Rating:  Summary: cinfusing Review: i liket the red guy with hte floppy ears but i dont unnerstand what happens in the movie. who are the people with the red guy? why didnt queen armadillo kill all the bad guys? she's a queen cuz she can do that stuff. i like annikan too cuz he looks like my brother and my brother say s he wants to pod race like annikan. i have this dvd and i like it but i don't pay attention to the movie. i like the people in it.
Rating:  Summary: A Different Breed of Star Wars Review: I look at The Phantom Menace and I see a very good film. An excellent story line, breath-taking special effects, and wonderful acting all put together into one amazing feature. There are just a few minor problems with this film as the beginning of the Star Wars saga. Even longer than I can recall I have been entranced by the epic saga of the Star Wars films. I saw the magic that George Lucas can create, but this film has lost a small portion of that magic. While I do agree that the effects on this film were astonishing, I feel that computers were over-used. Anyone who has seen the original trilogy knows that Mr. Lucas & Lucasfilm don't need all of this modern technology & CGI to take our breath away, but now that they have it they don't know where to draw the line. The special editions of the originals were fabulously done because all they did was mainly a touch-up job with the re-addition of some cut scenes. On Episode 1 however, everything uses computers. They created an entire race (the Gungans) that never showed up on the set. They made shields for ships, droids, and even live characters that appear on screen with a bluish tint. Lucas never had to use computers to come up with characters or alien races that captivated his audience, look at Chewie, the Ewoks, or the entire cantina scene from the first movie. The original films, and even the special editions of them, did fabulous without the audience seeing the Millenium Falcon's deflector shields, we just knew they were there (in fact, the lack of those shields allowed us to see the pain-staking detail that had been put into the ship), and if they weren't there we were always told about it ("Chewie, we're losing our rear deflector shield!"). In this day and age everyone uses computers and CGI, and everyone tries to do it better than the last guy. If your reading this, Mr. Lucas, my advice is don't jump on that bandwagon. If you want to really shock and amaze people show them what you can do _without_ computers, not with them. Show us that you can do without CGI technology what most people couldn't even do with it like a lot of us already know. Also, back on the subject of ships, the only ship that I remember from this is the Naboo Fighter. I didn't expect the Falcon, X-wings, Y-wings, Star Destroyes, TIE Fighters, or Slave 1 to show up, but there were no really memorable or outstanding vessels on this movie. How many of the ships on this movie actually had a name? I never heard any, just types of ships (i.e. the afore mentioned Naboo Fighter). Why is that? Now the characters in this film are fabulous, and very well portrayed by the actors and actresses cast for them. These are character that we know, or even better, that we _thought_ we knew but are just now learning the details of. And the new additions to the Star Wars family are just as intriguing. The one exception would be Jar Jar Binks. I am not one of the "death to Jar Jar" people, but it is obvious that this character was designed only to bring in the younger viewers. Based on opinions I got from other viewers after watching the film (at least 20 after each of the 6 times I saw it), it seems that this character appeals to the age group of 5 and below. What they are not taking into account is that in 1977 they didn't have a Barney wannabe and it still captivated several children in that very age group, myself included. I wasn't even 2 yet, but my mother took me to see Star Wars and she swares that I never turned away from the screen and never made a sound to interupt it; and I have met over 100 people with similar stories since I have been on-line. Even with the defects I have named above though, this is still an excellent film. The story alone is enough to outweigh the defects, but when you add to that the great characters and marvelous acting it still turns out a masterpiece. I commend George Lucas, and the entire cast & crew, for the they work put into this film. I give 4 out of 5 stars, the faults listed above being the reasons for the loss of that 5th star. Congratulations, Mr. Lucas, you've done it again.
Rating:  Summary: Not as bad as the critics say Review: I looked in the newspapers when this came out and out of about ten reviews I saw, two gave it an average mark, one of those giving it a pretty good mark, four out of five stars. I think though the newspapers have got it all wrong, this movie is ok, there is a lot of action and the plot is fine, nothing special but far from bad. George Lucas made this movie so you would look at Darth Vader in the 'classic' trilogy and say 'he isn't really so bad after all.' He made this movie so you could see what Anakin was like before the Dark Side of the Force swallowed him. The movie achieves this and is a lot of fun to watch as well, so in my view this is a good film.
