Rating:  Summary: Could've Been Better....Could've Been Worse Review: Star Wars is by far the greatest movie series of all time. It, in my thoughts, blows James Bond out of the water, and I'm a Bond fan. It's the classic story... Good v.s. Evil. It had great acting, special effects, and most importantly, outstanding directing by George Lucas. Who would've expected, although some of us were hoping, that a prequel would be made? I was shocked, but more than anything, excited. I immediately got a subscription to the magazine to keep up with all the new things that were going on during filming. After pre-ordering my tickets and seeing the movie the first day it came out, I thought it was the best movie I ever saw. The special effects blew you away, the acting was very good, but Jake Lloyd was a different story. It had everything to make a great story, but the classic Star Wars wasn't there. There wasn't just one enemy, and after seeing the movie, you're almost gurenteed a new adversary in the next move. In the original trilogy, there was Darth Vader, Darth Vader, and what was that name again in Return of the Jedi? Oh yeah, Darth Vader. I would've liked to see Darth Maul make more appearances considering how popular he was, almost as much as Vader. Ray Park did an excellent job playing the Sith apprentice. But with his death at the end, we, yet again, know that there's a new enemy in store for us in Episode II. Coming from a huge Star Wars fan, I would say that this was an overall good movie, worthy of staying close to my VCR for viewing at any time. I was considerably disappointed with the choice of Anakin. (I hear that Haley Joel Osment (The Sixth Sense) also tried for the part but was rejected. He would've been much better.) But with the minor flaws that The Phantom Menace had, it still deserved to win the Special Effects award at the Oscars, along with sound effects, directing, and possibly best picture. George Lucas made a much better picture than American Beauty. His directing was better, and the movie was better as well. And although I enjoyed The Matrix, it shouldn't have won special effects. I mean, come on! Look at Episode One! Something must be rigged there. So for any fan of Star Wars, I highly suggest you to watch this movie. For those that don't like sci-fi, you might not like it. There are long, boring dialogue scenes, but remember, it's the first movie. They have to describe it.
Rating:  Summary: Great special effects, but not much more Review: Star Wars is by far the greatest sci-fi franchise there is, this coming from a Star Trek fan. Unfortunately, "The Phantom Menace" does not live up to it's predecessors. Liam Neeson is a great actor but as Qui-Jon Jinn, I saw only a two-dimensional actor. I suppose I am a little prejudice; the regal status of Alec Guiness is a tough act to follow. I give the movie 3 stars because of the action and special effects. Lucasfilms does their usual excellent job appealing to the visual and audio senses. The fight scene with Darth Maul, Qui-Gon Jinn and a young Obi-Wan Kenobi is classic. I wish Darth Maul was used more in this movie because he was awesome. Many people believe that Star Wars is about Luke Skywalker saving the galaxy, but it is really about a savior created by the Force (immaculate conception), Anakin Skywalker (played by young actor Jake Lloyd). Looking at innocent Anakin, one could not help but wonder how such a boy could become the evil villian Darth Vader. But young Lloyd earned his pay by portraying his character in grand fashion. The movie would have been better if Jar-Jar Binks, some type of amphibian idiot, was left out. Think of Binks as Hong-Kong Phooey with gills using Ebonics. The Phantom Menace lives up to the original with numerous aliens, including a young Jabba the Hutt, but Lucas kind of overloads you with them. We get to see the home world of the Jedi Council, Coruscant. Coruscant is a world where every inch is covered with technology; visually stunning. And that's just it, the entire movie is visually fascinating but lacks in what previous Star Wars movies had, character interaction. As always, I will be looking forward to the next installment, but I will be "mindful of the past" when I "look to the future".
Rating:  Summary: Silly Rabbit, Star Wars are for Kids - Too Bad Review: Star Wars is facinating due to its ability to adapt and modernize traditional mythic motifs so that they speak to us in the 20th - 21st centuries. George Lucas has proved to be a master at this. Darth Maul is actually more impressive than Darth Vader. To this he deserves much credit. However, after creating such a vivid environment and such wonderful characters he dedicates a good portion of this movie to deliberatley dumbed down characters like Jar-Jar Binks and the Trade Federation cronies. It is like watching Roger Rabbit and Elmer Fudd plodding along in a Warner Brothers cartoon. This is really a temendous movie leaves you feeling a little on the dark side.
