Rating:  Summary: ALMOST TERRIBLE! Review: This movie could have been a WHOLE lot better! Almost all of this film was set in the house. I think this movie should of been rated G. If your looking for a good movie to see then this one isn't the one! This is probobly not the movie a teen wouldn't like. If I were you I would avoid buying this bad movie! The actor who was playing the cat wasn't even funny!
Rating:  Summary: Mixed Emotions Review: The Cat in the Hat. Probably the most favorite Dr. Suess story yet. But, I can gurantee you, it's not the best movie...I'd like to start out, I LOVE the book "The Cat in the Hat"! I think they ruined a perfect chance to turn a wonderful book into a wonderful movie. I saw this movie with my friend. He said that Mike Myers (as the cat) did a lot of the same things in the Austin Powers movies. Now, I haven't seen any of the Austin Powers movies, so I wouldn't know if that statement was true or not. My friend dis-liked the movie overall, along with his mother, who is in her mid-30s. I can't keep on talking about the cons of the movie. In fact, my friend and his sister came over the other day. They said they saw The Cat in the Hat and loved it. I guess everyone has different feelings! Mike Myers did do well being "The Cat". He would pretty much be what you would expect if you were able to junp into the classic storybook, except for some of the rudeness he said (wasn't terrible). Overall, I'd say...I DON'T KNOW! I was never a good opinioner on movies. I've heard everything from, "That was so stupid!", to "WOW! The best movie of the year!" Im sorry that I can't help you with deciding to see this movie or not. But let me tell you this: Nothing will EVER beat the classic storybook of THE CAT IN THE HAT.
Rating:  Summary: Dr. Seuss comes to the big screen Review: Dr. Seuss' "The Cat In The Hat" is a loose adaptation of the classic childrens novel, and I say that "loosely". Although it's been years since I last read the book, I can tell all the physical elements of Dr. Seuss' wacky world are present here: Characters from another dimension, towns/houses all decked out in singular colors, a wiseacre character (usually in the form of an animal/mammal), and off the wall rhyming schemes. The movie's casting is excellent, with Alec Baldwin, Kelly Preston and Dakota Fanning delivering standout performances. Also excellent is Mike Myers' portrayal of that wacky cat in the tall candy stripe hat - a role which requires someone with a manic, comedic personality to portray, hence, no one but Myers could pull the role off with magnificent poise and perfection. As for the film's display of color (and sound effects), they blend together to bring out the right mood for the storyline (although those pink cupcakes look very unappetizing, wouldn't you say?). Therefore, the town's olive drab and lavender exterior screams out love and peace (which are sorely needed in the world today). Two small complaints arise with "The Cat In The Hat"'s storyline: First of all, the mild to moderate violence factor is enough to scare away the movie's young core audience, and secondly, the demonic-like screaming/yelling behavior of the real estate boss toward the mom is a bit rogue and over the top, and will likely scare children away, hence, minus one star. These two behavioral traits really stray far away from Dr. Seuss' tame morals, which is the reason for the film's "PG" rating. All in all, in spite of a couple of minor flaws, "TCITH" is worthy of a look-see. In hindsight, if the world were of a green, lavender and magenta landscape in the Dr. Seuss mode, it would be a perfect place. What would be even more perfect, is if another Dr. Seuss classic, "Green Eggs and Ham", made the transition from paper to the silver screen. That is highly likely to happen, even in an unbalanced, imperfect world such as this.
Rating:  Summary: Will annoy Suess fans, but entertain most of everybody else Review: This was a big, loud and messy movie, one that I won't even begin to try reviewing in rhyme. For starters, no it doesn't do Seuss very well - and obviously milks more fun off Seuss than it generates. Still, while no classic, it's a wild ride. Everybody knows the story - a boy and girl are waiting out a rainy day when (for no reason, and without any explanation) the cat appears and begins to tear up the house for laughs. Soon the cat enlists the aid of Thing #1 and Thing #2. The movie stretches things out - the brother and sister live in a very Seussian sort of town, sort of a cross between "Whoville" and that town from "The Truman Show". Their mother (played by the lovely Kelly Preston) will be hosting a party at home for her boss - a real estate super-agent with a nasty obsession for sanitary hands. Meanwhile, a nasty neighbor (Alec Baldwin) with an eye on Mom, conspires to get the brother - whom we soon learn is named Conrad (the cat takes somewhat longer to assimilate this) into a military school in order to remove an obstacle between himself and mom. While the brother character of the book seemed the responsible, take-charge type, Conrad is uncontrollable - always doing the opposite of what he's told. Sally (Dakota Fanning), OTOH, is all about control - she envies Conrad who has more rules than she does. Obviously, the cat will teach them to find the happy medium - spontaneity of less-than-mass-destruction. When Mike Meyers appears as the Cat, he delivers shtick that sounds like a mix of his "Coffee Talk" lady and a more jovial version of Burt Lahr's "Cowardly Lion". Though the film is longer than it takes to read the story (even if you're not compelled by its verse, as I am, to read at a fast clip) you still feel like it's thin. By now this flick has been utterly lambasted by dedicated Seussians, and not without justification - it really is a largely spiritless Hollywood confection that would be a lot more fun if it could harness that Ted Giessel magic. On the other hand, it could have been a lot worse - preachy, treacly or simply infantile like some extended Nickelodeon cartoon, and with movies like "Gigli", "Timeline", "Sinbad", "Dumb and Dumberer", "Hollywood Homicide", "From Justin to Kelly" and "Extraordinary Gentlemen", it's not like "Cat" came at the expense of truly fulfilling cinematic fair. I took my 4 and 6 year olders to see it and we all had a ball. Meyers is irrepressible in the lead, and if misses the essence of the cat, he captures the conceit of the movie which is well aware of how short it falls from the original (Myers's cat kicks off his chicanery once Conrad and Sally sign a bunch of legal waivers; the cat also never goes anywhere without his magical, time-traveling elves, a trio of uptight suits who only look like lawyers; Myers also proves rather limited in the rhyme department). There are plenty of double-entendres which will have you thinking "isn't this supposed to be a kids' movie?" (not to mention Myers as plumber, complete with sagging hip-hugger jeans), but I doubt most kids will pick up on them. On the other hand, I've finally found a kids flick I can enjoy as much as my kids do (even if the enjoyment ain't that great). In short, if you are a true devotee of Suess, you'll probably want to stick clear of this flick (catch "Return of the King" instead, if accuracy and loyalty are your creeds). Otherwise, this flick is still fun.
