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A Nightmare on Elm Street

A Nightmare on Elm Street

List Price: $12.98
Your Price: $11.68
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The greatest 80's horror series
Review: A Nightmare On Elm Street was the greatest horror film of the 80's. It lead to 7 great sequals. If your into really scary shock films well then A Nightmare On Elm Street is not really one of them. I think it is such a good and succesful film because it has a lot of cool special effects and the plot of the film was really good as well, even though it's not that scary. If you see the first you will really want to see the others.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: One, two; Freddy's coming for you
Review: Nightmare on Elm Street is one of the best horror movies to date. After watching everything from Dracula to the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, I found Nightmare on Elm Street one scary and fun roller-coaster ride of a movie. It is a definite must see for any horror movie fan!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: It will scare the heck out of you!
Review: Robert England acts great as Freddy Kruger! I gave this movie 3 stars because some parts can't happen! I mean, come on! You can not get drugged up on the ceiling and get slashed with raziors! It's a classic horror movie!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The S-C-A-R-I-E-S-T Movie Ever!!!!!
Review: Never in my whole life has a movie had such an impact on me. From the first time I saw it when I was eight years old, I was so scared I had nightmares for years after. It was only a year ago, at age 17 did I have the courage to watch it again! It is definately one of my favorite movies and has opened up the door for me to many other classics including Stephen King's PET SEMETARY. Let's hope Nightmare will come to DVD soon.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: One of the SCARIEST!!!!!!!!
Review: I really liked this one. It was really scary. The part where Nancy[Heather Langenkamp],Which I might add is one of my favorite actresses,goes into the boiler room to find freddy at the end was the scariest.I did not like the ending at all.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great action, story, and suspense
Review: A Nightmare on Elm Street is a well made horror movie. The villain is menacing, the story is good, and the suspense never lags.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Slash 'n' Trash
Review: I'm normally a horror movie fan but this was terrible. This so called "horror movie" was too predictable. If you're afraid that this movie will keep you awake all night, never fear, it will put you to sleep faster than 5 minutes of PBS.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Considered a classic horror movie
Review: I'm finding it difficult to give a review for this. I read the other comments and felt slightly aggrieved at the apparent anger that some people seem to have at this film.

NOES was, and still is, considered a classic. At the time, it broke into a lot of unexplored boundaries, and although essentially a chase 'n' slash, retains enough suspense to qualify it as a horror.

I understand that this film is not to everyone's tastes, but hope that they remember it's influence on modern horror. The special effects were trying to break new grounds, and achieved this to a great extent. Compare them to modern films, and you'll find them lacking.

The story is based on contemporary folk tales. The 'monster under the bed' who is only in your dreams. The concept has been irrepairably been diluted by the subsequent films, which took the character of Krueger too far.

Take this film as it stands. It is now ageing, and it shows. However, it still retains enough horror and intrigue to keep many a newcomer to this series happy. Just try and avoid the others.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: It was awesome
Review: The movie, A Nightmare on Elm Street, was awesome and Freddy was really cool and had the coolest weapon. Even if you say that another horror movie killer is better, Freddy is always WAY btter!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A good scary movie
Review: Nightmare 1 and 3 are probably the best in the series. Yes, this movie had some stupid parts, but some of the scenes really freaked me out. First of all, if you have not seen the movie, skip to the next review. I thought the death scenes of Tina and Glenn were the best. They both scarred the hell out of me when I first saw this movie. Especially Tina's. Also when Nancy is running up the stairs and her feet go through to that gooey stuff. For what its worth, this is a good scary movie.

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