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A Nightmare on Elm Street

A Nightmare on Elm Street

List Price: $12.98
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: True Classic
Review: Nancy, played by Heather Langenkamp, begins having nightmares. At first she thinks nothing of them, but when she learns that her friends are having the same nightmares night after night she knows something is wrong. All of their dreams seem to have one thing in common. A dark, dreary, and myseterious man whose face is disfigured. Instead of a hand, he has a claw with razor sharp blades instead of fingernails. In all of their dreams, he's stalking them. Soon, Nancy realizes that it's all so real. Her dreams are actually, in fact, reality. It's up to her to stop this madman once and for all.

The DVD contains commentary from Wes Craven and Heather Langenkamp. It provides insight to many details of the movie that you may not pick up on.

A Nightmare on Elm Street is horror at its finest. It's perhaps Wes Craven's best creation. It's terrifying, gruesome, shocking, and very original. It's a must have for any real horror fan.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: "Whatever you do, don't fall asleep!"
Review: Freddy Krueger was a child murderer that kidnapped and killed 20 children that lived on Elm Street. Krueger was arrested, but was set free due to a mistake. The parents of Elm Street got together and burned Freddy Krueger to death. Years later however, Krueger resurfaces, making himself a claw-glove to slay his victims in their dreams.

The reason I loved this movie so much, was because of Robert Englund. He exceled in his role as Freddy Krueger, cackling manically as he chases his victims. The sound and music was done very well on this movie. I just want keep watching it over and over again!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A True Terror Classic
Review: When the onslaught of 80's slasher films was in high gear, most ripping off "Halloween", and "Friday The 13th", there were hardly any original frights in the bunch. " A Nightmare On Ellm Street" came along and changed that. This movie, like "Psycho", and "Halloween" before it, and "Scream" after it, changed the world of horror. Good horror films can still happen. A bunch of kids are having nightmares of a ghastly looking killer with knives for fingers. Is he for real?. Will they die if they sleep?. That is such a great, ingenious premise. The movie has several heart pounding scenes that will leave you holding on to your seat. It's that good. Robert Englund, as Freddy Krueger, helped create one of the most memorable and incredible cinema villains of all time. The movie always has that eerie feel and pull of a horrible, sweat soaked nightmare. Wes Craven is truly a master. Heather Langenkamp, as the heroine Nancy, is one of the all time great Scream Queens. This movie is frightening. If you don't like it, you must be an alien. A brilliant, legendary classic. Don't fall asleep!.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Awesome Movie!!!!!!
Review: "Nightmare on Elm Street" is one hell of a movie. Robert Englund makes Freddie a creepy character in my opinion. Wes Craven brought nightmares to life with Freddie Kruegger. What else can I say but, the movie is a CLASSIC.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Masterpiece!!!
Review: A Nightmare On Elm Street is a true masterpiece of the horror genre. This is an amazing horror/comedy/thriller/drama!!! Wes Craven (Wes Craven's Wishmaster, Wes Craven's New Nightmare, The Hills Have Eyes, The Hills Have Eyes Part 2, Last House On The Left, Scream, Scream 2, Scream 3,)directed this highley original film that, still today, is considered a classic of the horror genre. Several teenagers, Nancy Thompson (Heather Langenkamp), Tina Gray (Amanda Wyss), Rod Lane (Nick Corri), and Glen Latz (Johnney Depp) realize that each of them are having the same dreams of being chased by a frightening, chuckling, murderous, demon named Fred Krueger (Robert Englund) but all but Tina dismiss this as a simple cooincedence, yet when the bodycount begins to rise, and secrets are revealed, Nancy takes it into her own hands to fight the demon, before she falls asleep..... Wes Craven is a true genius, and in A Nightmare On Elm Street he creatively mixes and blends the dream world with the real world, thus you are never quite sure whether what you're seeing is real, or just the teenager's imaginations. As for the special effects, well, by today's standard's, they're quite dated, but I don't care about special effects at all, what's truly great here is the story, and the terrific charecter developement and splendid acting (especially by Heather Langenkamp and Ronee Blakley, thier scenes are the most effective in the film) but noone can forget Robert Englund as the demonic Freddy Krueger, played with enough black humor to make you laugh and scream!!!! Englund played the devilish demon so well that he would never have a sub in later sequels!!! As for this DVD (I own the entire box set!!!), it's great!!! Colors are terrific and bright when they need to be, and beautiful dark when that's required. You are offered either a 1:85:1 widescreen ratio (I would preffer) or a 1:66:1 standard version reformatted to fit your screen. As for special features, most of the behind the scenes footage and intervies (not to mention an two alternate endings!!!) are on the bonus eighth disk, The Nightmare Series Encyclopedia, in the box set, yet this DVD does contain some interesting features. There are production notes, a "Jump To A Nightmare" scene navigation, and an interesting audio commentary by Director Of Photography Jacques Haitkin, Writer/Director Wes Craven, and Actor's John Saxon and Heather Langenkamp. All in all a good DVD, yet I would recommend (unless you hate the sequels) the entire box set.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Wes Craven's Reign Of Terror Starts Here
Review: Wes Craven did good with this one. The finger knives were the most original idea he came up with. I thought this one deserves to be called, "the best of the bunch". Robert Englund does a good job as Fred Krueger. This movie is truly terrifying.

This would go good with your horror collection. That is, if you have one. I do. This is basically, the only scary 'Nightmare' film. So if you don't know which one to get, get this one.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Cool Movie
Review: I thought this was a really cool movie. Much better than some of the newer teen horror releases. It really didn't have much gore, and most of the murders were committed where you didn't even see Freddie, but it is still a great movie.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Another great horror franchise
Review: very dark creepy film about a burned killer who attacks in people's dreams. you don't want to miss this, Robert England is great as freddy

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: What can I say? Buy it!
Review: Come on this is a classic what can I say other than buy this DVD! Buy this DVD! Buy this DVD! This is Wes Craven's last movie before his adventure into total crud filmmaking. Be sure you also check out Last House on the Left, his directoral debut and Dreamscape the film that inspired many of the images in Nightmare on Elm Street (including Freddy's clawed fingers).

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Like "Halloween," A Horror Classic.
Review: "Halloween" is the Greatest Slasher Film Ever Made, & "Nightmare On Elm Street" is the Second Greatest. Right from Frame 1, Craven creates an eerie atmosphere of fear & tension & keeps it going throughout the whole film, right down to the weird-@ss finale. Opening scene of Freddy assembling his infamous glove merely commences this genre-defining masterpiece. The film isn't perfect, & there aren't many deaths, but there's plenty of blood; Glen's death scene is 1 of the most famous in the horror genre, & you'll see why. You'll also see why this is 1 of horror's most enduring classics.

And to end this review on a rhyming note: I LOVE THAT GLOVE.

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