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A Nightmare on Elm Street

A Nightmare on Elm Street

List Price: $12.98
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: truly the top "horrifier" of all the scary movies ive seen
Review: "a nightmare on elm street" is the definitive twisted horror shocker (although halloween is the greatest movie ever).What i think brings the biggest scares in this movie is the way how Wes Craven (before he started to make [junk] like Scream) creates images that are so strangly terrifing,that you really will have a nightmare, probably more. He also uses strange mind tricks and such, and you dont know whether your watching a "scream dream" or a regular day on Elm Street. I warn you though, this movie is V-E-R-Y scary and is not for newcomers to the Horror Genre!!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Nice Town...Nice Street...Demented Soul
Review: Nancy and her friends are afraid. They're being tormented by a burned man who wears a red and green sweater and a dirty hat. And he has knives for fingers. They tell themselves he's not real because he only appears in their dreams. But when one of them is found dead, Nancy begins to suspect something more sinister and must get to the bottom of it before they're all dead.

That plot, my friends, is pure genius. It was created by director Wes Craven. The man described above and created by Craven is Freddy Krueger. Freddy was a child murderer in Springsville. When the parents caught on to him, they burned him inside a boiler room and buried him in a junkyard. Little to the parent's knowing, Freddy sold his soul so he could get revenge on the ones who put him to death. By using dreams. Freddy enters the dreams and the unconscious state of mind to murder his victims. This, to me and many others, is what makes A Nightmare on Elm Street so interesting. Most of the time, when you sleep, you sleep in your room. And your room is your safehole, where you go to get away from the terrors of life. Craven took that concept, and took that away from the characters in the movie. They couldn't go lie down and fall asleep to escape Freddy. That's when he got you.

The directing in NOES was brilliant. Every shadow, every sound, every scare was set up at the right moment. Heather Langenkamp starred as Nancy Thompson, our heroine. Heather's acting wasn't the best, but it didn't make the movie bad. I couldn't imagine anyone else as Nancy, so kudos to Heather! Johnny Deep made his film debut in NOES, and did pretty well. All of the other actors did well. And I can't leave out Robert Englund. He's the person behind the burnt skin and red and green sweater. He brought Freddy for life, and made one of horror's most memorable icon.

Nightmare on Elm Street has gone down as a horror legend, and will always live up to that.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Nightmare on Elm Street
Review: A Nightmare on Elm Street is possebly the best horror movie of all time.This movie is scarier than hell!It's about a psyco killer called:Freddy Krueger.He wears a dirty red/green sweater and a brown head.He using his knifes for gaint fingernails and he's horrible burned.Part one of the nightmares is the best.All the people who haven't seen this fantastic horrormovie should do it very fast because you shouldn't want to miss it!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Wes Craven is awesome
Review: Nightmare on Elm Street is awesome. So is Wes. And I really like Feddy Krueger. He has long, sharp nails, AWESOME. The whole darn thing is awesome.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Scary, for all the wrong reasons
Review: I do not know how this film became one of the most famous horror films of all time. I watched it for the first time yesterday, and though I'm told I should judge films by the codes and conventions of the context within which they were made, my opinion is that some films you can watch regardless of when they were made, and some date like nobody's business. A Nightmare on Elm Street fits into the latter category - it is so dated it's scary. Which, I'm sorry to say, is the only scary thing about it. As a kid I avoided this film like the plague because of how terrifying it was meant to be; well, if in the 80's that passed as scary, then I was definitely the bravest kid on the block.

The script is, quite frankly, laughable. The lines are so terrible that you find yourself frowning at the screen as if to say: 'What!?! Did someone really think that sounded good?' And then there's the acting. Whoever gave Heather Langenkamp the starring role (obviously without ever seeing her act) needs firing. And the cheesy art direction: Ghostbusters is an 80's film that is watchable today, but the cringe-worthy 80's-ness of Nightmare, culminating in Johnny Depp's short football-shirt and raging quiff, makes it impossible to take any of it seriously. The special effects are dire ("I'm your boyfriend now", big waggling plastic tongue), and Freddy Krueger is perhaps the least scary 'monster' I've ever seen; if such a little girl as Langencamp can put up a halfway decent fight against him, then he's not all that. And the ending - ooh, a Freddy car, complete with Dennis the Menace sweater roof and a screaming mannequin. Man, I was missing a lot by avoiding this one.

Maybe this is an important film, in that it allowed Wes Craven to make his name and make an actually quite scary horror movie (Scream) many years later, but don't watch it, under any circumstances. The original version of The Haunting was made in the 60's and that's terrifying, but this, along with other cheesy 80's horror films, is just laughably bad. Maybe I should judge them in context, but the moment that lovely 80's soundtrack introduces you to the story, context flies firmly out of the window. The most terrifying thing about A Nightmare on Elm Street? The amount of money it made.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: AWESOME!
Review: This movie was just what the doctor ordered for a horror movie. This movie is about a ghostly enetity killing off kids in their dreams. But these kids are the children of the people who murdered him. This movie is about how he tries to get revenge on the parents by killing their children through their dreams since he is already dead. This movie also sets the mode with its dark suroundings(shadows, little lighting, etc.) And gives the information about Freddy at perfect times, where at first you do not know who this guy is trying to kill these teens and who he is, or why he is killing them, and most of all why is he killing them in their dreams, furthermore you see that the teens in this movie start to mature in a way, and find a way to defeat their enemy in their dreams. This movie is technically and emontionally a great film to watch because it not only a scary movie it gets the adience involved too(meaning WEs Craven is also putting the adience into the teens postion at that certain time). I suggest this movie to almost everyone.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: One, two...Freddy's coming for you....
Review: Horror films usually have the reputation as being mindless slasher movies filled with half-naked (and invariably stupid) bimbos. I mean just how many times can someone trip over nothing just to be slashed to bits by some masked axe/knife-wielding maniac? Is "Nightmare On Elm Street" an exception to this rule? In a word, YES!

