Rating:  Summary: A children`s movie Review: Star Wars Episode I - The Phantom Menace has a lot of nice effects and scenes- but that`s about it. The movie is in no way on the same level as the 3 others. This movie is a children`s movie. That big rabbit look-a-like (whose name I have merciful forgotten) can only very small children find funny. He was stupid to watch for older viewers. The movie lacked a purpose. It seems like the movie is made only so there could be 3 new Star Wars movies.The movie starts on the Queen`s planet and ends there as well. It is a circle going nowhere. Even in a galaxy far,far away there should be some kind of realism and I fear this film lacks that. A Queen of 14 years seems a bit young even for Star Wars. And that whole Anakin is Jesus was too much for me. ( See the time when Anakin`s mother says that he was born without a father, solemnly by the "power of the Force" of something like that)
Rating:  Summary: Phantom of the Original Review: Star Wars Episode I - The Phantom Menace must have been not only the most anticipated film of all time, but also the biggest disappointment of all time - at least to hardcore fans. But let's face it, folks: if someone doesn't know better than to dedicate their lives to expecting a movie sequel, that's their own problem. Episode I may have been surrounded by a hype that raised the expectations of fans too high and got heavily on the nerves of those who never cared much for the original Star Wars in the first place, but it's not such a disastrously bad film.All right, the story is pretty illogical and Lucas has probably written some of the worst dialogue in the movie history. When I first saw the film in movies, McGregor's line "I have a bad feeling about this" teased a genuinely hilarious reaction out of the audience - the problem is, it hardly was intended as funny. Similarly, Jar Jar Binks who assumably was supposed to take care of the comedy department never managed to break the ice, and it seems the general opinion wished for a special edition with this character erased by the same computer effects that created it. Talking of which, why are Qui-Gon's and Obi-Wan's clothes dry when they enter the Gungan city having just swam through the lake surrounding it? And why doesn't Qui-Gon's cloak burn when he forgets to switch off his light-saber before putting it back to his belt? But if you manage to turn off your inner movie critic for a moment and choose to go for a couple of hours of good entertainment instead, it's great fun. Natalie Portman as Queen Amidala and Jake Lloyd as young Anakin Skywalker may not assure us as a couple, but their individual performances are enjoyable, as is Liam Neeson's as Qui-Gon Jinn. For fans of Ewan McGregor there is not much - maybe the time will come in Episode II. The special effects are beautiful, the action entertaining (especially the breathtaking pod-race sequence) and the adventure is still there, as it was in the previous films; it still invokes the childlike pleasure in the viewer, this fairytale universe. The strength of Star Wars has never really been in great storylines or witty dialogue, but in the ability to create a whole and complete universe with its own mythology, heroes and heroines. It appeals to something that is very deep within us - the truth is that storytelling and mythologies have existed in some form in almost every single culture ever known. If you're expecting an incredible experience that will change your life, don't bother. Be realistic: it's just a film. But it should rather be judged by its own achievements than the expectations created partly by the fan cult around the original Star Wars and partly by the huge marketing machinery around it. Be open to it and you might find the force is still with you.
Rating:  Summary: Why did'nt it get an Oscar for Special Effects ? Review: Star Wars Episode I is an excellent beginning to the saga. It is a prequel "to be commended." Watching the Academy Awards, I was disappointed that it was'nt recipient of a special effects award. The special effects are one of the highlights of the film, as are all Star Wars films. The plot, contrary to popular opinion, is excellent. The plot is appropriate for a prequel. Episode I tells the origin of the Force, the Jedi, the Sith and we see an innocent Darth Vader as a boy. Pay attention to what some of the characters say. They foreshadow future Star War events. For example, Anakin says, "I had a dream I was a Jedi and I freed all the slaves," or Palpatine, "We will watch his career with great interest." The acting is well-performed, particularily impressive is Natalie Portman's role as the bold and intelligent Queen Amidala. Liam Neeson's role as Qui Gon is equally ensemble. If you get this film, buy the soundtrack. John Williams has done it again. Spectacular scenery, the Pod-Race is unforgettable, and the action (light-sabre duels) have been mastered to an art. For those faithful to the original Star Wars films and feel the new are "just for kids" or for a "younger generation" you are wrong. Pay attention to the dialogue. This film is also for the original fans since it unlocks the mysteries never revealed in Empire and Jedi. Buy this film and May the Force be with you.
Rating:  Summary: THIS MOVIE IS AWESOME! Review: Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace was not only the most anticipated movie of perhaps all time, but it was also the best. The charactors were fantastic, the special effects were unbelievable, and the plot was excellent. The CG charactors like Jar Jar, Watto, and Boss Nass were so real that they blended in perfectly. Personally, I'm sick of hearing all the bad reviews about this movie. Why can't we sit back and just watch an excellent film?
Rating:  Summary: An excellent addition to the legacy Review: Star Wars Episode I was a special effects marvel and meshed perfectly with the other SW movies. Jar-jar Binks may have been a little excessive, but provided some comic relief to a very dramatic plot. As with the rest of the SW movies, when taken together, the sum of the whole is greater than the parts and this movie is well worth inclusion in your video collection.
Rating:  Summary: FANTASTIC! Review: Star Wars Episode I was fantastic. I saw it in the theaters and I loved it. My favorite part was the pod racing. 10 minutes of the greatest racing I ever saw. Unbelievable!
