Rating:  Summary: The Unbelievable has become true! Review: I want to start provocative:Every so called Star Wars fan who doesn't like this movie,is NO Star wars fan and hasn't understood anything what Star Wars is actually all about!I am so tired of having to read,people ripping this phenomenal masterpiece apart. You have to bear in mind that this is the beginning of the saga and all the characters are being introduced to the audiece. I love every single movie done by George Lucas.In my opinion,he is the best filmmaker,at least on this planet.This is not just a stupid no brainer like Amargeddon,Independence day and the like. This is a part of a series,a family saga.The biggest project ever attempted in film history!It's awesome,bind-bending,beyond good and evil.It's the jewel under the movies.Everything from story(world-connecting),costumes(the most beautyful in any film),the design(the most ambitious),the sfx(simply staggering-giant-head-expolding-perfect),simply everything is perfect about this film!The people who still don't get it,should try to think and deal with bigger dimensions,to be able to see the whole picture,which is esantially the major problem of mankind.People are soo narrow-minded.Try harder,at least try,not just with this film but always.This way,you can avoid a lot of damage!Thank you! The Dvd is Perfect(relative).The picture is almost flawless and always a pleasure to watch,never anything distracting.The new scenes are awesome!The sound is amazing in every regard.The extras are genius!This is the first Dvd,which satisfies me in every way!Thank you Lucas and Team!You earn my highest respect and gratefulness! In all:This is a must own for every one who considers Star Wars:episode1-the phantom menace to be a great movie.Bye!!
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars Episode I - The Phantom Menace Review: I wanted this to be a good movie just like anybody else, but there were just too many inconsistencies for me to enjoy it.1. What happend to Uncle Owen? In the original Star Wars (Episode IV), Luke is staying with his Uncle Owen. From what we have seen in Episode I, neither Queen Amidala nor Anakin have any siblings; therefore, where does Uncle Owen come from. (Granted this may be solved in the next episode...we shall see.) 2. In the original trilogy, Obi Wan speaks often of how Yoda was his master and trained him in the Jedi ways...now we find out that it was Qui Gon Jinn and not Yoda. Why the sudden change? 3. In the entire trilogy, midi chlorians were never mentioned once. If they exist inside everyone and make up a Jedi, don't you think Yoda would have used this to explain the force to Luke? It would have helped Luke understand the force...but no, they suddenly appear from nowhere. (My brother informs me that they are mentioned in the books, but the books were also written after the trilogy. Why do these things change?) 4. We learn from Episode I that Emperor Palpatine is a Sith...why was this never mentioned in the trilogy? It seems important to mention as to why he can shoot electricity from his finger tips...and yet it was never stated in the original trilogy. These are a few of the inconsistencies I have noticed. In addition to this, there are many problems that I have with the movie itself. There wasn't much chemistry between the actors. In the trilogy, we fall in love with Han, Luke, Leia, and Chewey. It is obvious that they care about each other and they fight for each other. In Episode I, we don't have this. The comedy was also very weak. In the trilogy, there were times when we laughed at all four of the main characters. In Episode I, Jar Jar Binks seems to be the only comic relief and to me his jokes seem to be a little childish and immature. Also, what lessons do we learn from Episode I? "There's always a bigger fish." In the trilogy, we heard all of Yoda's words of wisdom and learned to look to ourself and not just wish for things to happen. This was completely lacking from Episode I. This amazingly is only a shortened list of the many things I have found to be lacking from Episode I. Hopefully, Episodes II and III will bring everything back up to par...but i'm doubtful at this time. The special effects were amazing, but they can't make up for the lack of plot. I thought Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor, and Natalie Portman did a wonderful job...and they are the only thing that is saving this movie. If you haven't seen it, it's worth watching once, but don't get caught on all the hype...be objective...it's not that good.