Wes Craven's masterful creation known as Freddy Kruger is more than just a disgruntled maniac looking for sex starved teens. He is clever and dark and witty and horrifying and well, creepy as hell. There is actually a story line to this movie. Freddy was once an actual person...a monster in his own right, that was destroyed (burned to death, no less) by the good people on Elm Street. An eye for an eye? Well, Freddy's not finished yet...he re-emerges as a nightmare for Nancy, the daughter of one of the people who burned him years ago. Only Freddy's more than just a bad dream as Nancy (wonderfully played by Heather Langenkamp)and her friends (keep an eye out for a very young Johnny Depp) soon find out. He has gained power through their dreams and has very real consequences in the waking world.

Make no mistakes, this is a horror film, but the thinking person's horror film. You want to unravel the mystery of this creepy nightmarish figure that seemingly can do or become anything. Craven keeps it real, while managing to keep it fascinating...something few horror movies can claim. Freddy himself, is never really revealed or completely seen until the very end. This adds a great deal to the overall darkness of this movie. This film is gory but somehow that is not the focal point. It also explores the characters, especially Nancy, who emerges as the unlikely role-model/heroine.

"Nightmare On Elm Street" is a good flick, period. It is smart, clever, creative, witty, creepy, dark and down-right SCARY. Kudos to Wes Craven and his most-original masterpiece. Freddy is a force to be reckoned with!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: PLEEEASE wes craven

You cannot write nor direct a good movie. You took what could have been a very good, and scary, character and basically screwed him up. Very poor acting; very poor story line...The sequels as well.

After these nightmare movies and the scream movies, and recently the Craven produced 'Dracula 2000' .... Ed Wood isn't the worst anymore...!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Craven's finest hour!
Review: Probably one of the most famous horror movies ever and definitely the best work of Wes Craven. Forget "Scream", watch Nightmare and be really - REALLY - scared. What makes the film so entertaining and exciting at once is its cleverly conceived equilibrium between reality and fiction - you never really know if the characters are dreaming or being awake. It also features Freddie Krueger, the man with a pizza instead of a face, a sweater which was probably knit by his mom, an old hat and a glove with five razor-sharp blades. Yesss!!! He also has kind of strange humour (cutting off his fingers with mere delight just to shock hapless teenie girls who dare go out into the foggy night alone). It's amazing how much Craven has made out of the rather simple screenplay - believe me, the film IS scary! One thing: The makers of "Alone home" (remember Macauley Culkin?) seem to have watched "Nightmare" more than once: just watch Nancy fighting off Freddie in her house, and you'll understand.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Say hello to your Uncle Freddy!
Review: She walks out into the alley behind her house, a mysterious, raspy voice guiding her into its waiting clutches. But she doesn't know this. All she knows is that she might be dreaming, and she knows that the man with the dirty red and green sweater and the long fingerknives could be anywhere. "Who is he?" she wonders as she tiptoes on the wet asphalt. As if in answer to her question, a shadow appears at the other end of the alley... it's him. The ragged rimmed hat perched on his badly burned head casts a shadow across his face that gives his already ghastly features an even more demonic appearence. "THIS... is God!" he taunts her with his arms unnaturally outstretched, scraping his fingerknives on the aluminum siding of a garage. Well, he may not be God, but he is Fred Krueger, quite possibly the greatest villain ever created for a series of horror films, only outranked by the even more ominous and creepy Michael Myers. "A Nightmare on Elm Street" is Freddy's first film, and he makes it a memorable experience with every appearance he makes on the screen. Wes Craven's timeless horror film is an amazing exercise in originality, especially for when it was released. I'll remember a lot of the grisly death scenes from this movie for a long time. The girl in the alley getting cut open, flung into the air, and then dragged up the wall and across the ceiling in front of her panicking boyfriend; Johnny Depp meeting a imaginative demise inside his own bed and being shot back out like the geyser of blood in "Army of Darkness." I suppose the one thing I'll always remember about this movie is, without a doubt, the hideous visage that was created on the canvas of Robert Englund's face, and the first time we get a good look at it in the alleyway just before he chases down Tina. The makeup in this film may not be as good as it was the in the sequels that followed, but it didn't have to be. Craven found the right lighting for every scene involving Freddy, and it accented all the right notes, and struck all of the right cords in my spine. Freddy is one mean, ugly SOB... but you gotta love him anyway.

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