Rating:  Summary: A GREAT MOVIE Review: Star Wars Episode 1 is great film amed for people of all ages
Rating:  Summary: underrated Review: Star Wars episode 1 is in my oppinion extremely underrated. I think that this one is better than episode 4 because well, the new trilogy isn't all about action, there is more romance, drama, and the story is much better than atleast ep. 4. Infact this was my favorite SW movie(aside from Jedi)because this has much more chracters and plot than the first one. The story revolves around the start of the intergalactic war when Naboo gets invaded. When the Jedis Obi Wan Kenobi and Qui Gon Jin go in to settle the conflict it nearly starts war. After that fails they go to Naboo where battles are raging, there they meet Gungan Jar Jar binks. From there the movie starts getting better and beter. This movie tells about the characters of the original and how they got to what they are now. Now you know how Anakin got to the darkside. The originals actually make alot more sense. i am not saying that I don't like the originals(Return of the Jedi was my favorite movie of all time actually. The special effects are mezmorizing and just add to the fun of this amazing series. I dissagree harshley with most of the other posters. The DVD quality of this set is great. it is loaded with special features, more than any other DVD. The special features include, exclusive deleted Scenes Documentary features seven new sequences completed exclusively for this DVD including extended Podrace scenes. All new hour long documentary film culled from over 600 hours of footage, The beggining takes you where few people have been before-inside Lucasfilm and ILM during the production of episode 1. Multi-Angle storyboard-to-animatic-to-film segment featuring the Submarine and Podrace Lap 1 sequences. Five Featurettes explore the phantom Menace's storyline, design, costumes, visual effects and fight scenes. Award Winning twelve-part web documentary series that chronicles the production of Episode 1. Duel of the Fates music video featuring John Williams. never Before seen Production Photo Gallery with special caption feature. Theatrical posters and print campaigns from around the wold. Theatrical teaser and launch trailers, plus seven TV spots. Star Wars: Star Fighter the making of a game, featurette from Lucas Arts. DVD-ROM weblink to exclusive Star Wars content. That is an amazing amount of special features. A great example of what a DVD can do. This DVD also includes on the first disc: Comentary by George Lucas, Rick Mcallum, Ben Burtt, Rob Coleman, John Knoll, Denis Muren, and Scott Squires. Anamorphic Widescreen(Aspect Ratio 2.35:1). Sound: English Dolby 5. 1 surround EX, English Dolby 2.0 Surround, Spanish Dolby 2.0 surround, Subtitles: English. Star Wars episode 1 isn't only a movie it has tons of special featues and remains a showcase of what a DVD can do, a sample of what it can do in the future. This DVD is highly reccomended to sci-fi/Star Wars fans, action fans. Grade...A+ ~Dan~
Rating:  Summary: THE BEST MOVIE SINCE THE ORIGINAL STAR WARS Review: Star Wars Episode 1 is the greatest movie since the originals. The action is thrilling. The podrace scene makes you feel in the racer. Everyone will enjoy this. The final Battle between Darth Maul, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Qui-Gon Jinn is awesome. Jar Jar Binks can be annoying but he's cool to. Not only does this movie rock but its a motion picture masterpiece for the entire family
Rating:  Summary: Ok movie...Near Perfect DVD! Review: Star Wars Episode 1 maybe a disappointment ,but George Lucas always keeps something special in store, waiting to the perfect moment. When DVD's were expanding he released Episode 1 on DVD with a 2 disc set and tons of special features including totally redone deleted scenes how can we be mad at the guy that his life is build apon Star Wars(and Indiana Jones, but thats another story). I saw episode 1 again after the Attack of the Clones(bore) and I gave it a thought that truly it wasn't a bad movie(,but it was the Willow of the Star Wars Trilogy). It needed connections to the IV, V, and VI episodes or else this was a totally differant movie. So if you liked this one you my like episode 2 better!