Rating:  Summary: The movie kept growing on me Review: I was 12 when the original Star Wars came out, and for a brief time I felt like I was 12 again when I saw Phantom Menace. The first time I was a little disappointed, but a funny thing happened when I went back once, twice, then three times -- the movie grew on me. I began to see very interesting subtleties. Very disturbing parallels between world events and events in the movie. There is clearly a much deeper level to the movie than what most 12-year-olds will notice. Most noteworthy, the movie came out a month after the Columbine High School massacre, which was only a few miles from my home. The movie, as well as the killings, made me reflect on how a cute little boy could possibly mutate into a ruthless killer. It is clear to me that George Lucas deliberately set out to create a movie that was a little sillier and more frivolous than the earlier three. The contrast between Phantom Menace and Episode III (where, no doubt, lots of good people are going to die) should be very striking. Then, I think, people will understand Phantom Menace much better. What could Mr. Lucas have done differently with the movie? Not much, that I can see.
Rating:  Summary: We're all more jaded now than in 1977. Review: I was 5 years old when "A New Hope" was premiered, and I (of course) was completely swept away by the fantasy of George Lucas's far-off galaxy. I was too young to be a discriminating viewer. Today, I can see the original trilogy's shortcomings, and they're similar to the flaws of "Phantom Menace" (dumb dialogue, less-than-rounded-out characters). The difference was that from 1977-1983, I didn't notice or care, and this nostalgic filter through which I watch the original trilogy is what insulates it from critcism. No such filter exists for "Phantom Menace," and an older, more jaded person is likely to carp on its shortcomings, especially after all the hype and anticipation. Here are the weaknesses of "Phantom Menace," as I see them: 1. Jake Lloyd; 2. Jar Jar Binks; 3. stiff delivery of dialogue (that's the director's fault); 4. Anakin yelling, "Yippee!" (what kid says that?); 5. the lack of an assertive yet funny character (like Han Solo). But the biggest reason I even care about these things is because I'm too old and jaded now to appreciate "Phantom Menace" for what it is (beneath the glittery, sci-fi exterior, an old-fashioned Western movie), and be able to view it a sense of childlike wonder and awe. I guess that's my problem. I still look forward to Episodes II and III though, believe you me.
Rating:  Summary: so much stuff here... Review: I was a kid when the first Star Wars movies were released. I have been a fan of the movies ever since. When the first prequel came out, I had the joy of taking my young daughter to see it. With all the talk of its not being as good as the first three, I was apprehensive. My fears were unfounded. Episode One, "The Phantom Menace" is (for right now at least) by far my favorite Star Wars movie. The story begins before the coming of the Empire. The Republic is still around, as are the Jedi and their temple. Looking into the world of Star Wars before the time of Vader and the Emperor was half the joy of this film for me. The viewer is introduced to all kinds of new alien races and creatures. We get to see two new worlds (Naboo and Coruscant). The story centers on a young Obi-Wan (still an apprentice) and his master Qui-Gon Jinn. Together they get involved in a planetary conflict and stumble upon the boy who will one day become Darth Vader. The casting and acting are quite admirable. Liam Neeson and Ewan McGregor are outstanding as Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon. Frank Oz as usual, is awesome as Yoda. While one can see how the guileless Jar Jar might have rubbed some the wrong way in the midst of the cynical last days of the twentieth century, the very concept of a computer generated character opens all kinds of interesting doors. Finally (as far as acting goes), I'd take Natalie Portman over Carrie Fisher any day. The action of the movie is really quite mind blowing stuff. The pod race, the grand battle and the duel between the Jedi and the Sith are all amazing. Ray Park as Darth Maul is particularly impressive. This is a movie that leaves me impatiently awaiting the sequels. Luckily, the DVD has lots of cool stuff to play with while I wait. I cannot believe all the stuff that comes on disc two. Some of the documentaries are movie length themselves. I won't go into all the stuff included (it would take too long), but some of my favorite stuff here is: The "making of" documentary (even though the sound deteriorates towards the end of it), the "tone poem" t.v. spots, the music video for "Duel of the Fates," The deleted scenes documentary, and the featurettes from the web. There is SO MUCH STUFF here! I give the movie and all the DVD add-ons my highest recommendation. Get it!
Rating:  Summary: A let down Review: I was a little kid when the first trilogy was released. I always liked those movies. This one I didnt. I tried to. I did. It just wasnt there for me. Maybe it was the way Anikin was played by that Lloyd kid, or the WAY OVERDONE special effects, or the lame jokes and even lamer Jar Jar.(Lucas, what the hell were you thinking with him?) Some characters in movies have been annoying, but NOTHING like that waste of space!! Yousa [bad]Jar Jar!!! Even the saber fight wasnt special. Sure it was fun to watch, but there was no drama to it. They didnt even know who DM was!! I hope part 2 is more interesting with an older Anikin.
