Rating:  Summary: Extras show the movie could have been worse! Review: I'm not giving this five stars because it was a good movie...it wasn't. I'm sure everyone has thought or hear about how annoying Jar-Jar is (though not as bad the second time I watched it); the pod-racing was way too long and the announcers were too "modern" (sounds like Mel Allen doing the play-by-play); the actors playing Anakin and his mother are wretched (I don't know what was worse, their acting or their dialogue); shameful use of things such as fart and feces jokes; and Darth Maul is *seriously* underdeveloped as a character. The odd thing is that the five minutes of the final showdown between the Jedi is great filmmaking, the rest is Lucas playing with his "toys". What made the original trilogy great is that it was your classic Arthur legend, set in space, and done so in a manner that it worked on several levels. Kids loved the battles and special effects, adults could enjoy the plot-twists and the progress of the characters. None of this happens in the Phantom Menance, it's "dumbed down" to the lowest commmon denominator and if it had been truly the first movie in 1977, the series would have died. The DVD however is what DVD is all about. One disc has the movie with special features such as commentary and such, the other has mini-documentaries, photo and video galleries, etc. Nicely done. What scares me is watching the deleted scenes...because the movie could have been worse. The pod races could have been even longer than they were, the Jedi and Jar-Jar could have been threatened by falling over a waterfall for no reason when they arrive at the Naboo capital, etc. Bottom line, DVD: Five Stars; Movie: Two Stars at best.
Rating:  Summary: Not my Star Wars Review: I'm not going to point out what I specifically disliked about this film, because there's just too much. Instead I'll say that I simply did not care whether any of the characters in this debacle lived or died, and that is not the Star Wars I remember. Yes, it's a new trilogy, with different worlds and new characters, but this film has no heart. None. I always find the blind devotion that accompanies everything George Lucas does to be more than a little distressing. Since the original Star Wars, he's directed Howard the Duck and The Radioland Murders, both of which are an entire universe beyond terrible. The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles? Please. People, there's a reason that drivel got cancelled. I mean, what do people expect out of the man, The Usual Suspects? The guy's creative well is dry. I can almost see GW sitting at the ranch, with pen in hand, scripting away the Jar Jar Binks character and honestly believing that the guy would be absolutely hilarious and embraced by audiences. Thinking the midi-chlorian thing was a "mind-blowing" revalation. Actually writing in an immaculate conception for Darth Vader and expecting us to accept it. Try saying it loud with me so you all can appreciate the absurdity of it: "Darth Vader was conceived by the midi-chlorians" See what I mean? I think it's time for everyone, as Luke did regarding his relationship with Darth Vader, to accept the truth; it's over. Want to re-live your childhood? Watch episodes IV-VI. As for this farce, don't give George Lucas another cent; the lemmings have made him rich enough.
Rating:  Summary: Has grown on me Review: I'm not sure if it is repeated viewing or the realization that the last film will be here soon, but this one has grown on me. Return of the Jedi was always the problem child for me. It was replaced when this one came out. Once again the effects are breathtaking, but it has several obvious weak points. We should have met Skywalker at a later age. Jar jar is completely useless. My favorite peev though is the point where Skywalker destroys the control ship and say's "Now this is pod racing!". I can never help myself but to respond with "No, this is warfare and many people have just died!"
However, within the storyline George has laid out, this film does what it sets out to do. And there are moments of brilliance. The podrace and the duel are worth price of admission alone. If we did not know what was going to happen in future segments of the story it would all be very mysterious (I plan to make my grandchildren watch them in correct order!)
Overall, I would say that the rabid negative reactions many had towards this installment were tad over done. After all, even the worst Star Wars movie is still much better than the majority of stuff we get. George has created a whole galaxy for us to explore, unlike LOTR where existing mythology was just pasted together in a new format. I enjoyed Episode 2 and have high expectations for Episode 3. I even hope somebody picks up the flag and does other Star Wars stories.
Rating:  Summary: What a let down Review: I'm not worried about hurting George Lucas's feelings because he's got a lot of money, and he'll be fine no matter what I say. But, to all of the Star Wars fans out there (of which I am one), I apologize for what follows. This movie is awful - Why not just do the whole thing with computer animation? After watching this I coulden't help wondering if maybe George Lucas himself hadn't turned to the dark side. I am not happy at all with the "kiddy" aspect of this film. Jar Jar Binks??? Jar Jar Binks??? Star Wars was fun for everyone, The Pahntom Manace however, has turned a legitimate trilogy of entertaining movies into a Saturday morning cartoon. Good job.
