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A Nightmare on Elm Street

A Nightmare on Elm Street

List Price: $12.98
Your Price: $11.68
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: One of the best horror films of all time!!!!!
Review: This movie is so wonderful, it is everything that a horror film should be, smart scary and entertaining. Almost as good as scream which is also directed by wes craven, and if you remember in scream...casey says on the phone, that her fave movie is a nightmare on elm street, but than she goes on to mention that "the rest sucked" even though wes craven directed the first nightmare, he sold the rights to the movie so he than made fun of the "crappy" series that was to follow. Anyways, this was a really smart and fun movie to watch. I recommend this to anybody who wants to see an actual good movie, and likes to be scared.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: marvellous
Review: That film is great.I want to watch it free

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great movie!!!!
Review: This was a great movie with a very unique plot. In my opinion it was also ahead of it's time. Of all the ones I have seen this is the best one. (Of course the first movie is nearly always better than any of it's sequels) The second one was a total let down and I had expected more, but the third one and Wes Craven's New Nightmare were also both very good. If you are a horror fan, or even if you aren't this is a movie that you must see!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: One 2; Freddy's Coming For You
Review: This movie was very original. Although it wasn't that scary, a few times it will make you jump. The effects are pretty good in this movie, as well as the acting. Heather did a really good job, as well as Robert. This was the best one in the series, but A Nightmare On Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors was cool too, as well as New Nightmare. If you're a Freddy Fan, buy this video. The picture quality and sound are also great too since they digitally remastered it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: the best devilish movie of all time well sort of!
Review: well like i said this movie is one of the best movie movies ever

Rating: 4 stars
Review: This is the best Freddy movie of all. The rest flailed except one! Wes Craven's New Nightmare was good too. But those were the only ones worth anything. Heather Langenkamp was great in this movie and so was Johnny Depp. This movie helped Johnny's carrer. Its a great movie, and somewhat scary. If you're a diehard horror fan and love true horror then this is a must have! Buy it now if you can find it. If you haven't seen it do yourself a favor and rent it!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: One of the best
Review: For its time, this was one of the freshest, most original movies ever. A lot of imatators followed and BAD sequels, but this stands out in my mind as one of the best ever.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: What is there to say.An excellent series,especially 1,3,and 7.The plot is the best plot ever, and it deserves to be the famous series it is.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A Legendary Horror Movie.
Review: Despite 6 sequels ( And, as I understand, a 7th one to be realeased in a few months co-starring Jason Vorrhees from the "Friday The Thirteenth" movie series ) , the original is still the best. A teenage girl named Nancy (portrayed by Heather Langenkamp who also apeared in "Nightmare On Elm Street" parts 3 and 7) and her friends are being attacked in their sleep by the spirit of a killer. The reason of this one being the best is that it seems to have that kind of true horror movie spirit, not like most other 80's bubble-gum horror movies. In many of the sequels to the movie, Freddy (the spirit of the killer) has too many wise-cracks and is much more easier to kill. Also, the sequels try to impress us by coming up with bloody,disturbing deaths which make the sequels less realistic with each follow-up. The only sequels to this movie that I would really recommend are Parts 3 and 7, mainly because Wes Craven himself worked on those two sequels and, as I said earlier, Heather Langenkamp reprises her role as Nancy in these films.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Good movie, not scary
Review: Great movie it keeps you going. The only thing was it wasn't scary, (i don't get scared very easly and i'm only 11) thats why I only give it 4 stars, but otherwise It was great. One other thing it's eather I missed something, or when Nancy friend the one who died first her boyfriend was scratching on the window pretending to be Freddy, he didn't know about him yet? huh!

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