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A Nightmare on Elm Street

A Nightmare on Elm Street

List Price: $12.98
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best horror movie ever
Review: If you think Screams are good, I say when you have seen this, you wont even remember Screams. I know that Nightamare on Elmstreet is Wes Craven film as Screams are, but here are things wich I dont see on Scream movies. Those are fear, beautifull girl in mainrole and interesting bad guy.

I liked a lot of this movie. Because the idea of it. Think about it. If you are in trouble because werewolf, frankenstain, murderer...you can avoid them by escapeing. If werewolf is in Norway, then travel to another country. But where ever you go, you must sleep and there's the place where you die.

Another reason why this is so interesting movie, the monster ain't colorless freak. Freddy Krueger is most awesome character in horroworld. He has a great sense of humore and the way how he kills are great. How Freddy looks outside is pretty funny but realistic: His burned face is scary and how he dresses... dirty old hat, sweater and claw with four knives on fingers.

The person who did create all this deserves my greatest thanks. And I hope that where ever you are right now, keep on inventing awesome ideas. Live long...dont fall in sleep:)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Nightmare on Elm St.
Review: This Horror Move is truly a Horror Movie Classic. The story of teenagers being mysteriously murdered in their dreams is an excellent plot for a Horror Movie. Nancy (Heather Langenkamp) struggles to stay alive through the whole movie. This movie is unigue... RENT IT!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Interesting concept for a horror movie
Review: "A Nightmare On Elm Street" is one of the best horror flicks of the '80s. Not because of the gruesome slash-'em-up flicks like "Friday the 13th," but because of its interesting premise.

A spectral child murderer, Freddy Krueger (Robert Englund), comes back from the dead to take revenge on the people who killed him-- simply killing their teenagers in their sleep. Nancy Thompson (Heather Langenkamp) wants to destroy him once and for all, and enlists her boyfriend (Johnny Depp, in his first film role) to help her.

What follows is a roller coaster ride filled with genuine thrills and chills, not to mention genuinely frightening for the casual viewer or the die-hard horror movie buff. But what disappoints me is the train of weak, uninspired sequels and a horrible TV series that followed it (excluding Part 3 and "New Nightmare.")

I've gotta hand it to Wes Craven to making a good horror movie that sides with "Halloween" as one of the best horror movies of the '70s-'80s and for jump-starting Langenkamp's and Englund's movie careers.

Rated R for horror violence/gore, nudity, and for language.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Best In The Series
Review: I had a better storyline than any other horror ive ever seen

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: great and funny
Review: I havent' seen the whole movie, only some on tv but it is excellent. I just love the way it is. Actually, Wes Craven based Freddy on a hobo that terrorized him as a child. Freddy haunts you in your dreams and there is this ryme for the film such as 1,2.... well i dunt know it all and you can also find it in the Third nightmare on elm street. heh, it will be on tv november 4th (staurday at 1:00 on channel 26 the U.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Excellent
Review: I don't care that most people say that "halloween" was the first slasher film. This is what really started the slasher genre. The plot is about Freddy Krueger, a child murderer who is burned alive by the parents of elm street. Before he dies, he vows to get revenge by killing their children. Soon, the kids start having nightmares with him in them. Rober Englund is fantastic as freedy krueger. This is one of the greatest horror films ever made. So if you haven't seen it, SEE IT!! That's all I have to say

Rating: 5 stars
Review: This is a real horror classic directed and written by horrormaster Wes Craven.
Nancy Thompson is having terrible nightmares about a guy whos horribly burnt,he has razors on his right hand,and he wears a dirty red and green sweater.That man is Freddy Kruger.She then relizes that her High School pals are also seeing the mysterious man in thier dreams.3 of Nancy's friends got slaughted in thier sleep by the razor loving killer.Now,Nancy must kill the dream stalker before any more lives are torn apart.

This is a great movie for a stormy night and espically for Halloween night.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: The Voice of Dissent
Review: Since the rest of the reviews on this page are so overwhelmingly positive, I guess I'm the voice of dissent. I watched "A Nightmare on Elm Street" last night for the first time since it first came out on cable in the 1980s. I was surprised at how flawed it is. The acting, cinematography, dialogue, sound quality (even in my digitally remastered copy), and special effects are constant reminders of how this was never intended to be anything more than a B-movie. Even the cast is second rate. Johnny Depp may be a big star now, and Robert Englund may have achieved cult status, but at the time, the biggest star in the cast was John Saxon. And it's so dated! Check out Depp's tank top and poofy hair style! And the synthesizers on the soundtrack! The whole thing is so 80s it reminded me of Adam Sandler's "The Wedding Singer"! And it's impossible to watch the sequence where Fred Krueger (Englund) stumbles into all of Nancy Thompson's home-made booby traps without thinking of "Home Alone."
Still, despite its flaws, it was surprisingly effective enough to make me want to turn on a couple of lights when the movie was over. I think the genius was in Wes Craven's basic concept: What would happen if the killer in your nightmares didn't disappear when you woke up? Craven was also better than any of his successors (The next five entries in the series were all made by other directors and writers.) at evoking the general feeling of dreams and nightmares. Craven's successors just used the dream concept as an excuse to go wild with special effects, even using claymation a couple of times. But Craven himself was more interested in using near-universal truths about nightmares: the inconsistency of time and place, the tendency to get lost, the inability to run quickly, whispered voices, etc. Maybe this is what makes "A Nightmare on Elm Street" a modern-day classic while most of the sequels are little more than a diversion.
I must emphasize that at the time this was made, characterization and dialogue were not yet Craven's strong points. The dialogue is convincing as dialogue between 80s teenagers, but it isn't very interesting in and of itself (as opposed to Kevin Williamson's dialogue in "Scream," which manages to be convincing AND interesting), and the adult characters aren't individuals as much as they are teen film archetypes (the alcoholic parent, the insensitive parent, the dumb cop, etc.). If you want to see a Craven movie with almost all of "A Nightmare on Elm Street"'s strengths but none of its weaknesses, watch Craven's return to the series, "Wes Craven's New Nightmare." The nightmare sequences aren't as effective as those in "A Nightmare on Elm Street," but by the time Craven made this sequel, he had matured as a writer: the characters emerge as individuals and the dialogue (especially in the scene where Craven himself provides a possible explanation for the odd goings-on) is sometimes fascinating.
I give "A Nightmare on Elm Street four stars because of its strengths but despite its flaws. "Wes Craven's New Nightmare" would get five.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Reaaaally Good
Review: This is a very good movie. Do to the fact that this is the first of the Nightmare movies this is considered to be one of the best in the series.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: a nightmare on elm street
Review: I think this film is a classic and has a lot of spooky stuff.I thought the scene were tina was spinning around with blood comeing out of her was shocking!!!(but great!)

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