Rating:  Summary: Hopefully Lucas is reading these! Review: I'm one of the "old-school" Star Wars fans that had the joy and magic to see the Original in the theater many more years ago then I care to remember. This film was the most hyped-up piece of work because it took my generation back to a time when we were children and had nothing but our imaginations driving us day after day. Then we get this film, and it becomes clear why Lucas was "afraid" to write anything after the end of "Jedi". I never understood if a writer is so worried about messing-up a successful series, why he wouldn't have the guts to give it to someone who "does" have talent in filmmaking instead of us waiting so long to see his weakness show. Now granted, ILM is the best in the World and they proved their part once again with their work on this film, but looks and Special Effects Magic is practically all one can give to the film. Only a few Actors earned their money, one of which being Ewan McGregor. But unfortunately I can't be modest on the young Anakin Skywalker simply because he's a young actor... I think we've all seen actors of the same age act circles around this one, including Elija Wood and Haley Joel Osment from "The Sixth Sense". - Good young actors are out there regaurdless of their "cutness" and an actor is only as good as their director... you had the feeling while watching this film that Lucas didn't make the young actor do as many takes as he should to get it right. Then of course it goes without saying about Jar Jar Binks... The Character really didn't look all that bad when we all saw him in the previews but then we all heard his voice and it made our ears bleed. From the first two minutes of his appearence, I was hoping he'd take a bullet. - If it hadn't been for the Superb Fight sequence of Darth Maul, this character would've single-handedly ruined the entire movie putting it right up there with all the Sequals and Prequals that have been ignored due to the idea that they ruined a great series (Can anyone say "Aliens 3"?) ... I'd have to say accept this film because the series is not yet over, but don't waste your money on buying any special edition unless it comes on DVD. VHS belongs on the shelf along with Beta and the 8-track tape.
Rating:  Summary: Crummier than Return of the Jedi Review: I'm one of the biggest Star Wars fans, but The Phantom Menace is an undisputable sign that Lucas has lost his mind completely. All of the mistakes of Return of the Jedi are magnified 10x. Obviously, he lives in a sad fantasy world where making more money from Pepsi tie-ins is more important than quality film making. George: Star Wars and Empire were targeted at a 12 year old audience. That audience is now 30. Don't make another movie aimed at 5 year olds. You'll make more money and earn some respect if you think about what your FANS want rather than what YOU want. The production of this movie was, at best, a weak attempt. Here are just some of the reasons why I think this film stinks: 1. Horrible dialog: Lucas had 15 years and plenty of talented writers- look at what he decided to film. 2. Bad. Bad acting: If you're going to use newcomers, there are plenty of good actors trying to get work. 3. Bad, bad directing: Rotten Direction + Rotten Acting = Phantom Menace. How about some depth to the characters? Focus on developing 3 good characters, not 8 stupid ones! 4. Canned Special Effects: We've seen it all before. People don't want to see computer generated characters, unless its Toy Story. Check out the Matrix for some true quality effects. 5. Stupid STUPID jokes and way too many of them: Fart jokes, "how rude?", Jar-Jar. These used to be serious movies. George, do you understand the "relief" in comic relief? Keep it down to 2%, OK? OK, Now the good bits: 1. Excellent light saber fights 2. Cool political story (yet badly portrayed)with Senator Palpatine's manipulation of power. 3. Decent performances by Liam and Ewan - oh, the value of real ACTORS! That's all folks! Hope the next one's better.
Rating:  Summary: Hmm Review: I'm rating the DVD as well as the film itself. The movie plain and simple, is not good. It stinks. It was an astonishing visual achievment, but the writing, well..... was pathetic. Its like watching a really elaborate video game. Except video games have better plots, and characters. I found both the childrens performances to be a little wooden, but given the dialogue, who can blame them? Everyone else plods along gamely enough, and the whole thing seems to work on a ; buy these toys at your local kay bee level. I was rather dissapointed. The DVD itself is pretty good. Several deleted scenes fully completed , special effects and all. The sound on the DVD is some of the best you will find and if your good home theatre system and are a fan you'll enjoy this DVD.
Rating:  Summary: Rate the DVD not the movie! Review: I'm rating the quality of the DVD as an ABSOLUTE 5 stars!! This was the most incredibly well put together and thought out DVD I've purchased thus far. They actually COMPLETED the deleted scenes and included them so they could be spliced right into the movie. The menu views are wonderful, Lucas put together an amazing product to showcase a moderate movie. Honestly, I thin kwe all know by now that Episode I did not live up to our expectations, but what could? Did I mention that if you own a DVD PC (not Mac, boo for that) you get access to special Episode II trailers? AWESOME! I'm looking forward to getting the first three on DVD as soon as they are availible. In short, if you love the DVD experience, you MUST buy this one!
