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A Nightmare on Elm Street

A Nightmare on Elm Street

List Price: $12.98
Your Price: $11.68
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Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Almost insulting.
Review: Have we learned nothing from George Romero? Romero tried to teach us (in vain, apparently) that horror movies didn't have to be mindless. They didn't have to be one dimensional. Look at his "Dead" trilogy. Those three films (Yes, he ONLY NEEDED THREE) not only had the most gore this side of a Turkish Prison, but they also offered political satire and Romero's views of the world today (for the era in which he made the films, not 1999). That being said, I find all these mindless slasher films (and their countless, desperate money generating sequels) to be insulting in a small way. I'm not trying to turn people off of this film, I'm just ranting. I do that a lot.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: This movie is a true classic and a wonderful start to a neverending saga of Freddy movies. This is the one that started it all. Very supenseful and scary you'll have NIGHTMARES for nights. Kruger is dark and mysterious in this spine tingling horror flick. Great for sleepovers and parties.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: This movie is surprisingly good.It's NOT overstatement.The last nightmare is the most intelligent,twisted,and witty.It's even better than the original one.When people play themseleves in horror movie it scares you to death because it's so real.I absolutely love it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: what a great film
Review: I can not say enough about how good this film is, the effects my be a little off, but this is a classic film, I strongly suggest you rent or buy this film

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: And you could be stuck watching Happy Days!
Review: The neighborhood teens are being killed off one by one as the man they thought was dead returns to get the ultimate revenge. And their parents can't save them now. Try to stay awake through this one. There are better sequels and better times to be had.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: a very good movie
Review: This was a very very good movie but the sequels changed the setting. The first movie takes place in L.A. but in the sequels it takes place in Spingwood Ohio. Rent it or buy it. It is a classic.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A suprisingly good movie!!!
Review: I have to say that this was a good horror film idea that Wes Craven did justice to! Freddy is a lot more creepier when he's not rambling on with slang and being a smart ass as he does in the sequels.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: classic slasher horror
Review: Wes Craven is truly one of the horror masters, as is illustrated by this digitally remastered classic. The colors and shadows are so fresh it looks like Scream 3. The commentary by Wes, Heather, John, and the cinematographer is insightful; although you sometimes wonder if John Saxon is still in the room because he says 2-3 things throughout the film. All in all, this is a good addition to any respectable DVD horror collection.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A fine, frightening film...
Review: Here is a surprisingly artistic suspense film, void of the subtelties and exploitations of modern horror. It moves and works on the viewer as a spectral nightmare...surreal, grotesque, and intensely eerie. NIGHTMARE is grander on its obscure and mystical level than most other horror films of the 80's: indeed, it is needlessly gory, and it has its flaws (an underdeveloped plot, for one, and some embarassingly quirky dialogue, for another), but it is nevertheless a taut and breathtaking piece, despite its low-budget limitations. Fred Krueger is the shadowed fiend in all of our dreams: here he is not the playful jokester that he has decayed to in his ridiculous sequels, he is the violent maniac. Here he cuts no one liners, and here we never see him in his entirety. He is, in fact, the ultimate villain in this movie: always cloaked in shadow, always only half visible. The one thing we ever see is his glove in its entirety: that horrifying glove with its long, glimmering metallic blades. Here that glove scares us, it is not the symbol of teenage horror and wacky violence that its sequels display it as: it frightens us. But what makes NIGHTMARE so distinguishable from other similar films is its surprising surreal presentation and its intriguing premise. Here Wes Craven cuts the thin, fluid barrier between dream and reality, he cuts it with four shimmering razor blades attached to a leather glove, and we all know that on the other side of that barrier the ominous villian awaits, deep in shadow. The film finally leaves us wondering, Can such things ever happen? NIGHTMARE scares us on this level: it is a descent into the unknown, with all its cryptic secrets and all its grotesque horrors, reminiscent of ALICE IN WONDERLAND, as well as HALLOWEEN. We are satisfied with NIGHTMARE, because, despite its laughable flaws, it frightens us in its obscurity: to fear sleep, which every human needs to live and function, is a terror unto itself. Free of one-liners and exploits, NIGHTMARE is fantastic, chilling material: innovative, original, and always unsettling.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Wes Craven at his best!
Review: This is my favourite slasher film. Craven was brilliant to create this film about a psychotic killer stalking teenagers in their dreams. Johnny Depp's first performance before he moved on to star in other films such as "Cry Baby", "What's Eating Gilbert Grape", "Benny & Joon" and the Vancouver T.V. series "21 Jumpstreet." Robert Englund got type casted for a while after the premiere of this film. My favourite scene is when Amana Wyss gets stalked by Freddy in the neighborhood! This is definetely a one of a kind masterpiece, followed by numerous sequels which are nowhere as good as this one! Move over Jason Voorhees!

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