summary: The genesis of a fluidic sci-fi maserpiece! Review: I was born in the 60's, sso I was very fortunate to see STAR WARS episodes 4,5 and 6, the first time round, but could never fathom why the trilogy started from episode 4. Episode 1 was, is all that I expected and more!. The storyline is precise and I can see how episodes 2 and 3 will pan out, very easily. The special effects were absolutely amazing, but I feel that the effects undermine the effects on the previous films. Afterall, mankind is supposed to evolve, not decline, technologically speaking. If only it was done properly and Episode 1 was created in 1977, so the technology would have advanced accordingly. All that aside, an outstanding film. Can't wait for Episode 2!.
Rating:  Summary: Oh boy the star wars that could have been Review: I was dissapointed with this movie entirely because of how George Lucas took a well developed series of movies with good stories and everything and turned these new ones into just plain old money makers it just makes me mad that he didnt take the time he took on the last movies with these ones....so many of the books that he himself has approved were so good with such great stories. If he cant write a good story or movie what ever then he should have gotten one of them to write it ..this way the movie would have been better with someone who understood star wars .... I just dont get how someone who started something so great would go and mess it up .... dont get me wrong the last saber battle was great but miniclorines or however you spell it come on the whole point of the force is that it is mystical and that no one really knows why some can use and why others cant...I love stars wars the second one was much better than the first one that is for sure the second one is good but the first one.... well I wouldnt watch that one again I would buy the dvd because of it being star wars and the special features are wonderful very enjoyable ..... I love star wars and I hope the next one just gets even better.
Rating:  Summary: Dissapointing DVD - Lucas should do better Review: I was eagerly waiting for this DVD, expecting a crystal sharp picture and a dynamic Dolby 5.1 EX soundtrack, after all, Lucas delayed the DVD release so that he could personally supervize its production.I was dissapointed....... Picture quality was washed out, and black level was more grey than black. Many scenes exhibited edge enhancement Sound mix was not the best I've heard, and the dialog level was very low compared to the other channels. Probably looks good on a regular TV, but on my 90 inch screen and THX sound system, it was so so. Still enjoyed watching it though. Lets hope the other episodes are an improvement in quality
Rating:  Summary: The biggest dissapointment ever! Review: I was expecting not to like this film alot because I feel Star Wars is maybe the best film of all time. But E-I was worse than I could ever have dreamed. Other than the pod scene nothing in this film was worthy. I was sad for weeks after seeing this film. What a shame.
Rating:  Summary: Highly Disappointing Review: I was expecting this movie to be a wonderful film, however I was quite disappointed when I saw it. The plot and character development was the worst I have seen in a movie of this anticipation. Jake Loyd, the young actor who portrayed Anakin Skywalker, is certainly no Haley Joel Osment. His acting was horribly monotonous. Liam Neeson must have been out of work at the time when he made this movie. An actor of his stature should not have made such a mediocre movie. The only good thing about this movie was the crisp and clear special effects. Save your money.
Rating:  Summary: I have a bad feeling about this! Review: I was extreamly excited when the film was announced. I remembered the first three and was looking forward to this! A big disappointment! George now seems to think that if we wow them with special effects then the story line does not matter. This film proved him wrong. I don't subscribe to the "hey how does technology look better then the first three films" since a great story line will smash a beautiful film. The characters had awsome potential! JarJar the exception of course. I found young Anakin a little too great and thought the emaculate conception idea was a little trite. And I felt the queen seemed to be comming on to Anakin rather then "Aren't you cute" response. The best part of the whole film was the the light saber fight between Darth Maul, Obi-Wan, and Qui-Gon. George gave a great villian and then killed him off! The film failed due to the poor story line. George tried to wow people with the race which was long and looked interesting but he it took away from the story line. I hoped the next installment would recover but it doesnt. The DVD itself has some nice stuff added but unless you are a real fan of the genra, you might avoid it.
