) are children. Pez Boy appears to be about 16 years old and the others are no more than 18 (i believe johnnys about 18). Their poor kids who sell their bodies to 40 year old men so that they wont starve. Its also a movie about hope. Johnny wants to be a race car driver and gains most of his skill by his obsessive playing of the arcade came SPEEDWAY. He also wants to take Eric with him. Its also a love story. Johnny is stait but is obviously in love with Eric and does admit it a time or two though he cannot have a relationship because, well, hes strait. There is a time though that he yells at Eric "i DO care about you. Thats why im here!". In its rawest form its a story of a kid that left home to make bus fair in vegas with 20 bucks in his pocket to put in the slots who gets robbed and gets stuck there until he can make the money for the bus. He runs into a group of hustlers outside in the casino parking lot. And basically what happens. He sees Stephen prancing around in Nice clothes and a big wad of cash and doesnt know how far stephen goes for that money. Veronica and Eric tell him that he needs to forget about it because its dangerous (veronica- who use to be a hustler and Eric who still is). And in the movie you see the transition. I mean he starts the movie as a country boy playing video games in a diner on his way to Vegas and then you see him as a cut up waif chainsmoking in the car running from the cops in a police chase through the city.
anyways.. just see it.. Its a great movie. Buy it, Rent it, just see it!
Summary: Two Thumbs Up
Review: I have the video of this film, which has been a long time being released. I felt that the acting was very good by all those in the film, and the young actors dealt with a difficult subject in a very professional manner. It was interesting to see some of the stars play a part not in keeping with their original image from previous films, but I thought they handled it very well.The story line was very good, but the film sometimes got a little confusing. This shows the state that young people are sometimes forced into, and leading to a sad ending. However, I feel that this is a good film to see for those who can take it. I think you will agree that all the young actors in the film did a great job. Go and see for yourself.
Summary: This really is an enjoyable film with an underlying meaning.
Review: I know there have been some pretty harsh reviews of this movie, but I am going to disagree with a lot of them. I thoroughly enjoyed this feature. The underlying purpose of this movie is, no matter how bad things get (and they can get about as bad as possible in this movie), don't forget your dream.The basis story line has to do with Johnny, the main character running away from home to pursue his dreams of becoming a professional race car driver in North Carolina, naive young Johnny (Bradford) makes an ill-fated stop in Las Vegas, hoping to win a quick buck at the casinos. This bad plan turns out to be worse than Johnny ever imagined, when he gets a fast-track tour of the Vegas underbelly: in quick succession, he's robbed, propositioned by creeps, and beaten up. Penniless and depressed, Johnny meets Eric (Brower), a young gay boy who turns tricks to get by. Eric introduces Johnny to his posse of friends, who include Steve (Thomas), a young bisexual who is also a hustler; and Veronica (Hannah), a former prostitute who used to be friends with Eric's deceased mother. At first, Johnny has trouble trusting his debauched new friends; however, as time passes, he and Eric build a relationship and become very close. Eric helps initiate Johnny into the world of heterosexual street hustling, and Veronica helps teach Johnny how to give a woman pleasure. But problems arise as Eric's feelings for Johnny develop into something Johnny can't reciprocate: love and sexual desire.
If you don't think too hard about the purpose of this movie, and simply enjoy it for the entertainment value, you will enjoy it more. If you try to read a lot into this one, you may be disappointed.
Relax, and Enjoy!
Summary: Good Movie That You Must See!
Review: I like this Moveie, It's Start's Out With Johnny (Jesse BradFord)
Who is Making His Way to South Carrolina To Start a Career in Car Racing he come's Apon Different Character's in Las Vegas At The End Looses His "New Best Friend, Who Wanted to be His Lover" at the End Johnny Made it to The Racing Circuit as a Pit Crew member, Victoria See's Him on Television While Waitressing and Cry's Becuase Johnny Made it. Like She wanted him to. I Like This Movie. Because I feel I have been Left Out of Movies That Were Made in 1999. Glad I Saw It.
Summary: Excellent Acting, Dialogue, and Story - 'Junky' has it all!
Review: I read the synopsis of this movie and found it intriguing. But the cast was all over the map - the kid from 'Bring It On', Daryl Hannah, the middle-child from 'Home Improvement'. Could a dramatic movie with Johnathan Taylor Thomas playing a Las Vegas street hustler be any good? Yes.
This movie has it all. There is the terriffic cast, young and experienced, all doing a great job. The story offers something completely new and different, and the dialogue gives this movie a very realistic feel.
'Speedway Junky' is down-to-earth and director Nickolas Perry allows the viewer to personally identify with each character. The more you watch this movie, the easier it is to see the film through each of the characters' eyes. Be sure to check out the commentary on this DVD - it's one of the most sincere ones I've ever lsitened to.
Summary: Intriguing and Captivating
Review: I recently stumbled across this movie while searching online for other movies, and I am very glad that I did. I watched the movie over 24 hours ago and I still find myself thinking about it.
I will not go in-depth about the plot as you will be able to get it from the description of the movie and all the other reviews. What I will say, is there is so much power and meaning put into the relationship that develops between the two young stars (Jesse Bradford and Jordan Brower), I still feel the love that developed. The script is well written, the director did a fantastic job, and the young cast put in extraordinary performances.
This movie is completely moving, no matter what side of the street you walk on. It's a must have!
Summary: A pleasant surprise
Review: I saw this movie at the SF G&L film festival. I wasn't expecting much, esp. considering the title. But the movie was much better than expected, with great acting, a compelling story...much better than the fluff you see lately in G&L-related movies.
Summary: Gritty Raw Reality TV That Will Wake You Up
Review: I though Oh -Great- Another low budget teen flick. Wow was I shocked into reality. I have never felt so much empathy for two young men that it sucked me into thinking about the real teens that these two fine young actors portrayed. Jesse Bradford, Jordan Brower, have shown the tender and often frightening side of being a teen with incredible empathy and in this case courage. Director Nickolas Perry not only struck a nerve with us, but with our whole community. A gay friend asked me to watch this movie since I was a high school teacher, so I though OK - I'll drudge may way through it. I've seen teens in trouble, and I assure you this movie is real and a must see for all people involved with teens. But strangely enough although it was just a movie, It gets you to start thinking about what more you can do. If you rent or buy any movie this year make it this one. Your supposed to enjoy a movie and recommend it when you like it, But the brutal honesty of how these two teens faced thier so-called life is not only empathetic, but also admirably courageous. Although a shocklingly sad ending for one of the characters, the survival and success of the other makes this film a truly inspiring piece of art. Bravo to Director Nickolas Perry, I look forward to his next piece of reality.
Summary: very compelling story
Review: I thought this was an excellent film on a matter that I have rarely ever thought about. Jordan Brower was very believable in his role, and Jesse Bradford also did a wonderful job. The tragic ending is heartbreaking, but you still can come away from the movie seeing the beauty of Eric and Johnny's friendship. I think if there was more money invested into the production of the film, it could have been a big hit. I would highly recommend this movie to everyone.
Summary: Typical outcome
Review: I wanted to like this movie. And I did like the actors and the technical aspects, but the story...the story is typical Hollywood.
I always ask myself after seeing a movie, "what have I gained by watching this movie?' I also asked myself "what did the characters gain from living out the story in the movie?"
My answer to both questions is pretty much the same. Johnny, the boy who wants to be a racecar driver, would have been better off if he never stopped in Las Vegas. Johnny makes it to North Carolina despite the people and experiences of Las Vegas...and that's a miracle. I'm all for new and unusual experiences, but this movie and it's story is best viewed once and forgotten.