Rating:  Summary: BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD Review: I looooooooooooooooowed the first ones and first i lowed this one but only becous i wantwed to lowe it. Wach the phantom manace and than one of the first one. Goerge Lucas was just thinking about the effects not directing or the script.
Rating:  Summary: Jaw-Dropping Special Effects In A Poorly Written Script Review: I love "Star Wars" and consider "The Empire Strikes Back" as one of the greatest movies ever made (which Lucas didn't direct or write the screenplay for, hint, hint), but this film really doesn't cut it when compared to the original trilogy. The kid playing Anakin couldn't act if his life depended on it, the digitalized character Jar Jar Binks belongs on a Saturday morning cartoon show instead of a "Star Wars" film, the villain (Darth Maul) is utterly one-dimensional, the script is not only dull but poorly written, a sarcastic Han Solo type is missing, need I go on? I stood in line for 2 hours to so I could see this movie on opening week (I was simply in denial about the bad reviews). I won't make that mistake when "Episode II" is released, which, optimist that I am, I would like to believe will be superior to this film, which must have been shot as a first draft script. But Lucas will be writing and directing that one as well, so let's keep our fingers crossed. Still, everyone should see the film at least once-the special effects are nothing short of awe-inspiring. Ewan McGregor sounds so much like Alec Guiness that it is truly eerie. The pod race and the final lightsaber battle are good scenes. As usual, John Williams turns in a terrific musical score. Were it not for those elements, this film would have gotten 2 stars only, if not one. As a "Star Wars" fan, I had intended to buy the film, regardless of all of the problems, but will not buy it on VHS.Lucas refuses to take advantage of the DVD technology and release any of the "Star Wars" films on DVD until after "Episode III" is released. I'll wait. What's the point of buying the same film twice?
Rating:  Summary: If you are a real "Star Wars" fan pre-order the box set. Review: I love "Star Wars". I so excited about the box set.It's "star Wars" and, the name itself should be enough. Youhave to experienced it, in widescreen. I'm surprise that the next one will be coming out in 2002. I gald George Lucas is taking his time with these movies. It's an unfinished story. Even when the other movie were finished, I felt that the story needed something else. Well I feel blessed that I was able to see "Phatom Menace" and I hope, I'm around to see the others. Anyway "Star Wars" rules over any movie ever made. This is my opinion. ( BUY THE BOX SET)
Rating:  Summary: Still Great But Lacks Something Review: I love all the Star Wars films and I wasn't expecting this movie to be the best film of my entire life becuause no movie could have lived up to the hype sorrounding the Phantom Menance. After the film ended I was surprisingly pleased. This movie ranks up with the likes of Return of the Jedi in the sense that it was good but not outstanding as Empire or Episode 3. I personally thought that the film lacked a charm that was evident in the first three films. In the beginning we had unknown actors in roles that were so cool, now we have big name stars like Samuel L. Jackson and Liam Nisson trying to capture the esssence of the originals and even though they do a good job, it just doesn't do it for me. Don't get me wrong, this is a great flick loaded with some of the best special effects you could see and probably the most exciting lightsaber battle in the history of the series. I buy the movie because come on it's Star Wars and I know after all the hype dies down this will be a very nice relaxing evening sitting back for two hours and visiting the Star Wars world once again.
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars-Episode I, The Phantom Menace Review: I love all the Star Wars movies, but this one has a lot everything a good movie needs. Action, visual candy, good characters and a good viable PLOT!!! Enjoy!!
Rating:  Summary: What was George Lucas thinking?? Review: I love all the Star Wars movies, I can watch them over and over. But The Phantom Menace, was terrible. Jar Jar Binks drives me crazy and wrecks the entire movie. I wonder what The Attack of the Clones will be like? If Jar Jar Binks gets knocked off, I'll give it two thumbs up.
Rating:  Summary: Love Star Wars...hate Jar Jar Review: I love and grew up enjoying the Star Wars Trilogy/saga. I cannot wait for Episode II to release next May. I am disappointed however in the needless characters that have been added into the films to try and make it more comedic and appealing to the younger kids, with asinine characters like the Ewoks in "Return" and Jar Jar in "Phantom." ....