Rating:  Summary: Every Saga Has Its Beginning Review: Star Wars is no different. And the much anticipated Phantom Menace does well at delivering the classic action we've all come to expect from George Lucas. As well as telling the heartwreching story of a sympathetic Anakin Skywalker. My only really gripe with this film is the lack of certain character involvement. Ewan McGregor was wasted as Obi-Wan Kenobi, and I expected much more from someone that sounded and looked as menacing as Darth Maul. The annoying Jar Jar Binks get twice as much screen time as either one of these characters and they're much more essential to the telling of the story. If it hadn't been for Yoda, I probably wouldn't have waited in line for hours just to get tickets. Still the action does deliver a punch that will knock you out of your seat.
Rating:  Summary: Now we are getting mad! Review: Star Wars is one of the most lamest, overrated films in history much like Lord of the Good 'Ol Ringos. Same goes for this. What is it with trilogies? They are pointless, usless things to make people anticipate the next film and trick you into believing in something that is not there. First off, let me say, if a human being can comprehend the story within this movie, kudos to them. On the otherhand, kill them off so a movie like this will never exist again. To boot, every actor in here is annyoing as can be. I never like Liam, and I think it would take a lot to make me. Ewan is ugly, and that goes for the Portman chick as well. I don't mean to be shallow, but hey, if you can't stand to look at the actors what is the point? The film never ceases. End already!
Rating:  Summary: The Phantom Menace by Thomas Squara Review: Star Wars Phantom Menace(1999).127mins Dir.George Lucas ,Starring Ewan Mcgregor, and Liam Neeson . Anakin Skywalker aka Darth Vader is discovered as a young child with an incredible spirit of a young Jedi Knight emerging.First knowledge of the Sith emerging in the face of Darth Maul. Humerous characters such as Ja Ja Binks ,are introduced to the series.Packed with adventure and action,with amazing computer visual effects. Thomas Squara.
Rating:  Summary: sheer commercialism Review: Star Wars used to be a respected franchise...Not Anymore! Interest in the next prequel will be even less than PM after the dissapointment in this one. Also does Lucas really think he can move the market with his VHS only stance? He's only going to be remembered as the Grifter he is to shake more money out of the rabid "fans" out there who need to get a life anyway.
Rating:  Summary: Non stop action thrill ride... Just like all the others Review: Star Wars was not put on the AFI's top 100 list because it looked good, had cool special effects, or exciting action sequences. It is there because it is a great film. The Phantom Menace is a typical 90's action/adventure heavy on Special Effects and light on substance. Obi Wan was in Star Wars less than half the movie, but I know more about him than I do about any character in Phantom Menace. Han Solo is a character everyone wants to be, or at least meet. Luke is a gape jawed simple farm boy who is thrust into the big bad world unprepared. Leia is the leader of a movement she knows is more important than herself, or indeed any one person. The Phantom Menace has all the drama and intrigue of C-SPAN. "The motion before the floor is, should we care about a war over trade on a planet no one cares about? The yeas are 192, the neas are 387, the measure does not pass....Next item of business..." (Yawn!) There was no character development, no internal conflicts, no hard decisions to make. In short it was a mindless romp through a story we all know the end to, full of pretty pictures and flashy sword fights. Check your brain at the door. We have special effects now, who needs a good story.
Rating:  Summary: AMAZING!!! Review: Star Wars was well made and well directed, and I loved the begging, the race and the end. George Lucas really made an awesome job,I loved this movie and I can't wait until Star Wars Episode 2!
Rating:  Summary: Can we please just forget about this debacle and move on... Review: Star Wars, the Holy trilogy in all of movie history, was kicked and beaten by this horror of science fiction. Episode One, was garbage, and anyone that says that is isn't is surely mistaken. This movie lacked in everything that made the first (or second, i'm not completely sure anymore) trilogy entertaining: dialougue, story-line, and character development. The kid who played Anakin has no business being an actor, and some of his lines were so disturbingly bad that I could feel my lungs caving in everytime he said a word. The introduction of the medi-chlorians made absolutely no sense in any possible way and took away from any mystery the original "Force" had. Sure, I don't know anybody who would turn down the powers of the Force, but that the fact that there would be "things" inside me wouldn't feel too good. But I'm not going to name all the bad points (cough*jar-jar*cough). I mean the movie did have it's moments, but so did Josie and the Pussycats, and that doesn't make it good. OK, the graphics were damn good and the fight scene between Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon and Darth Maul put anything Vader and Luke did to shame, but those qualities alone dont make a movie. I can only pray that Episode 2 will bring back any credibility Lucas had, but with a name like "Episode II: ATTACK OF THE CLONES!" I don't think I'll get my wish.