Rating:  Summary: This is a great way to start the first part of the prequels Review: I must say that I absolutely loved this movie and that unlike most people I trust George Lucas to show me the way that Anakin Skywalker fell from grace. I can't wait for the next parts of the series and can't wait to own them all on DVD!
Rating:  Summary: Wake me when it's over!!!!! Review: I must say that seeing this movie for the first time back in 1999 was just about the greatest disappointment in my life as a Star Wars fan. I'm still trying to recover before the next botched episode in this series is released next year. I can truly say I have been a good and loyal Star Wars fan all my life (although I don't give a hoot about all the off-shoot comic books, novels etc. that have come out in the last two decades--Mara Jade--what???), but I can honestly say I LOATHE this movie! The acting is dull and mindless, Jar Jar Binks made me shudder with revulsion every moment he was on screen, I wince and cringe at so many idiotic bits of dialogue and leaps of logic (Midi-chlorians for one--good God!) and empty attempts at inane humor. The flatness and barrenness of the whole over-produced, over-special-effected grandiosity of this mish-mash is a sincerely disheartening experience. I pray I may never have to sit through it again. Perhaps a five-year-old would approve of the silliness, but no adult Star Wars die-hard should suffer through this mess. The force of personality with which Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, and (May the Force Bless Her!) Carrie Fisher give to the original movies, not to mention the clear-cut storyline and heart-pounding drama of the original movies as well, it totally lacking. Not that they were any Shakespearian actors, by my gosh, Carrie Fisher could wipe little sweetie-puss Natalie Portman all over the Death Star. My advise-- stay away from his travesty!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: As good as Return of the Jedi Review: I must say this is a very good movie. In some ways it surpasses the best star wars films. But over all I would say this one is about par with Return of the Jedi. Special fx and action dominant the first and last segments of this film and in the middle is beautiful vistas of futuristic cities and desert "pod" races. The characters however do not develop enough for us to really grow close to them. Although Liam Neeson did a good job of acting and his character probably was the best. But characters such as Darth Maul didnt really get much screen time and yet his seemed the most interesting. This film draws criticism because it seems too much geared towards kids. But keep in mind most of the main characters are either very young teens or children. Which is done because the next film will take place ten years later and will show more maturity and discipline in all these characters. Especially Jar Jar and Anakin. I viewed this movie on both regular VHS and the Widescreen editions. The VHS is good for your kids but if your an adult and you want that epic effect and good quality I strongly suggest you get the widescreen edition.
Rating:  Summary: Digital Mastery Review: I must say, as a home theater buff, that this DVD has set the mark for A/V excellence. I am overwhelmed by the audio portion of this DVD especially. My home theater system has never had such depth and 3D clarity in any other movie so far. The 5.1 EX surround on the DVD provides the most realistic sound field I have ever experienced. I would give this movie 5 stars even if it was only the sound track and no associated video.
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars ruined Review: I never could have imagined o worse episode to the series. Where has the soul of the first films gone... This movie was the worst and i hope it will stay that way it was awfull (except the bad guys) after seeing the movie all i could thing was that i must have watched the wrong movie but then you will have to watch it just becouse it is a star wars movie lucas should have done better...
Rating:  Summary: Check out the bloopers! Review: I never knew how good my home theater sound system was until I tried TPM DVD. If you have a Dolby Digital theater sound system, you need this DVD. My favorite features are the "beginning" documentary and the bloopers which are hidden as an easter egg.
Rating:  Summary: PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE IS DE-THRONED! Review: I never thought it would happen, but it did! It IS possible to make a movie WORSE than "PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE" and this scumbag of a movie is it! Star Wars 1 is flawed, horrendously (who in God's name hired Jake Lloyd for an actor???) acted, abominally written and cheesy and corny to no end! The special effects STINK and the story (not that there really is one) is so stupid it's funny! STAR WARS EPISODE 1: THE PHANTOM MENACE should be featured in a book entitled: HOW NOT TO MAKE A MOVIE! Good bye.
Rating:  Summary: Great graphics - flat sound Review: I never thought that I would find myself giving a Star Wars film only two stars. I bought this movie at Amazon in the UK. Unless you have THX for the sound (and I don't know anyone here who does) the sound is a big disappointment. My Dolby Surround Sound sat silently twiddling its thumbs, making the whole experience flat. With the effects removed the movie has nothing, and relies entirely on the hype from the first three. I'm a BIG Star wars fan and was very disappointed. The Jar Jar Binks character needs to be ditched quickly, in order to retrieve the respect that the original triology has. Lucas could have done a better job with Big Bird. I hope that George Lucas tries to go for story quality, rather than easy bucks with the next episode. He can only try to fool the fans once.
Rating:  Summary: Take this into consideration... Review: I noticed some people on here saying that this movie lacked the soul of the other trilogy. Let me just say: that was a TRILOGY. The last time you watched Star Wars IV, did you watch Empire and Jedi soon after that? Since we can't see the other two films of this trilogy, all we can do is assume what's going to happen: Palpatine's rise to Emporer, the Clone Wars, the marraige of Anakin and Padmé, Anakin's fall to the dark side, and the birth of Luke and Leia. Aside from what we know of the story, we can't truly see the spirit until the entire trilogy is released (probably 2005 or 2006) and we can watch them all together, as a trilogy. I still like Jedi the most out of the trilogy, then Phantom Menace, then A New Hope. I liked Empire the least. If you're a Star Wars fan at all, I think you'll enjoy it. It just didn't live up to all the media hype.Now, a trilogy of the story after Jedi would be good; The Truce at Bakura (a book), Grand Admiral Thrawn in the Heir to the Empire trilogy (by Tim Zahn), and the Jedi Acadamy Trilogy. They should make those into movies. Maybe by 2010.
Rating:  Summary: Most boring Star Wars Ep. yet! Review: I only gave it 3 stars because of the special effects. Was George Lucas so intent on getting the newest special effects right that he forgot about the characters that we all want to get to know and love? Liam Neeson was so boring, his performance so flat that I had to wonder if he was mad because his character dies in the movie and he just read his lines and showed up on the set when required. George, George, you can do better! Even the kid's haircut was so cereal bowl-typical Hollywood... yea, the kid was an okay actor, but that was it! None of the other actors are worthy of mentioning. Perhaps it wasn't their fault, perhaps if they'd had better supporting actors around them they would have had a little more personality or spark. My husband and I liked the "how they made the movie" segment better than the film itself. PLEASE! Make this one up to us Star Wars fans!! Give us some characters we can get involved with in future Star Wars epics.