Rating:  Summary: Only for the fans... Review: I think that Star Wars: Episode I is a movie exclusively for the fans, with the logical emotion to see Anakin's childhood, Obi-Wan youthfulness...but no more than this!. I've seen 5 times the movie, because i'm a big fan of the saga, but i think that the movie will disapoint to a "regular" audience. Anyway, in a rainy day, is a good idea see this video...
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie!! Review: I think that this is a great movie. I know a lot of people gave it a bad review when it came out. Here's what I think. The first Star Wars film came in 1977, more than twenty years ago. The second film, The Empire Strikes Back, was, at that time, considered to be a very violent film. Well, in the past twenty years, R-rated films pushed the envelope of violence so far forward, that when The Phantom Menace came out, people forgot that it was just a PG rated film. I think that they were expecting it to be an R rated film. For a PG film, it's great. For a sci-fi film, it's great. I even think that JarJar Binks is ok. Nobody can tell me that the pod race is not a good piece of film. The same is true with the final attack on the droid ship. I watch this film at least once a week.
Rating:  Summary: Every Saga has a beginning Review: I think that this was a great video that explained who Anakin Skywalker was and how he met Obi-Wan Kenobi. Also you learn a lot more about the force and what the Old Rebublic was like with the Jedi council and the Senate. I think this movie had excellent computer graphics and is a much needed movie to explain the original trilogy.
Rating:  Summary: DVD Review: I think the DVD will make up for the bad quality of the movie. I have a feeling that the next movie will be better than EP1. Someone said why not have it on DTS, I don't think this would be a good idea as for the low take up on DTS compared to DD5.1. But a separate DVD for DTS users would be a good idea. I myself am looking forward to it, and have read a strong rumor that a TRAILER FOR EP2 may be on it!Thanks Mark
Rating:  Summary: Good movie, great DVD Review: I think the movie itself is one of the most unjustly maligned movies of all time. It wasn't that bad. Sure, there were parts that were lacking, but ultimately we're dealing with different Star Wars movies here. The prequels. They're not meant to be like the old trilogy. It's more plotting and mystery than it is space cowboy adventures. And that's what I like about the prequels. The stories themselves are better and more well-thought out than the old trilogy. They're more involved and make you think. I will admit that there were some approaches taken with this movie that didn't work for everyone, but isn't that always the way movies are? This movie is good. If you want to know what bad movies are, watch Blair Witch 2, or The Werewolf vs. The Vampire Woman. The Phantom Menace has faults, but it's not like the other Star Wars films DIDN'T have faults. All five are full of them, and I'm sure Episode 3 will be the same way. The DVD itself has great special features. The highlight is the documentary "The Beginning," which compiles hundreds of hours of footage of behind-the-scenes material into an hour long feature. It's very informative, and gives you a feel for what it was like making the first Star Wars movie in 16 years. The other big highlight are the deleted scenes. You have the option to watch them along with a documentary talking before-hand about each deleted scene, explaining what it is, why it was cut, etc. Or, you can just watch them individually. The rest of the DVD is full of other featurettes and such that are pretty cool, as well as TV and theatrical trailers for the film. There's also a blooper reel that shows outtakes, but it's an easter egg. You have to type in 11[enter], 3[enter], 8[enter] in the options menu. 1138 is from Lucas' first film THX 1138. It's quite hilarious. Good movie, great DVD.
Rating:  Summary: Episode I:On DVD!!!!! Review: I think the movie was excelent.I own the movie on VHS.But the DVD sounds a LOT better than the VHS,mainly because on seven deleted scenes.I am a big Star Wars fan and eventually I hope to get all four movies when they are released on DVD.If a good movie is made,the DVD is always wonderful!
