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A Nightmare on Elm Street

A Nightmare on Elm Street

List Price: $12.98
Your Price: $11.68
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This Nightmare is a dream come true
Review: Anyone who hasn't lived under a rock for the last 20 years knows about the dream stalker Freddy Krueger. Wes Creaven really outdid himself with this piece of film history. Four school friends are being plagued with nightmares of a burnt man with razors for fingers. Soon they begin to get picked off one by one till only one is left and she isnt going to die without a fight. This movie spawned 6 sequels and another one is supposedly in the works,but dont quote me on that. This movie has it all scares, blood, and sex. Rated R for violence and a scene of sexuality

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: I thought it was pretty good
Review: This movie is pretty good, you should watch it. Even though there are a lot better horror movies this one is good.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Good.
Review: Wes Craven's used to making good movies. This obviously isn't his best, but it's good. It's entertaining. Worth watching, but can't top SCREAM.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Tense and eerie thriller.
Review: Four schoolfriends share the same vivid nightmares, about an iron-gloved maniac stalking a disused boiler room.

The first Freddy film, this is without doubt the best. Freddy himself is played as a menacing character and the surreal images and blurred line between dreams and reality make for ninety minutes of gripping suspence, well-thought-out characters, interesting dialogue and genuine thrills.

Of the sequels I'd only recommend Parts 3 and 7 to fans of serious horror. Part 6 is entertaining in a comic kind of way, but 2, 4 and 5 are really only for die-hard fans.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Wes Craven's Ultimate Nightmare?
Review: "This is God" Freddy KruegerWes Craven's Nightmare on Elm Street is the most stunningly orginal horror filmof the 1980's. Dealing with the unexpected unexplainable nature of dreams, Nightmare deals with an issue which everyone has had experience with, dreaming. The mystery, origin, and meaning of dreams has never been fully explainedby science, philosophy, or modern technology. Craven plays on our fears and lack ofknowledge about dreams by creating the ultimate killer named Freddy Krueger (Robert Englund). This mass murderer exsists in dreams and manufactures the worst fears of his victims and then kills them in their dreams ironicallykilling them in real life. This relevation that dreaming can be fatal was a masterstroke in making the absurdity of the horror film more crediable by introducing the everyday back to horror films. Horror is alwaysat its best when it can seducethe audience to believe that what's happening can actually come true. With Nightmare, Craven creates a real world with broken-up famlies, egotistical fathers, alcoholicmothers, emotionally troubled teenagers, and authentic humanmonsters that roam the streetsphysically and psychologically. The dream-like atmosphere of Nightmare leaves the audience uncertain as to when the movieis in a dream and when its in reality. This uncertain footing between reality and dream gives Nightmare the feelof an actual nightmare. Only monotonous dialogue, conservative pacing, bland acting, predictable plotting, and a confusing ending hamper this bold film from being as perfect as it's concept. As for the DVD edition, a must-buy for any fan of the film. P.S. Beware of the blending bed.

Rating: 3 stars

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: This movie's okay
Review: A girl and her friends start dreaming about this guy who kills teens on ELM STREET by going in their dreams and if you die in a dream, you die for real. Pretty lame most of the time, but it's sure to get better the more times you see it. I'm a firm believer in progress. Popcorn.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Sleep Tight
Review: A Nightmare On Elm Street is a great film and also a very original plot.Which is revealed as the film progresses.This (along with A Nightmare On Elm Street 3 - Dream Warriors) would have to be the best edition in the Freddy series.This film is guarenteed to keep you on the edge of your seat the whole way through particulary when the teenagers enter dreamland and encounter the ruthless child murderer Freddy Krueger.It also gives you an in depth look at how Freddy became the way he is.Greatly directed by Wes Craven and a great film for horror fanatics everywhere.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A must-own for all horror buffs!
Review: I can honestly say that this is one of the scariest movies I've ever seen. Of course, I first saw it (and its sequels) at a young age but they're classics already to me and others as well. If for some reason you're not familiar with the plot by now, a handful of teens are being stalked by a supernatural killer, (Freddy). They each are having the problem but don't even know just how bad yet because the killer comes in their nightmares! Each is horrified by their dreams and they come to find out they're all having the same dream about the same guy. In this movie, the first installment of the series, Freddy Krueger is much more hidden and darker, and ultimately scarier. He truely enjoys scaring these kids to death and then brutally killing them. Yet despite all this, he's almost a heroic figure and definitely larger than life. He would soon develop some excellent one-liners in the sequels which I also recommend (esp. part 3). If you're going to watch an 80's slasher film, be sure to watch one with style!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Excellent!
Review: Tina is having nightmares about a man with a "dirty brown hat, wearing a red and green sweater, and has knives for fingers" is trying to kill her. She soon learns that her friends are having the same dream.

The best movie out of the seven that was made. Some say the best one is Part 3: Dream Warriors, but this one is much better (Part 3 has bad dialogue). Also, this is the movie where Johnny Depp made his film debut! Along with Part 3: Dream Warriors, and West Craven's New Nightmare (considered as Part 7), This is a MUST own!

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