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A Christmas Story

A Christmas Story

List Price: $19.98
Your Price: $14.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Review: Just a quick note to "Jamie" who hates this movie--how can you possibly recommend that our children watch and subsequently enjoy the R-rated "Roger and Me" but thoroughly trash this wonderful movie? There's only one cuss word uttered throughout the entire course of this film, and what person on this planet hasn't been moved to utter something very similar when faced with the same type of utter disappointment that Ralphie was? CHILL OUT!

Now, on to the main attraction: this is one gem of a Christmas-time, family-oriented movie! Perfectly cast and acted, beautifully filmed and expertly representing the 1940's of the Midwest, Jean Shepherd's wonderfully comedic remembrances of his early Christmas experiences really come to life on the big screen. Darren McGavin and Melinda Dillon are absolutely perfectly cast as the typical 40's Mom and Dad. They're spousal jousting is hilarious and a wonder to behold, yet may ring very true with our own memories of dear old Mom and Dad, while Peter Billingsly and Ian Petrella fit together really nicely as the combative/frustrated/competitive siblings. It's all here, told in funny, touching and often hilarious ways; the "I dare you" friends, the despair of having the write a "theme" in class, the scarey walk home as you watch for and hopefully miss an encounter with the neighborhood bully, the wonder and excitement of listening with rapt attention to the radio programs of the day, and of course, the tremendous build-up and anxious waiting for "The Day" to arrive! This fine film will conjure up those wonderful memories of Christmas when we were kids, no matter what the generation or the decade. The cheerful, hopeful glee that all children have when it comes to Christmas-time is so beautifully and hilariously represented here that you will still be enjoying your favorite moments long after the final credits have run. Watch it with your kids later this year as Christmas 2000 draws near, and as with so many other families, you'll have a new family tradition by next Christmas--watching this glorious film once again!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A Christmas Tradition
Review: And so it happens that the media moguls have conspired once again to recreate yet another of our national traditions: the annual reprise of a motion picture that has been blessed and certified by the entertainment industry as a "classic." Only rather than let the test of time determine what films are worthy of this especial classification, it is instead forced down our throats with unrelenting promotional hype and non-stop broadcasting, as is frequently done with "A Christmas Story" on any of several Ted Turner-infected stations. But this time, the moguls got it right.

"A Christmas Story" is fast becoming a Christmas tradition, where families gather around the television to enjoy the warm sentiments and precise humor that decorate this film much as they would gather around the Christmas tree to open presents. And the reason is simple. "A Christmas Story" brings us back in touch with our youth and the time of our life when we could daydream, feel carefree and unbridled. I have never seen another film that so perfectly captures the unassuming, innocent imagination of a child and portray it on screen. Who cannot relate to little Ralphie (Peter Billingsley) and his desire for a Red Rider BB gun? We all felt the same way at one time or another for the toy we had our own hearts set on, and the bitter disappointment when our mother gave us her own rendition of "You'll shot your eye out."

Jean Shepherd's heartwarming tale is filled with hysterical anecdotes and memorable characters like the father (Darren McGavin) and his "tapestry of obscenities that, as far as we know, is still floating in space over Lake Michigan." Don't worry, his "obscenities" are mumbled and indiscernible. And the scene with Ralphie and Santa Claus in the shopping mall is so side-splittingly funny that I would urge you refrain from drinking beverages while watching it. One slightly disappointing observation was the lack of anything religious or suggestive of Christmas' true meaning anywhere in the film. But if we should ever need a quick reminder, we can always look to Linus in "A Charlie Brown Christmas."

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This movie is for everyone who ever celebrated Christmas!
Review: I agree with a prior poster who said "A Christmas Story" may be the funniest movie they've ever seen.

Our fam watches this each year at Christmas and we laugh until we turn colors and roll off the couch. Few movies have the capacity to make me laugh hysterically, but this is one of them.

The father's mumbled obscenities as he descends into the basement to make non-stop adjustments to the coal furnace damper is a classic. That alone is worth the price of the movie. McGavin (the Dad) must have practiced that bit for months. That man has a gift.

And when Ralphie says "the *f* word" - his mother demands to know where he learned such vile language. The answer he wants to say is - "from Dad," but instead, he gives up a friend as the culprit and the scene that follows is so very funny.

Anyone who ever grew up with parents will love this movie. It is satire at its best but on the cutting edge of truth.

