Rating:  Summary: A Question to ask Review: I only have a question for this why isn't this movie out on DVD
Rating:  Summary: Lucas does it again Review: I originally bought this movie on VHS and tried to watch it on my 53 inch HDTV and had to stop it because the quality was terrible. Low grade tape made it look worse than is I recorded it off TV. So then I get the DVD and more of the same. The transfer was terrible the picture was digitized. The text for alien languages were jagged. Just terrible. So I'm sure Lucas will now release a superbit version so we have to buy it again and he gets more money.
Rating:  Summary: Good Film Review: I originally went to see this film because I am big fan of Ewan McGregor but after just a few minutes I was sucked into the realm of Star Wars and loved nearly every minute of it! I believe it had a well setup plot, good characters, and amazing special effects. At times though it seemed as if the characters were too distant in emotion. Mainly in Jake Lloyd's sometimes stiff representation of young Anikin. Overall you should enjoy enjoy this film. After I saw it, I rented the original trillogy and it brought back memories of watching Star Wars every Christmas with Dad and my brothers. If you're not sure about buying this yet, rent it (when it comes out) and decide then. I personally will buy it because I enjoyed the film and it is worth paying for just to watch the pod race again. Hope I was helpful!
Rating:  Summary: The Old series is way Better Review: I personally don't like this movie. I like the old Star Wars much better. There are better special effects than these new ones. This movie should be setting the standards for graphics like the old ones did when they first came out. Again its my personal opinion.
Rating:  Summary: The Best DVD Ever! Review: I picked up my copy of The Phantom Menace DVD yesterday and to sum it up in one word, I'd have to say its INCREDIBLE! To see the quality of the picture and to hear the quality of the sound is the greatest treat of all, besides the 7 deleted scenes. For those of you that haven't seen these finished scenes yet, I'll keep my mouth shut but if you haven't picked up a copy yet, I highly recommend it. I was breathless seeing the 7 new scenes. The waterfall scene is excellent, the grid and the race are good too. Also, Jon Shank's documentary is great and there are tons of extras on this DVD. Just hearing the sound of it and seeing it so clear brought me to tears. As C3PO would say, "I can't believe it!"
Rating:  Summary: Phantom Menace Review: I purchased both the pan and scan and widescreen versions. This movie has so much going on, that you miss ALOT with the pan and scan. Spend the money and get the widescreen version so you can see the movie the way it was meant to be seen. The overall quality of the video is average. George Lucas has always preached technology and in his film making has demanded the highest quality. He has praised new computer and digital technology in filmaking. Why he did not release this movie on DVD is beyond me. With this release George Lucas has not lived up to his reputation of giving us the highest quality entertainment. VHS can in no way compare to DVD picture quality and dolby digital 5.1 sound. A few years down the road he will re-release this movie on DVD and make us pay again. I loved the movie in the theatre because the sound and picture quality was so overwhelming. Unfortunalty, the VHS just cannot live up to this movie. The movie gets five stars, the video gets 3
Rating:  Summary: Definitely a keeper Review: I rate this the weakest of the 4, but that's like picking among4 fine diamonds, 1 has to be the least among them, it doesn't make itbad. The characters weren't quite as touching as in the original trilogy, but whose to say they won't grow to be so, over time, I believe they can. Our way of looking at Star Wars changes over time, when I was younger, I hated The Empire Strikes Back, because the good guys lost, but now, I find it to be the strongest of the series. The fight choreography surpasses the first 3 by miles. It can be a bit childish in its humor, but it is meant for all generations. Jar-Jar was a pain, but you know what, when I watch the old ones, I get almost the same feeling about C3PO, he bugs the heck out of me, not to mention those darned Ewoks, at times they can be touching, but at other times they were just childish. I think we've just reached a point where the first 3 are so revered that there's no way TPM was going to live up to it initially, but I believe over time, it will find its place among the others, as a fitting preface to the struggles in the next 2 episodes.
Rating:  Summary: May The The Force Be With You, George Lucas Review: I read a lot of the reviews and a lot of them I disagree with. I don't think that this movie was necesarily better than the first one, I just enjoyed watching it more (probably I didn't appreciate movies as much when I first saw "Star Wars"). The special effects were outstanding, just as the script was. The unknown actors did a good job at saying their lines as well. Everybody except for Anakin Skywalker, it's obvious that this was his first movie. I agree with one of the other reviews, Haley Joel Osment would have made this a five-star movie, but he doesn't look at all like someone related to Luke Skywalker. Whaterver this kid's name is, he acted a lot like Luck may act when he was a boy, and looked a lot like him, so that was defenatly why he got the part. Besides that, this movie was awesome. Darth Maul's face amazed me, god knows how long that make-up job took. The pod-race was unbelievable, same with the ending fight scene between Darth Maul, Obi Wan Kenobi, and Qui Gon Jin. I think that this movie will impress more of a audience between the ages of 8-18. So if you have your youth, go get this movie, you'll love it!
Rating:  Summary: Jar Jar must DIE!!!! Review: I realize that this isn't exactly original but I need to cleanse myself of the built up JJ angst that is welling inside me. This film promised so much and delivered so little in large part because moviegoers were forced to endure that nauseatingly brutal creature and it's infuriatingly annoying voice. There is no way in hell anyone with a light saber and the ability to use it wouldn't have decapitated that annoying piece of dung within ten minutes of meeting "it". In the end this movie goes down as one of the biggest disappointments ever, boring, pointless and worst of all ANNOYING, you couldn't pay me to sit through another viewing of that film, I'd cover myself in honey and dive in an anthill first. DON'T BUY IT.
Rating:  Summary: great special effects! Review: i really can't wait for this movie to come out on DVD! It truly has the best special effects ever made for a movie. When i saw it in the cinema, i was totally blown away. I've never seen a movie this realistically made. Practicly the entire movie is just special effects galore! In the scenes where the kid is flying in space, you truly feel as if you're right beside him! I'm not sure it will have that same great effect on DVD, but i''l be the first one to buy it!