Rating:  Summary: This is exactly what it's supposed to be...A child's fable Review: I was absolutely mesmerized the first time I saw Star Wars: A New Hope. The same thing happened over two decades later with Episode I. This movie was incredible, the special effects made me feel like I had a part in this film. Everyone needs to understand that this is a child's fairy tale set in a sci-fi universe. It sets the stage for the next two films. Jar-Jar was placed in the movie for comic relief, not for a stoic performance of 'MACBETH'. Jar-Jar is a sutle story about someone not so strong or intellegent or good-looking that can still make a difference.
Rating:  Summary: Move over Plan 9 Review: I was amazed at the animation in the theater, it must have covered the rancid taste, as curry did before refrigeration. My first viewing on DVD left me thinking great movie for MST 3000. Natalie Wood, Liz Taylor, Mickey Rooney, Shirley--- There are great child actors out there, but you won't find one here, and being the essence of the plot, it's lack sinks the ship. George has got to go back to the Drawing board, this movie only sports top notch animation. Its not fit for human consumption.
Rating:  Summary: UUUGHH A dumb kiddie movie! Review: I was and am a huuuuuuge fan of the original trilogy. They were great intelligent films, with adult themes that kids could enjoy because of cool action and neat special effects. They had a grand and epic story of the ages. Episode one is really just a kids movie that some adults might think contains some neat special effects -- but little else. I could hardly beleive that after waiting umpteen years for epsisode 1 that I would be looking at my watch and wondering when it would be over. It just could not hold my attention because the script read like a Saturday morning GIJoe or Transformers or Thundercats cartoon of old. Simple, ridiculous story that makes no sense except for kids to learn that good beats evil with action-figure-like power. Unlike the original trilogy, the action was not clever and was completely unbeleiveable. The heros win the day because Jar Jar trips on a pile of blue balls, accidentily releasing them into the ranks of the enemy troop. Next, the little boy Anakin hides in a spaceship, hits the auto-pilot (keep in mind the experienced pilots can hardly even get their ships out of the hanger let alone hold up in battle), and viola! he lands right in the middle of the control ship (there are about 50 of them, but he just happens to fly into the right one) and shoots a few times and the entire enemy fleet is destroyed. How conveinent. Maybe some techincal trekkies will argue that Anakin has the "force" and can do anything, but the lame plot device of invoking the force when the writers cannot think of a clever action sequence is no substitute for the clever action that should have been. I won't even talk about Jar Jar or how lame the overall character development was, I'll leave that to you guys. Great for little kids who just want to see their favorite toys on the tv, but lame for discerning adult admirerers of the originals
Rating:  Summary: The Phantom Menace- 3 1/2 stars Review: I was anticipating this film six months before the movie came out in theatres and I went to see the movie on the second day it came out. I was sort of disappointed when I was comparing it to the original movies (which in my opinion are the best movies ever!). But then I bought the movie on tape (where's the DVD?) and I watched it a couple times and realized that it was better than I thought! Yes there are flaws, and in my view here's the only drawbacks in the movie. . . -Jake Lloyd had some very weak lines in the movie(example- when Greedo said that little Anakin can go home after he cleans the shelves and Anakin says: "Yipee!" What? That's horrible!) -During the pod racing scene the two headed announcer- too ludicrous for words! -Very little character development! The original movies were crammed pack with character development and that's what made them so great! But The Phantom Menace has very little. -But the biggest disappointment is that Darth Maul is shown very little in this movie, I was expecting him to be a large part like Darth Vader in the original films. There's also some advantages though! -There's some great characters in this movie! I loved Queen Amadala, Darth Maul, and yes. . . Jar Jar Binks. -There were great special-effects and sound-effects! -The lightsaber fight was awesome! Way better than the ones in the original films! -Queen Amadala's costumes were just awesome! They stole the scene everytime! So, thought that The Phantom Menace was pretty good! So, try not to compare it to the other movies because it's pretty good by itself. And after you think about it, this is a good start because it has questions to answer and after the next three films come out you'll see that this was a good start for the new trilogy! I give The Phantom Menace 3 1/2 stars.