This Christmas, I gave "The Christmas STory" away as a gift to several friends and family. It is a classic unlike any other.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Best of the Ralphie flicks!
Review: This is one of my very favorite movies, as a matter of fact I'd say it's tied with Who Framed Roger Rabbit as my fave. I bought the VHS copy a while back, before the new green cover, but I intend to get it on DVD now that I have a player for it. This movie portrays Christmas the way I remember it, even though I grew up in the 70's and 80's and 90's, and this film takes place in the 40's. Not much has changed I guess. I LOVE this movie! So much in fact, that I recommend that after seeing this one, you pick up a VHS copy of the sequel, My Summer Story, and that you try to find an old copy of it's no longer in print made for TV sequel, Ollie Hopnoodle's Haven of Bliss. And then, try to find someone online or somewhere who will hook you up with copies of the other three Ralphie movies, Phantom of the Open Hearth(about Ralphie's prom), The Star Crossed Romance of Josephine Cosnovsky (about Ralphie's first love, and Thanksgiving), and The Great American Fourth of July and Other Disasters (about Ralphie's best 4th of July, and starring Matt Dillon as teen Ralphie). I love all of these, but A Christmas Story is THE BEST! It hits so close to home! I watch this movie at least once a day from Thanksgiving through Christmas Day! I'm big on Holidays and big on movies and holiday specials, and this is a true Christmas classic along with Rudolph, Frosty, Charlie Brown and all the many other annual must sees!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: There's something very wrong with this DVD transfer...
Review: Many below have commented on the poor quality of the Warner Bros. DVD transfer of this Christmas classic. In general, however, the picture quality is quite good: crisp, clear and certainly superior to the VHS version (to be fair, the cinematography for ACS was never very good to begin with--daytime exteriors excepted). Some have expressed their disappointment that this release was not presented in 1.85:1 widescreen. An annoyance, to be sure, yet the framing is still tolerable. The REAL problem--and it's a doozy--is a perceptible "undulation" in the picture frame throughout the movie (imagine watching your television just beyond the top of a gas stove with the burners on). You may not see the waviness right off but if you look for it, you CAN'T miss it. It is particularly visible in stationary shots or shots with writing or horizontal/vertical lines in the frame. This condition is shocking considering the tremendous popularity of this title and the major brand name which released this DVD. Perhaps a better (competent) DVD widescreen release will be sold in the future. Until then, save your money and don't bother with this one.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Timeless Classic.
Review: I saw this film when it came out in the theatres in December of 1983 for my 11th birthday. I loved it then, and I still consider it one of the best Christmastime movies ever made. The feel is so homey, it's like you've lived the life you're seeing on screen. A hilarious, traditional, heartwarming story. This is a must have for any film collector.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Christmas Tradition
Review: The family gets together each Christmas to watch this classic film. The comedy gets better each year! Baby Boomers will love it!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Downright funny
Review: WOW, is the first word that comes to mind after seeing this movie... WOW! A christmas story is about, surprise, surprise, a christmas for your all-american family. One of the members of the family, a golden-haired little boy named Ralphie, wishes for a "Red Ryder BB gun" for christmas, more than anything. But, to his dismay, he is told again and again by all the adults in his life that he can't have one, 'cause he'll "shoot his eye out".

This movie is about what Ralphie does in an attempt to get his coveted gun... and the results are hilarious! Thrown into the mix for good measure is a crush on a school teacher, a tounge-stuck-to-a-frozen-pole, and numerous attacks by the thuggish town bully. I finished this movie feeling like a nine-year-old again.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: One of my favorite movies of all time!
Review: My husband surprised me this year when he gave a A Christmas Story as one of my gifts! It was by far the best gift I received this year!I absolutely love this movie! Although Ralphie is great, I think his kid brother Randy is hysterical! Anyone who has trouble getting into the Christmas spitit should watch this movie!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Great movie, unacceptable DVD
Review: For me, this ranks right up there with Alastair Sim's classic portrayal of Scrooge as one of the best Christmas movies ever. I was, however, somewhat disappointed at the lack of letterboxing, and I was completely turned of by the annoying "wow" (slowly rising and falling pitch) in the soundtrack. I'm very conscious of the music in a soundtrack, and this technical flaw makes the DVD completely unacceptable in my view.

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