Rating:  Summary: 5 stars for DVD quality, 3 stars for the movie Review: I'm reviewing only the DVD, and not the movie itself, which was a bit of a stinker, in my opinion. Well produced, beautifully filmed, but very poorly written. Anyway - this is an awesome and incredibly well done DVD. Lots and lots of extras. Great commentary by Lucas, the producer, the sound man, etc. Interview with the composer. Lots and lots and LOTS of background materials on the making of the film, and the entire process of putting it together from initial writing to final production, and the making of the DVD itself. The image of the movie is *very* crisp and clean. The deleted scenes are a nice addition to the movie. I am very impressed (and surprised, to be cynical about it) that Lucas has given us the full-featured DVD the first time out, and not offered us one scaled down DVD version, only to offer us a better version in a year, and then the full-scale one a year after that, like he's constantly done with the VHS versions of his movies. Thank you, Lucas, for taking care of your fans this time, and not trying to pad your pockets a few times before giving the fans what they *really* want. Quality-wise, this is absolutely one of the most loaded, best-featured DVDs I have in my collection. (as a p.s. - after hearing Lucas' commentary, and talking about some things coming up in the next movies, I have realized that a few things I criticized about this movie actually make sense oin terms of the upcoming story-line. However, I still think that, overall, the writing for this movie was only a cut above old b-movies)
Rating:  Summary: A great start to a continuing saga. Review: I'm simply amazed at how much criticism these movies get, especially with "The Phantom Menace." And I'm very pleased, because what exemplifies art more than the critics? It goes to show that Lucas truly shows his creative roots with these movies, as people draw different interpretations and beliefs from all of them; and no movie in history has ever done this as much as the Star Wars films have. To me, it's not about who likes or dislikes them, it's the feel that you get when you've seen the whole story unravel. To some, Star Wars is a film that reflects our society through the use of beautiful, galactic-wide set pieces, and the people who know Star Wars for that usually come off enjoying it, regardless of the hype and what the die-hard fans think of it. And then there are those who look at the series as a comic book, those who seem to think this one was a little more childish than the classic trilogy, completely forgetting why many people marveled to it in the first place. "Phantom" got its fair share of criticism, as did Episodes IV, V, and VI, and so does every other movie in history. People act like "Phantom" was just a bad movie, because it maybe didn't gross as much as was expected, and didn't completely meet others' expectations. But this belief only comes from the sixteen years of hype that have been following it. Trust me, there are worse movies in the world, and "Phantom" didn't suffer as badly as people thought. In my opinion, "Phantom" is one of the greatest examples of storytelling on-screen, and matches any of the classic films, including "The Empire Strikes Back." It's no more or no less than what the past three films were, and that trend will continue with however many chapters Lucas decides to tell. That's enough of my political views on the movie. My job is to review, not debate. "The Phantom Menace" is historically the first chapter in George Lucas' epic space opera. In this movie, we're introduced to the height of the Old Republic, the golden age of the galaxy, the wisdom of the Jedi Knights--and in the background, we have Anakin Skywalker, the boy destined to bring balance to the mystical energy field known as the Force. With "Phantom", the start of Anakin's journey becomes an important plot element that will decide his fate, something the wisdomic Jedi Knights, namely Yoda and Mace Windu, seem to understand. In this huge galactic turmoil that plagues the planet Naboo, we also see the corruption that will mar and eventually bring the downfall of the Old Republic, as Senator Palpatine begins to manipulate anyone who gets in his way to his rise to power. All of these elements are perfect ground for the forthcoming Episodes II and III, and serve as a basis for "A New Hope", "The Empire Strikes Back" and "Return of the Jedi". In terms of plot, "Phantom" mirrors Episode IV, as it serves as an introduction of what's to come. Its main purpose is to set up the dark events that will mire the rest of the trilogy, and it does a great job on that level. There's a lot of movie magic surrounding the mystery of this film, but its colorful atmosphere and wildly amusing characters is what makes for an entertaining film. Lucas draws from classic film fare, like "Ben-Hur" and "Flash Gordon", to continue telling his masterful stories. Every trace of his imagination and creativity is evident in this film, and how anyone could dream of a more classy, fantastical movie bewilders me. If there's a downside to the film, I thought more attention could be paid to the live-action characters. George's visual emphasis dominated the very lively world of "Phantom", as it always has with the original films. I just think his direction should linger more toward his physical actors, as they're essentially just as important to the story as all the visual details. "Phantom" makes for a very crucial part of an entertaining and deeply involved space story. As far as its theatrical release goes, it met all my expectations and thensome. You really couldn't have asked for a better film for what it represents at this stage of the arching story, and for those who continue to bash it, you don't seem to look at Star Wars the same way I do, and you obviously don't fully understand the complex story George has been trying to tell for decades. I think it was an awesome flick.