Rating:  Summary: mike myers in the hat Review: good thing i went to the earlier showing of this movie, i only waisted $9.00 instead of $16.00, they should have spent a little more time and energy into this movie and i might have actually enjoyed it, instead i felt like is was watching a sequal to another mike myers film.
Rating:  Summary: Such a Vulger Movie.... Review: From the same people who gave us a live action take on the Grinch, another Dr. Seuess's story is basically torn to pieces in cheap live action remake complete with over-done production design, Mike Myers telling dirty jokes in fake make-up, and a sense that all sanity in Hollywood is slowly going down the drain by doing tons of these cheap pictures every year.
Rating:  Summary: A hairball of a movie Review: Full of double-entendres and potty humor, this film spits on the original book and the people who love it. The gross-out gags are totally wrong, wrong, wrong for a Dr. Seuss story. The story is padded out with unnecessary subplots. Some folks may like it but I was offended and felt it was not appropriate for kids. Seuss' stories had a freewheeling innocence and wholesomeness to them; this film version is a smirking dirty joke pretending to be kiddie fare. Just as bad as THE GRINCH. Also, just as badly overmarketed. Let's hope it flops so they don't desecrate any more Seuss classics.
Rating:  Summary: THIS IS NOT CAT IN THE HAT, BUT A VULGAR MESS AND ALL THAT. Review: Why oh why did they do that to the CAT IN THE HAT? Why oh why did Mike Myers play an overstuffed cat? Where were the laughs in this wretched over-produced cesspool of a 'family movie', this horrible piece of over-ripe Hollywood claptrap? Everything bad went into this mess - the worst 'family' movie since Robin Williams' 'Toys' if you can remember that far back. What a bad movie, the worst kind of bore. Not for you, not for me, not for parents, not for children - this movie is really poor. The Cat is hairy and fat, and talks like the Cowardly Lion, the Grinch, Austin Powers, but nothing like Seuss's cat. Baldwin and Preston and the kids are hit and miss, unfortunate since they are competing with a vulgar cat, a peeing dog, and an obnoxious fish. What an awful mess, this CAT IN THE HAT. Myers needed a hit, but this wasn't that. But I know how the filmmakers can save some face if they choose to sever ties with this waste - toss this abomination into a grand bonfire to pay tribute to all the victimized creations of Dr. Seuss, and then allow them to dance around the vile flames in celebration - now that would be fun and in good taste. I would rather watch that than this CAT IN THE HAT.
Rating:  Summary: Very, very bad Review: This movie, billed for children, is full of nudity, sexual jokes and rude situations. The acting is bad and, except for the computer generated fish, the special effects aren't that special. I think another reviewer below said this: they should have made the whole movie on a computer like Toy Story and Shrek. The people who made this movie have the same type of shock humor mentality that permeates most TV comedies now-a-day. No cleverness and no creativity in the script. Dr. Suess is probably rolling in his grave. This movie is several pegs down from the Grinch (which was full of bodily function humor and not much else). Bad writing, bad acting and and a misguided idea of what a childrens movie should be make for a kids movies that kids should be kept from.
Rating:  Summary: SERIOUSLY, DON'T TAKE YOUR KIDS TO SEE THIS... Review: Warning. Do NOT take your little kids to this movie. Their beloved Cat in the Hat is turned into a really gross character here. Mike Myers seems to be doing a Jim Carey/Bert Larh (Cowardly Lion) imitation and it doesn't work. The audience has to sit through flatulence and sexual jokes that aren't at all appropriate for a kiddie flick. The worst moment comes when the Cat gets aroused over a picture of Sally and Conrad's mom as he unfolds her picture like it's a centerfold magazine spread. Will someone please tell these movie makers that it's not appropriate to have adult content in a children movies? I've had it! The Cat in the Hat could have been great. It has fantastic special effects, great costumes and it's even funny at times. However, I can NOT recommend it if you're planning on bringing the children along with you.