Rating:  Summary: STAR WARS IS BACK! Review: Star Wars Episode I-The Phantom Menace is an incredible expericence. It nearly lives up to its overwhelming hype although many, many so called Star Wars fans like to carp on this entry (I call them naysayers, not Star Wars fans) for its underwhelming character development, overemphasis on the FX and of course Jar Jar Binks, but these people don't realize that this film, much like the orginal trilogy upon its intital release, also recieved harsh criticism and much lambastation. Wake up, this IS Star Wars people, and its got all the magic, action and humor to prove it!Episode I was savagely attacked by the 'hip' crowd of film goers and critics whom love to regard the original trilogy as classics, but now prefer to flock to The Matrix simply because its the new 'in' movie to like. Some parts of Episode I do feel like formula, but it's because that Star Wars does have a formula, it's been ripped off countless times in the past sixteen years so of course, by this time things may seem a little stale. Everything from Battlestar Galactica, later Star Trek films and Independence Day have stolen from Star Wars. Director Lucas knows how to keep things moving, and from an excellent opening action scene, to a hair raising pod race, to a climactic lightsaber duel that puts EVERYTHING in the Matrix to shame, this film is a wonderfully crafted, masterpiece and a surefire future classic!Liam Neeson heads a great cast as the noble Qui-Gon Jinn, a jedi master, very calm and focused, Qui-Gon doesn't let an emotion get the better of him in battle, and Neeson pulls this off wonderfully, idiots confuse the stern and quiet character of Qui-Gon with bad acting on Neeson's part, this is absurd. Neeson plays the part perfectly, as does Ewan McGregor as a young Obi-Wan. Although having little to do in this film, McGregor's Kenobi is a brash and mindful teacher under Qui-Gon and we sense that he will follow his master's footsteps when it comes time to defy the jedi council. Natalie Portman's Queen Amidala is also a fully fleshed out character, although she does not break down and weep, the Queen is a very strong, albeit easily manipulated character. Her concern for her people superceed all else as she risks everything to save her kingdom. Jake Lloyd's Anakin is the perfect start for Lucas' three part opera concerning his fall from grace. As we meet him here, a little slave child, he is generous and kind, longng for adventure and excitement, he is as ambitious as young Luke was the first time we met him. Knowing him from childhood will make his fall even more dramatic.Episode I was a great film, one of emotion and adventure, one that has and will continue to delight fans and general movie goers for a long time to come, and with repeated viewings, is revelaed to be another great addition to the screen's greatest epic series.
Rating:  Summary: An Underated Movie.... Review: Star Wars Episode I: the Phantom Menace was the most anticipated film of all time. The hype behind it was enormous. The characters of the movie graced everything from action figures to toothpaste bottles to inflatable chairs. So it comes as no surprise that the movie didn't live up to everyone's expectations. Many people complained to no end about it. But, when get past the hype and internet complaints, you have yourself a pretty decent movie. Sure it had some bad parts. Okay, it had some REALLY bad parts. The story wasn't all that fascinating, tha characterization is weak, Darth Vader's an exuberant little kid, And Jar Jar Binks is the most annoying character ever. But the movie is still worthy of the Star Wars title. I can't tell you how many times I was in gasping in awe of the sheer visuals in the film. To me, the good redeems the movie for it's worser parts. As for the legions of fans who hated this movie, I think they were expecting it to be like the first time theysaw Star Wars. News flash for you folks: it's a slim chance that you'll ever have that experience again in your life. Only the true fans can appreciate the film for what it is. And the geeks who spend all their time on the internet and complain about Jar Jar Binks? They need to get a life.
Rating:  Summary: Never will there be a better movie Review: Star Wars Episode I: THE PHANTOM MENACE-Only a few things their can be told about this movie. 1) Never anything better 2) The greatest movie ever made 3) The one to own. When I saw Star Wars Episode I: Tha Phantom Menace in the theters on May 19, 1999, I sat for 2 hours and 20 minutes. Durring that time I was never bored. I saw the movie five times in the theater. I only wish the movie could have come out sonner. I already reserved mine. I ghive the movie a good five. 100% wonderful. Here is how I can discribe The Phantom Menace: Wonderful, the best, nother ever can beat it. When Episode II comes to the theaters, I'm sure I will be sitting on non-stop fun. Star Wars: THE PHANTOM MENACE was non-stop fun, great action, funny, and finally I think that the movie was the greatest movie I have ever seen. I only hope that everyone else feels the same. I hope this has helped you with your purchasen toward this remarkable masterpeice. Great Characters: Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Queen Amidala, Aniken Skywalker, Yoda, Mace Windu, Shmi Skywalker and more to come as you sit down and experience the greatest movie ever made.
Rating:  Summary: The Least Of The Bunch - They All Can't Be Great! Review: Star Wars Episode II: The Phantom Menace is the first in the Star Wars stories according to George Lucas. I must say I enjoyed Attack Of the Clones much better than this one. This movie was filled with too many creatures and special effects that made it seem like a merchandisers warehouse for all the future toys that were going to be released. The story too simple to be enjoyable and the one character that drove me crazy was Jar Jar Binks. I couldn't understand him and ended up hating him. The stand out performance for me was Liam Nielson and Ewan McGregor. The kid and Jar Jar could disappear and the movie might have improved. Natalie Portman was honest and simple but very convincing as the diplomatic ruler of the now failing senate. That was the theatrical release for me - now the DVD release is much different. This multi-million dollar production works much better for me on the small screen. I can hear everything and skip past jar Jar when I want to. The visual effects and the technical aspects of the film are amazing. The DVD also has tons of extras including some stuff for your PC. It also has several documentaries and several behind the scenes looks at the technical makings of the movies. It has prints and posters of all kinds. It is a good DVD for the Star Wars fan , but for the Sci-Fi fan -it's like Star Trek V- The Final Frontier - no one really wants it, but you got to have it because it is part of the series. Make sense? (8-13-02)