Rating:  Summary: What cheesy actors Review: I was looking forward to this movie coming out with great hopes for another classic George Lucas film. That's not what I got. Okay, so the special effects are good, and all the computer animation. But that Jar Jar Binks just ruined it all. Who thought him up? Lucas's kid! He was totally just in there to sell merchindise and was just plain out stupid. The actors in the movie were awful, no one had any expression and Jake Lyod is sooooooo bad. The Jedi Knights and maybe Watto are the only good characters in the movie. Even Natalie Portman sucks, and she is usually good. All those computer animations got kind of old too, don't you think? There is a thing called too much computer graphics. What happened to the old masks and stage props? Lucas went overboard on that. Overall, I guess it's an okay movie. If Lucas had different actors and a better plot it would be much better. But I guess if your a Star Wars fan, you have to take the bad with the good. But if you plan on just checking this movie out to see what it's like, don't. Don't waste your money. Rent the originals or something, but don't rent this.
Rating:  Summary: Well, it is the first part of a trilogy Review: I was not that impressed with this move. Everyone complains about Jar Jar and other very similar things, but I can look past that to some degree. The main problems I saw were the following: The 'force' was interesting as something mysterious but this movie knocked the foundation of my interest right out from under it. This is a movie about Star Wars and some things need to exist without explanation. Everyone in the SW universe grew up with that garbage as part of their fictional character's culture, so they do not need explanations of every little thing. Besides, leaving some things unexplained lets the viewer fill in the gaps with their own imagination - as is the cast in the SW trilogy (before the special editing). The story. Yeah I'm not the first one to mention this, but you need more. Darth Sidious' plot to come to power seems like a - ...I can't believe the cards are falling this way, I better cash in on this!' when it should show that he was behind the scenes in every little aspect. That was a big dissapointment. What is the deal with the 'chosen one' angle? A setup for the obvious 'I don't need you/I'm better than you' conversion to the dark side that is sure to come? In the movie, Anakin comes across as clumsily shooting a missle into the ship to destroy it from the inside out. In the book, there was a little force action motivating him to do it. I like the book better than the 'oops' feel that the movie gave. My rants go on, but I'll just say that I'll probably read episode 2 and decide if I want to watch it.
Rating:  Summary: I hate JarJar Binks Review: I was one of those guys who bought advanced tickets, skipped school to buy them, went to the midnight showing of this movie on a school night, got home at 3am, and all I could remember, besides that awesome light saber fight at the end, was how much I hated JarJar binks. What was George Lucas thinking? That has got to be the worst character in the Star Wars series, even worse than Lando Calrissian. (At least JarJar didn't backstab anyone.) The beginning of the movie started out great. That escape from the viceroy ship was very exciting, but then I realized what a pain JarJar was as soon as they found him. I remember wanting to kill JarJar throughout the entire movie. His animation was horrible, his voice was annoying, and his character was unnecassary. Other than JarJar, I was fully pleased with the film. I thought the acting was great (except for cpt. Panaka) and the effects were far superior to any computer animation ever seen. I can't wait to own this movie, and can't wait even more the next installment.
Rating:  Summary: Don't Buy the PAN and SCAN... Review: I was really excited yesterday to pick up Phantom Menace yesterday but was really disappointed when I watched it last night. Most of the the movie is so "compacted" that you miss part of the action at times that takes place to the left or right from the center of action. Example: When Naboo is invaded, Droid fighters fly past the palace (in the movie). On video, you hear but do not see and the focus on the queen looking out the window is a little jerky. Most reactions from actors on the side are missing as the action unfolds, etc. AVOID THIS VERSION LIKE THE PLAQUE. Lucas couldn't be bothered to put the time into the DVD version that he must have fallen asleep at the wheel on this version. Gee....Thanks, George. Good Movie..Buy the Widescreen (I am, anyne can bid on my "viewed once" copy in Auctions.)