Rating:  Summary: two thumbs way, way up! Review: Star Wars Episode 1 The Phantom Menace, is the first part of the number one saga in the history of motion pictures. The breathtaking glory and magnitude of special effects, is like nothimg ever seen on screen. Combined with a classic yet intruiging adventure of a story, it hails as one of the greatest movies ever made. Two Jedi Knights are set out, on a secret mission, to simply settle a conflict with the Trad Federation and a peaceful planet. However they do not yet know the power behind this uprising. Fearing for the saftey of the queen of the planet, the Jedi Knights escourt her and an alien represntative they rescued, to Coursant in hopes to bring forth her case to the Senate. Their ship, badley damaged from an attack however, is forst to land on the small remote planet of Tatoonie. Seeking for the parts to repair their ship, one of they Jedi Knights discovers a young boy by the name of Anakin Skywalker, who is the chosen one, discribed in the prophecy to bring balance to the force. Their currency is quickly rejected from the dealers, but the young slave boy named Anakin offers to enter a pod-race to aquire the repiars for his new friends. The race becomes one for freedom when the Jedi Knight bets all their chances of getting off the planet, so Anakin can come with them to fufill the prophecy and become a Jedi. After triumphantly winning the race, Anakin now must face his future and let go of every thing he has ever known, vowing to someday return to free his motherfrom slavery. The situation becomes much more complicated when they are attacked by a Sith. As soon as they get to Coursant, the Jedi along with Anakin, go to the Jedi Temple to report the situation. The queen struggles in the senate and is persuaded by the mysterious Senator Palpetine to vote for a new Supreme Chancellor. Palpetine manages to hide his true identity, as the Sith Lord behind the uprising of evil and Trade Federation, from them. The Jedi Temple sees Anakins future as clouded and deside not to train him. The Jedi Knight that found him sees differently and promises to train him any way. Meanwhile the Queen desides to return to her planet to fight for her people no matter what the coast. The Jedi are told to return as well to investigate these mysterious Sith. Mapping a plan to stop the invasion of the Trade Federation they see that they must work together. Once inside the Thrown Room the Jedi are stopped by a Sith and ingage in a fearce light saber duel, as Anakin and the rest continue. Seeking refuge from the battle in a Starfighter, Anakin uses it to defend the Queen then quickly realizes it is set on auto-polit to destroy droid control ship and it takes off. He is able to help destroy the droids and the queen takes back her Palace and planet. The Jedi who is responsible for finding Anakin is killed in the battle with the Sith but inscructs his former apprentace to carry out the prophecy. The Jedi promises to train Anakin just as his former master trained him, and the saga begins... This is a movie anyone will enjoy for years to come.
Rating:  Summary: Anticipated for years, written over a weekend. Review: Star Wars Episode 1 was easily the most anticipated movie of the 90s. However after waiting in line for 2 hours and finaly seeing the movie I was less then pleased with the movie. First of all, the movie was way too commercialized. George Lucas threw everything he could into the merchandise industry from pop can labels to inflatable Darth Maul chairs. It really took the taste out of anyone's mouth. Seccond was the plot: Does anyone know what the plot was? I couldn't. I couldn't tell what the deal was with the Trade Federation and their dumb treaties. And why Naboo? Why some backwater boonies that no one cares about? My point is the movie had NO plot, and if it did George Lucas did a poor job of showing it. Third was the concentration on special effects: George Lucas spent too much manpower and money on the special effects. I give this movie two stars for the special effects. In the first Star Wars, they concentrated on BOTH the special effects and the script and it became the most grossed in movie of all time. (after inflation rates of course) The biggest example was the podrace, gosh what a boring scene! It kept going on and on. Fourth was the bad linking the other Star Wars movies: Anyone who has watched the original Star Wars as much as me can easily see many things that don't add up. Such as in Return of the Jedi, Obi tells Luke that when he met his father, he was already "a great pilot" but in Episode 1 he was just a little kid. Then there's my favorite point that Obi says in the Empire Strikes Back that Yoda was the "Jedi master who instructed me" but in Episode 1 it was Liam Neeson who trained him. 5th is the bad script, characters and acting: Can anyone honestly say that they wanted to see Jar Jar die? I was hoping that Chewbacca would eat him in episode II. His voice was annoying and I could hardly understand a thing he said. Then there was Annakin, granted young kid actors arn't the best in the world however why did they pick THAT kid? "Are you an angel?" "Then they blow you up!" Come on! Not only were those...lines but his acting was aweful. George Lucas should've picked someone like Haley Joel or someone who can read from a script without looking at it. Next we see Darth Maul. He had a lot of potential as a villian, he was dark, calm and had one heck of a weapon (double edge lightsaber) however George Lucas decided to spend more time on the pod race then concentrating on character development. Most of the script contained ...lines that would put the original Resident Evil game to shame... I nearly[became ill]during the pod race. The only reason why I gave this another star was because of the last Jedi vs. Sith fighting sequence. It was well done however it does not make a movie. Fighting sequences only make movies in the South Pacific. Overall this was a big disapointment and will reflect on George Lucas for years to come.
Rating:  Summary: A GREAT MOVIE,BUT NOT RELEASE ON DVD! Review: Star Wars Episode 1 was my favorite movie of 1999 I watched three time over the summer.This movie has great special effects awesome fighting scenes with Obi-wan Kenobi,Qui-Gon and Darth Maul.The city of Naboo is beautiful with realistic waterfall,Natalie Portman did a great job in this movie,she play Queen Amidala and Padme.Jar Jar bink I don't like him he ruin the movie he too funny and chicken out at the battle scenes and it's hard to understand what he saying.Last one is Anakin Skywalker the boy who want to become the Jedi,can't wait for that on Episode 2&3.I enjoy this movie,so may the force be with you! George Lucas said he's not releasing Episode 1 on DVD,I was very disappointed,DVD is much better then vhs.
