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A Nightmare on Elm Street

A Nightmare on Elm Street

List Price: $12.98
Your Price: $11.68
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Wes Craven's Masterpiece.
Review: This is a very scary film. This was the original, before Freddy became the subject of a joke, before the stupid one-liners. The story is about Nancy who discovers her friends are all having the same dream about the scar-faced, razorgloved, Fred Kruegar. She also finds out whatever he does to you in the dream happens in real life! As her friends start to die off, she discovers the shocking truth of why Kruegar is killing them. Fred Kruegar was a dirty child murderer who killed around 20 kids. Parents hunted him down, and burned him to death. Check this one out. It is one of the top 3 Horror films ever, which include this, Halloween, and Friday The 13th.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great movie to begin the classic horror series
Review: The original "A Nightmare on Elm Street" is a great horror movie in every way. For the time it was made, it had some great special effects, such as when a bunch of blood rushes to the ceiling from a bed. Robert Englund is the perfect actor to portray Fred Krueger. In this first movie of the series, Fred Krueger terrifies some high schoolers while they're having a nightmare about him. You will see him appear in their dreams in many places such as a boiler room, a prison, and even a tub. The teenagers, especially Nancy (Heather Langenkamp), have to find a way to ward off Fred Krueger before he kills them all.

If you like great horror movies, I recommend getting "A Nightmare on Elm Street." It is scary, suspenseful, and has an intriguing story and special effects.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Wes Craven's terrifying tale
Review: Kevin Williamson may have Halloween as his favorite movie, but Wes Craven's A Nightmare on Elm Street stands out as my favorite from that time period. Everyone has heard of Freddy by now, but back when this first came out, it was new and original. Heather Langenkamp plays the lead character Nancy, who suffers through seeing her friends picked off one by one by the diabolical Freddy. She has no clue what to do or how to stop him until she realizes how when she was able to take a souvenir from the dream, Freddy's hat, then Nancy makes a plan to catch him and destroy him. Wes Craven directs this movie wonderfully and honestly. Heather Langenkamp and Robert Englund give the best performances in the movie. GRADE: B+

Rating: 3 stars

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Original, but not necessarily very good
Review: Even though i admit this movie has a very original story and pretty cool special effects i just didnt like this movie very well. I gave it 2 stars instead of 1 cause it was alot better than all of those pointless sequals that were yet to come, but it still lacks what all the other horror movies of that time like halloween and friday the 13th had. The story is about a child murderer who was burned to death years back and now returns years later to haught people in their dreams and when he kills you in your dream you die for real. Even though im not a fan of this film i suggest you check it out for yourself especially if your a horror fan.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Simply put - the best horror premise ever.
Review: Wes Craven's A Nightmare on Elm Street is horror for people who like to think about their movies after they're done watching them. It's undeniably clever and one of the most imaginative horror films ever made. Craven's direction is always fresh, the effects always brilliant, and the acting always good. I don't know how many exclaimations I can make during one review without sounding like a crazed fanatic but I can't help it. It simply is the most original and well-made horror films of our time, brimming with intelligence and wit that never seems false. Born in 1984 at a time when horror films were regulated to your standard 'killer-in-the-woods' formula, Craven desided to go a different route and present us with the notion of being stalked internally. The killer attacks us while we sleep, inside our dreams. It's the old horror trick that has been employed by every serious writer or director out there. It's taking what seems safe and familar and private and then shattering it. And here it works wonders. The first appearences of Freddy Krueger are nightmare-inducing all by themselves but when you add to it the believable characters, the slightly twisted reality of the settings, and the great performances (by a cast that includes Johnny Depp, Heather Langenkamp, and John Saxon), you have a total knock-out of a film. One of the best films of the genre. Period.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A cut above the rest in the genre (at the time)
Review: Group of friends discover that the man their having nightmares about is an old child-murderer who died when their parents took the law into their own hands. Now, he's back in their dreams and he wants revenge. But if he kills you in your dream, you're dead for real.

Not very scary (hey, it's 1984), but it's entertaining and full of pleasent surprises. Oh yeah and the end sucks. But it's nostalgic of the Pepsi generation and if you don't get caffine flashbacks, you weren't there.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: one of the TOP 5 horror flicks of all time
Review: "nightmare on elm street" is an instant classic. itis simply one of the best horror movies there is. it was dark, scary, somewhat believable with totally original concept and came from the master of horor himself, wes craven. this was the film which launched wes' career sky high. this wasn't like most other films which rely on big budget and special FX to carry the film. "nightmare" certainly didn't have the biggest budget ($1.2 million) but it had wes' creativity and imaginativeness to carry it. that's what makes the film so good. i compare this one to "halloween." a very dark and scary horror movie that also had a small sense of believability. and instead of relying on big budget special FX it relying mostly on the creativeness of the director. of course, not all the credit can be given to director wes craven here, but also the excellent performances given by relative newcomers heather langenkamp, amanda wyss, nick corri, the then newcomer johnny depp and last but not least robert englund (who is wonderful as freddy), john saxon, and ronnee blakely. "nightmare on elm street" is one of the top five horror movies of all time, ranking right up there with "halloween", "hellraiser", and a few others. it's just too bad how the producers played this out with too many sequels. just having parts 1, 3, 7 would've been good enough.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great Film
Review: This movie I think is the besst horror movie that came out of the 80's and one of the best horror films ever. the Plot is a very orginal. It is well performed. The acting is pretty well done, with Johnny Depp in his first ever movie.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: What can I say? A horror masterpiece!
Review: "A Nightmare on Elm Street" is an excellent concept on film in which a burnt man with "knives for fingers" stalks 4 teenagers, and if he kills them in their dreams, they die for real. This is when Freddy Krueger was actually scary, he doesn't crack any one liners in this, he is hidden in the shadows and the final chase scene with Nancy (Heather Langenkamp) is great! Speaking of Heather, she puts on a very good performance as the teenager who literally goes crazy from not getting enough sleep and bravely steps into Freddy's world to kill him. Best heroine of the series I think. The effects were outstanding for the time, very realistic. Too bad Wes Craven wasn't involved with any of the other sequels (except Parts 3 & 7), they could have been just as good as this one, but Freddy was reduced to an idiot goofball who cracked TOO MANY one liners, while killing people in wacked ways. Stick to this one if you want to watch something really scary, watch the other ones only if you are a die-hard fan.

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