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A Nightmare on Elm Street

A Nightmare on Elm Street

List Price: $12.98
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Still Scary
Review: This is easily one of the best fright flicks of the '80's, and the most interesting of the modern teen Horror Trinity (Halloween and Friday the 13th being the other two). Craven, always an uneven director (see Vampire in Brooklyn- or rather, don't), is entirely on his game here, and while the script has some weak dialogue in spots, it's stark, wildly imaginative, and, most importantly, scary as heck. You never feel safe in this movie, especially at night, and the dream imagery is as eerily beautiful in spots as it is terrifying. There aren't very many horror movies as unique as this one, and if you've dismissed it on account of its mediocre sequels (only the last of which, New Nightmare, bears any resemblance to the first), it's time you visited the source. Not to be missed.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: NIGHTMARE 1 thrills and chills
Review: Created by Wes Craven, A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET (1984) ranks up there with the best of its genre. In short (because you've probably read thousands of reviews already), NIGHTMARE is a film about a demented dream demon, Freddy Krueger (Robert Englund), who haunts the kids of Elm street in their dreams. For many years prior to his death, Krueger would manipulate young children into coming to his home on Elm street, only to brutually murder them. Basically, after Krueger was never found guilty of these deaths, the parents of elm street ganged up to torch him in his boiler room. He died in a literal sense But years later the physcially mangled child killer came back to try and capture the souls of Nancy Thompson (Heather Langencamp) and the rest of the Elm street children... only this time he is out to kill them in their worst nightmares.

NIGHTMARE is a classic! I have just recently bought this DVD - my first freddy movie! I have always been fascinated with the Kruger character, but as a child, I always was too scared to watch anything with Freddy in it. Now I have seen them all, but NIGHTMARE stands out as the best. There isn't a lot of gore in in the first installment, but it is suspense-driven and absolutely horrifying. Needless to say, there are a variety of "pop up" scenes where Freddy frightens you. In future installments, with the exception of Part 3 and NEW NIGHTMARE, Freddy becomes more of a puppet for comedy relief, which sort of waters down his legacy. Nevertheless, NIGHTMARE thrills and chills. As one of the best of its kind, NIGHTMARE will provide you with many sleepless nights.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Not as good as everyone seems to say.
Review: The Nightmare on Elm Street, the film that introduced the pop icon Freddy Krueger, promises a frightening premise. What if a monster could only get you during your most vulnerable daily ritual of sleep? Unfortunately, like many slasher films of its time, it doesn't follow through.

Settling into this film, I was expecting something uniquely terrifying. After all, I've been seeing Nightmare on Elm Street placed on top ten lists of scary movies lately. What I got was a slasher film only slightly better then most. It still has the clichéd characters, poor dialogue and illogical plot that plagues the Jason Voorhees and Michael Myers stories in the movie world. But I suppose no one goes to see these films for their quality.

I was particularly annoyed by the parents in the film. During a string of teenager deaths, parents all seemed unsympathetic towards the surviving kids trying to emotionally recover. When one girl has two friends die in a period of a couple days, her boyfriend's parents think she is unreasonably upset and hang-up on her calls. Her mother is a drunk who locks her in the house, and her father uses her to try to catch the murderer. As if that isn't ludicrous enough, a police officer, hearing screams of terror next door, takes two minutes to decide that perhaps he should tell the chief something might possibly be wrong. There isn't one adult in this movie that is intelligent or considerate enough to stop and realize that the survivors might be hurting from their loss. Again, I know this film isn't meant to be realistic, but I'd appreciate some adults who at least had an inkling of believability.

But perhaps the most disappointing aspect of the movie was that Freddy didn't have as much screen time as he should have had. We see more adults criticizing their kids for grieving then we do the killer himself. He is rarely to be seen, popping up here and there in a few dreams. Even the ending was light on Freddy.

I guess I just was expecting something a little better then the standard slasher film here, and in a few ways, it was. For example, the film has an intriguing idea, a few frightening moments and Johnny Depp in his debut. But it just wasn't enough to overcome the usual pitfalls that infest this film to raise it much higher above the usual [stuff]. This can be a fun watch on the guilty pleasure level if you don't expect anything, but is otherwise dismissible. It's just too bad the great idea of dream-invading monster isn't done better, because the thought is terrifying. It's too bad the movie wasn't.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A classic of the genre, pulsating and addictive.
Review: I believe this to be the best in this series of movies, with an original, mysterious lure that keeps the viewer coming back for more. From the beginning to end, this movie has a clever way of beckoning childhood fears, of the ''the boogie man'', if you will, of the dark.. of the unknown, of nightmares. Don't fall asleep!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: One of the Best Horror's Flicks of the 80's.
Review: When a scared teenage girl named Tina (Amanda Wyss) woke up from a bad dream, where a creppy, filthy man is always trying to kill her in her sleep. When the girl tells to her friends:Nancy (Heather Langenkamp) and Glen (Johnny Deep) about her nightmare that ended that her friends has the same dreams as Her. On that same night, after she told her friends, sleeping with her Boyfriend-Rod (Nick Corri) and then She wakes up being torture and killed by the man in her dreams! When Nancy starts dreaming about this Man, which he doesn't seems to be real and he always want to kill her Dreams and finding slowly-who the murderer and why for his brutal killings toward teenagers.

