Rating:  Summary: Great! Review: I like this movie because It's cool. ever since I saw this in the theatres in 1999. I like all the characters including Jar Jar Binks. Jake Loid is a good actor. I highly recommend this film to future Star Wars fans.
Rating:  Summary: Not as great as the original.. Review: I liked finding out more about Obi-Wan Kenobi's past, but the movie has a hard time keeping my attention. It also sparks more questions instead of answers. I did bumped it up to four stars since there isn't 3.5 stars.
Rating:  Summary: Introduction to the NEW Trilogy Review: I liked Phantom Menace alot. I went to it thinking it would just be an introduction to the new trilogy with no real story or anything. But it had a story! And I thought all of the characters were played good by the actors. Except for Anakin, yes the actor who played him was only a kid. But there have been other kid actors who could act alot better than he did. (The kid in Jurasic Park, ET, Sixth Sense, not saying any of them should have played Anakin, but kids that could act.) And I liked Jar Jar Binks. The special effects were great in this. I can't wait till they put this on DVD. The CGI chracters were all great, Watto was good, and the puppets were all good too (I thought Yoda looked very good, I don't know why people said he looked fake.) Even if you didn't think this was very good, I think you will be happy you buy it or at least see it for when the next two come out, it may be more important then. And another thing, people are trying to compare this to the old trilogy and saying it isn't as good. I don't think you can compary it to that one. It's a whole new trilogy, whole new saga, and yes it is differn't from the old one. And if you didn't like it, just let the new generation like it, and try to remember how it was when you saw Star Wars for the first time in theatres twenty years ago. Summary: Great special effects. Good story. Good acting. Good CGI/Puppets characters. May the Force be with you.
Rating:  Summary: Good film actually 3 1/2 stars Review: I liked Star Wars Episode One.It isn't nearly as good as the original trilogy,but it's a good start to the Star Wars saga.It was very fun seeing Annikan Skywalker(Darth Vader) as an innocent little boy.(hard to believe what eventually happened to him!)The visual effects were fantastic.Some of the acting was a little weak,and some charactors underdeveloped,but on the whole I really enjoyed it.Now I really can't wait to see episode two expand on what episode one started.
Rating:  Summary: Great scenes and effects Review: I liked the first trilogy, I thought it was pretty good, but this movie didn't seem to be in the same catagory. The plot was kinda boring, and the acting was ok, the only thing that was great is the effects, and the light saber fights. I always like watching those. It didn't seem like a Star Wars movie, it was missing a whole lot of stuff. Don't get it I would say, unless you collect Star Wars movies or something. Not a recommendation.
Rating:  Summary: Good movie... not great, but still good. Review: I liked the movie. And I'm not just saying that because I'm a huge Star Wars fan... I seriously liked the movie. The only reason why so many people didn't like it was because everyone was expecting such a great movie and the movie just turned out to be good. Oh, and another thing. Everyone is complaining about George Lucas not releasing it on DVD... Well he said in an interview that he was planning something special for DVD. So, wait a while and see what he has planned.
Rating:  Summary: I am a fan but, what is this huh? Review: I liked the old ones a lot, and when I heard about Episode 1, 2 and 3 I was very exited, I bought my ticket one week before. I was happy, but then the movie started and, dear God. What was George Lucas thinking. The movie is way TOOOO infantile, what was the point of putting such an painful character as Jar Jar Binks, the worst chracter ever. And, no villan what so ever, if you have a character like Darth Maul, use it, make it talk, but not hide it, I remember the good old Darth Vader, but in this movie he was a way to merry little kid, even in movies children can be good characters, not some Cartoon Network wannabe's. The story has always been good, but, don't spoil it George, I hope the next two episodes are better, and please...Don't destroy your empire Mr. Lucas, you could have done a lot better. But until you do, as another customer said, shove all this childish nonsense up your Jar Jar Binks and give us the dark and serious Star Wars like THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK, the best Star Wars.
Rating:  Summary: a great movie Review: I liked this movie and I don't care what the critcs of it think. There were some parts that I could have done without (like Jar Jar) but all and all it was a great movie. Its right up there with the other Star Wars movies.
Rating:  Summary: Darth Maul Review: I liked this one, though the downfall to this one was Jar Jar Binks and thank god he was in less scenes in Attack Of The Clones ... good highlights include when Dath Maul takes on McGregor and Neeson(classic). the pod racing is loud and great and can Queen Amidala change outfits, man. a notch better than Attack Of The Clones. one of the best of 1999
Rating:  Summary: PEOPLE WANT THE DVD! Review: I liked TPM even though I feel it was directed just for kiddies George must have tried to make this new trilogy darker and more dramatic something similar to TESB not like ROTJ one thing of TPM that I missed was like a big space fight more like the end of ROTJ I don't hate Jar Jar but It would have been better if he wasn't in the movie or if he was a more normal character more serious just like an ally to the Jedis not something in their way I'm not buying the VHS version I'm waiting until 2006 when George will release the six pack. At least George should had released a DVD edition really simple just the movie no previews and no deleted scenes no interviews only the movie as how we saw it on theatres I've even lost some of my fan believe for star wars because of TPM and because there is no DVD edition of TPM until now 0/2 George I hope Episode II will be better