Rating:  Summary: STAR WARS NEEDS TO ENTER THE 21ST CENTURY Review: I think the movie was good, I did notice the acting was bad in parts, and it was very slow for about the first hour. I was used to the old Star Wars where it was almost not stop action from the opening credits till the end of the movie. I will say this though. The first trilogy was filled with action because it was about the war between the empire and the rebbels, and now we are seeing the earlier story before the war had started. The special effects were outstanding I think George was snubed at the Oscars. But about the title of this post... I can't beleive that we will have to wait to see this on DVD. I think that for a Director like George Lucas who created THX and wants his movies to look the best that they can, would have released Star Wars on DVD sooner. But I guess it is all about money. I thought the video and audio quality on VHS was very poor.
Rating:  Summary: It IS another Star Wars film... Review: I think the movie was very good...Not the best of the SW movies, but very good and part of the SW story. I think it could be debated that it is about as good as ROJ (which is the one I like the least out of the original trilogy). The acting was good, effects were awsome, story was - well certainly as good as the others. I think it is great to see additional pieces of the story unfold. Also, to many of the people that did not care for it - this part of the whole SW story, according to Lucas, is the least interesting. The reason why he made the original Star Wars the first movie to be released was because he thought it was the most interesting of the entire story. I have two complaints though - one about the film and another about the video release. First, my complaint about the film is that the effects were great and all of the ships were cool too, but the ships and other things look more "advanced" than the ones in the "older", original SW movies even though The Phantom Menace is supposed to be set earlier in time (think of cars in the 1960's to the cars today.) Second, I am a little po'd that the DVD version of The Phantom Menace is not being released with the VHS versions - the obvious reason is to make more money - George Lucas: Your fans love SW, but that isn't a good way to treat your fans - RELEASE THE ORIGINAL TRILOGY and The Phantom Menace on DVD - Star Wars on DVD will surely be awsome - don't make your loyal fans wait anymore...Ok, I've spoken my peace.
Rating:  Summary: with all due respect, time for george to retire Review: i think the phantom menace is prime evidence that george lucas needs to hand the torch off to someone else. once upon a time, george was a true maverick filmmaker who made movies that really did change the world. alas, the phantom menace is seriously lacking. the world's love of all things star wars clouds the fact that this movie is missing basic storytelling elements that even your average tv movie has. there is no dynamic between characters. the actors are basically props that move from one scene to the next. painful to watch. if back in 77, george decided to start the star wars saga at episode one, and shot this script...there never would have been a sequel. it would have flopped horribly. another way to look at it, if george had the money and technology in 77 that he had at his disposal now. he would have used those resources much more creativiely than he does now. the fact that it's not on dvd just emphasizes the clear fact that george needs to release his iron grip and step down.
Rating:  Summary: An Excellent Film Review: I think the reason The Phantom Menace has gotten some bad press has everything to due with unrealistic expectations and nothing to do with what is an excellent movie. Too many people went looking for the thrill of the original movie and when they didn't get that magical moment I think they were a little turned off. My point would be that the original movies were just that the originals. They came out of nowhere and delivered before our eyes something we had never seen before. Since these new movies are built off of what has already been done how can we really expect something with the same power? I for one thoroughly enjoyed the movie and actually went back to see it in the theater twice more. It moved along relatively quickly with only the middle portion of the movie stalling slightly. Special effects where tremendous with the creations of Naboo and Coruscant an absolutely breathtaking visual feat. I had some problems with Darth Maul in that he never really semmed very "Evil" no strangling of people in a vaderesque manner but I suppose as some other reviewers have indicated this could have been intentional so as not to distract viewers from the hidden threat that has not yet fully revealed itself. Jar Jar Binks was pretty annoying the first time but I found that each time I saw the film I found him a bit more acceptable. I actually understood everything he said the second time I saw it and found him pretty amusing. Some portrayals of the battle scenes where really silly such as the Gungans and Droid armies facing off like some battle of the Ancient world with Romans against the barbarians. I mean they had all these high tech weapons and instead of fighting the way we would today over massive land areas they marched out into an open field and lined up. For cinematic effect I guess it had to be that way but it personnally annoyed me. I found the potrayal of the Jedi in the movie to fascinating and the lightsabre battle at the end was one of the most impressive battle scenes I have ever scene.