Written and Directed by Wes Craven (The Last House on the Left, The Hills Have Eyes, Swamp Thing) made a clever, scary, horror/thriller-which is extremely entertaining. There's a good performance by Langenkamp and there's a genuine memorable small role by Robert Englund-Who's plays Freddy Krueger (The Horrible Man from thier Dreams), who ended up being One of the Most infamous undead Villians in Cinematic History. But Craven weaken the film with some of the dialogue, acting and especially the relationship between Nancy and her Mother (Played by Ronne Blakley) puts the film down at times. This Horror Film ended being a Box Office Smash in the fall of 1984. Still, this is Well Made and It's still worth seeing. DVD's has an good anamorphic Widescreen (1.85:1) transfer (also in Pan & Scan) with an strong Digitally Remastered-Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound. DVD Extras are an fun running commentary track by Craven, Langenkamp, John Saxon (Who's Plays-The Father of Nancy) and Director of Photography:Jacques Haitkin (Shocker). Horror Buffs will love this film. Grade:B+.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Good movie
Review: Notice I didn't say Great the only thing that keeps me from giving it 5 stars and calling it great is the fact that the ending was lame. Other than that this movie is one of the best of its genre and one of the best movies out there. But I can't look past the ending which left me with a desire to write a better ending. I didn't because as you can see my writing skills are lacking in depth and creativity. Great movies should have great endings...great movies with lame endings get to be called good. That said I would recommend this movie and if it weren't for the ending I would say get it today but because of the ending I say rent then buy if you like. And hey you can get it real cheap on Amazon.com. Thats my story and I'm sticking to it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Classic scarefeast
Review: A young girl named " Nancy" ( Heather Lagenkamp) can't sleep and has horrible violent nightmares of a bizarre looking Maniac with Knives for fingers named " Fred Kruger" ( Robert Englund), now her friends are sharing the same dreams and are being slaughtered in their sleep by this evil being, only Nancy can stop him.

A terrifying, thrilling and geniunely spooky movie that became a sleeper hit for New Line Cinema and started the debut of Freddy Kruger who became one of the most popular villains in cinema history, it's a unique and startling Horror Fantasy that will make you have unpleasant dreams but it's Craven's best film along with "Scream".

Also recommended: Making Contact, Evil Dead, Suspiria, Final Destination, Sixth Sense, Friday the 13th, Phantasm, Halloween, Scream 1 & 2, Evil Dead II and The Matrix.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: the scariest movie ever
Review: this movies scary as hell i havent slept for a long time since i saw this movie.RATED R FOR- STRONG GRAPHIC VIOLINCE LODS OF GORE AND SOME LANGUAGE AND NUDITY

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: cousinpaco's top terrors: #5
Review: Before Freddy Krueger became a wise-cracking punchline, he was one of the most frightening monsters ever filmed.

In his purest form, Freddy is a malevolent spectre--as threatening and compelling as Legion in "the Exorcist." The movie loses a step when Heather Langenkamp booby-traps her house and beats Freddy to an even-pulpier pulp; inflicting real-world hurt on Freddy in some way diminishes him as a threat.

But "A Nightmare on Elm Street" works so well as a horror movie because even at the end, you're not completely sure what was real and what was imagined; the same feeling you get when you're having a nightmare.

One scene in particular still freaks me out: Freddy pursuing his victim in an alleyway, with his elongated arms filling the span in a silhouetted, surreal shot.

Ignore the later films, and the fact that Freddy became an anti-hero pop culture icon.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Here's Char-Broiled Freddy Krueger
Review: Nursery rhymes have never been so evil! Don't fall asleep without the lights on because Freddy Krueger will come get you! Just kidding, don't be afraid! After a group of PO'ed parents burned a janitor named Freddy Krueger alive in a boiler room, he came back for revenge. He stalked a group of teenagers in their dreams and murdered them one by one. Oh yeah, he also had knives for fingers. This is definitely the best movie in the "A Nightmare on Elm Street" series and you don't have to watch the others. They're [not as good]. If you ever see somebody walking around in a red and green sweater, you better run!

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