Rating:  Summary: Punches a nerve Review: When Buck, an immature 27-year-old, is reunited with his best friend, Chuck, a successful music industry executive, his resulting infatuation threatens to ruin Chuck's previously stable existence. CHUCK & BUCK successfully blends comedy, drama, and stalker films and is made all the more immediate by Miguel Arteta's decision to shoot on digital video. This, coupled with the striking performances by the two leads--both nonprofessional actors (Mike White and Chris Weitz are successful screenwriters)--results in a highly original film that can't easily be categorized.
"Chuck and Buck" is a disturbing but fascinating film. I have been in both Chuck's shoes (I had a guy in my math class who would not leave me alone, to the point of following me around constantly, asking me out, and calling me) and in Buck's (I was in love with my best friend for two years and went through hell because of it), and let me tell you, neither side is pretty. That's why "Chuck and Buck" is so powerful. It is an extremely real depiction of a stalker and his stalkee. Sure, it's hard to take at times, but the writing, directing, and especially acting, are brilliant.An expert at finding the humanity in seemingly irredeemable characters, director Miguel Arteta (The Good Girl) touches more than a few raw nerves, and he taps into the characters' memories through dreamlike footage of young boys and the use of an insidiously catchy kiddie-pop ditty. "Chuck & Buck" is the sort of film that burrows under the skin by refusing to establish the expected cinematic distance between the audience and the bizarre man-child at its center. It may freak us out, but it's never a freak show. Good times!
Rating:  Summary: Disturbingly hilarious Review: I can understand why a lot of people don't like this movie. It's a very black comedy, often hard to laugh at for some and hard to swallow. But if you have an open mind and like movies that are daring in subject matter and offbeat, then CHUCK & BUCK is a good one. Chuck and Buck were boyhood friends. Chuck grew up and Buck remained at the emotional level of a care-free momma's boy. But when Buck's mom dies, he goes in search of his old friend. The strongest part of this movie is Mike White's flawless (and overlooked by the Academy) performance as Buck. Fully in character, his Buck is creepy, freaky, and downright hysterical. His inabiltiy to fit in and act like a clear-headed adult and his need to reconnect with Buck by reminiscing is jawdropping. Clearly mentally disturbed Buck eventually becomes Chuck's stalker. The only flaw in the movie -- besides a sometime wooden cast of extras -- is that it's hard to believe that Chuck wouldn't just fully tell Buck off or explain how messed up he is to his (Chuck's) girlfriend. All in all, CHUCK & BUCK is a surprising hit that -- if you watch it in the dark -- will have you looking over your shoulder.
Rating:  Summary: You could use a reality check Review: Shut up. Try getting stalked for 4 years by a Buck-like person and you'll see what I mean idiot.
Rating:  Summary: Creepy yet Poignant Review: Chuck and Buck were childhood friends, until Chuck moved away. Now both of them are all grown up. Chuck (now called Charlie) comes to visit Buck when Buck's mother dies. Buck, however, never really grew up. He sucks on lollipops obsessively, and is now fixated on Chuck, who wants nothing more to do with his childhood best friend. It gets even creepier when we find out what Buck wants from Chuck ("Remember those games we used to play?") Most people, on hearing that synopsis, would immediately dismiss "Chuck and Buck" as weird and truly creepy. But give it a chance. It's always fascinating and never false. Its strengths lie in characterizing Buck not as a caricature but as a real human being who we can feel sorry for, and even see a little of ourselves in. The two main characters of Chuck and Buck could easily have ruined the movie if they had been played even a small bit off. Mike White and Chris Weitz both find the true nature of their characters, making this film nothing less than believable.
Rating:  Summary: This Is The Movie That The Cable Guy Should Have Been. Review: This is one of those movies that makes you laugh and squirm at the same time. Mike White's script and his impressive performance are the driving force behind the film. If you like smart dark comedy, I recommend this movie highly.
Rating:  Summary: Not worth buying...... Review: This movie appealed to me because I like independant films and the filming technique is new and experimental. I fealt the story was weak, though. Admittedly, the dark story kept me watching, but in the end I was somewhat disappointed. I didn't think the story was true to reality and the characters weren't very deep. The character of "Buck" and why he somehow grew up emotionally and developmentally arrested was never explained. I did enjoy the process of the making of the play in the plot. I enjoyed the performance of the ticket-taker woman who helped "Buck" produce his play. This was the only "REAL" character in the film. Oh, one last note...This film has been characterized as a "Gay Film" in many stores. I wish it wasn't. I think this film is somewhat insulting to gays. The fact that two men have sex in a film shouldn't characterize this as a "gay film". Neither of these two "gay" characters seem healthy or normal to me in any way. Is Chuck even gay? It might of been refreshing if there was a gay character in the film who wasn't so freakishy disfuntional.
Rating:  Summary: A welcome refresher Review: Woah...sounds like the last reviewer could use some therapy of his own. Yes, a dark movie...yes, a disturbing movie...but it keeps your attention, challenges you, and most importantly its' complexity is an experience...that's why a movie should be about. And for what it's worth, Buck's desperation and anti-social behaviors are pitiful...how can someone not feel bad for the guy on some level?
Rating:  Summary: Crap Review: Don't get me wrong, I like some art house and indie films. But I also know that, just like their mainstream Hollywood counterparts, they have they same capacity to be boring, overrated pieces of garbage. I think Mike White is a pretty witty guy and a great comedic actor. But his potrayal of Buck made me sick to my stomach. I couldn't feel sorry for Buck. He is annoying, desperate, pathetic and idiotic. People like Buck should not be tolerated and sympathized with, they are stalkers who should get help fast. He manages to harrass Buck until they have a homosexual encounter together....whoop de doo. Speaking from experience, I knew a "Buck" myself in high school. Only instead of a childhood friend this guy was a mildly "touched" student who I briefly tutored and who proceeded to follow me around for the duration of my high school years, desperate to ignite some non-existent friendship between us. It wasn't until my freshman year of college that I finally told him to get lost. Chuck should have done the same to this child-like pansy. Waste of time, film and money.
Rating:  Summary: Serio-Comedy At It's Finest Review: Definitely not for everyone...BUT...if you're adventurous enough give this low budget dark indie comedy a try. I saw it in the theater when it first came out and ever since it has been one of my favorite independents ever. Mike White is brilliant in the role of Buck as are Chris and Paul Weitz. The writing is shocking, disturbing, funny and poignant all at the same time. Even the digital is well shot and never takes you out of the film. Great soundtrack and direction by Miguel Arteta (The Good Girl).
Rating:  Summary: Not for me, thanks Review: Strong performances? Yes. Good cinema? Probably. Funny? Not. Very disturbing, very dark.