Rating:  Summary: We waited 16 years for this????? Review: Star Wars Episode 1 would have to go down in film history as the biggest disappointment ever. What a piece of rubbish! The script is appalling, the acting non-existant (everyone just stands around saying their lines, without any feeling or emotion, looking like they desparately want to know what's happening on that green-screen behind them), and the computer generated FX so overwhelming that its like having spectacular fireworks let off in your face for 2 hours ... my brain went into fatigue-mode after about an hour. George's excuse for my above comments? I would imagine him saying something like this - "The script is bad because I hate writing scripts; the acting was bad because it was nearly all shot in front of a green-screen; and the CGI was so over the top because we had to take the audience's eyes away from the bad acting." And we can only hope that Jar Jar Binks is sliced into little pieces by a lightsabre during the opening of Episode 2 ("Attack of the Clowns .. er, Clones??? Please pass the bucket ...... ). As well as hoping that George isn't directing Ep 2. Lets face it, Georgie ... just sell the Star Wars license to someone who knows how to make a good movie, because you've forgotten how to. In closing - 'Star Wars' (I can't bring myself to call it "A New Hope") was fantastic; "Empire Strikes Back" will be looking on in 50 years time as a movie classic; "Return of the Jedi" was a let-down, but great anyway; "Phantom Menace" was complete (pretty) garbage!
Rating:  Summary: Worth Seeing Review: Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace is definitely a movie worth seeing. It is somewhat superior to the original trilogy when it comes to the action. The Phantom Menace contains non-stop action that is very exciting to see. The plot is another story. When seeing this film, one finds it difficult to see where the plot is headed. That is because the plot of this movie is somewhat weak and undeveloped. (Thus the missing star). Also, the movie seems to be nothing more than a western story transplanted on other worlds. Personally, I think The Phantom Menace is more of an adventure movie than a science-fiction film, only with science-fiction elements added to the action, such as otherworldly planets, alien beings, and robots. Although the plot is weak it is still my opinion that The Phantom Menace is worth seeing, and what it lacks in plot development it makes up for with the action sequences, especially the nerve frazzling desert podrace and the thriller of a climax which is an intense laser sword duel. Other action-filled sequences such as the intense space battle, the riveting battle fought between an army of robots and an army of aliens, the sequence in which two Jedi Knights narrowly escape a death trap set for them on a space station, and the sequence in which the queen ruler of the besieged and invaded planet of Naboo escapes the dangerous planet along with the two Jedi Knights who resued her from imprisonment makes this a film not to be missed by any means. It is not neccessary for one to be a Star Wars fan in order to enjoy this film. In my opinion Jake Lloyd, Ewan McGregor, and Natalie Portman display the best performances. Lloyd plays Anakin Skywalker, the nine year-old slave boy who is the future Darth Vader. Ewan McGregor plays the role of young Jedi Knight apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Natalie Portman plays Queen Amidala, ruler of planet Naboo.
Rating:  Summary: It Really Isn't That Bad Review: Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace may very well have been the most anticipated movie of all time. Since it was first announced many years ago, people (myself include) were eagerly waiting with baited breath, saving up their cash for those tickets, and getting their tents cleaned up for an overnight stay at the movie theater just to see the first prequel to George Lucas' seminal Star Wars trilogy. So it is only natural that some were a little disappointed walking out of the theater. Well, as possibly a rare voice in the pool of criticism, I will state that Episode 1 is a solid attempt at explaining how the whole Star Wars saga "began" (in storyline of course). The first thing you will probably notice when seeing Episode 1 is that it "feels" a lot different from previous Star Wars films. The primitive picture quality of the (non-remastered) original trilogy is missing here, as are many of the original characters (namely Han, Luke, Leia, and Lando) we all grew to know and love. Most importantly, however, the fact that this is a prequel to a trilogy that ended 19 YEARS AGO takes away much of the film's potential nostalgia (considering the long way film and computer technology has come since 1983's Return Of The Jedi). Even if you haven't seen Episode 1 just yet, you probably know the plot revolves around young Anakin Skywalker (soon to be Darth Vader), and his upcoming quest to become a Jedi Knight. George Lucas had quite a task on his hands explaining how the Rebel Alliance, the Empire, etc. came to be. And Episode 1 does a fairly good job explaining some of the initial details. Darth Vader is of course still Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan is a very young man attempting to train Anakin as a Jedi knight (his big mistake), and Senator Palpatine (soon to be Emperor Palpatine, or just "The Emperor" for those that haven't read the Star Wars books) is blatantly hiding his true colors in a sea of kindness/dignity. Unfortunately, the plot itself could have used a few tweaks. The movie's opening, for example, is very vague and does a poor job explaining what's actually going on. As could the acting crew. Jar Jar Binks I probably don't need to go into too much detail with, but Jake Lloyd's performance as Anaken Skywalker was IMO just about as annoying. It's obvious the young actor was very excited about being part of the new Star Wars films. So at times he seems quite a bit more excited than he needs to be. On the bright side, both the pod-racing sequence and the battle with Darth Maul were very well done. Overall, Star Wars Episode 1 is one of those movies that will probably grow on you once the entire Star Wars prequel trilogy is complete. Everything will finally tie in with the original trilogy, and the prequels (including Episode 1) will make more sense. As it is, I recommend everybody gives this movie a chance. With a little patience and an open mind, you may actually like it.