Rating:  Summary: No eye of the tiger here!!! Review: A bum and a country bumpkin. Definitely not worth watching! This was just flat out bad acting. The movie picks up where it left off in 4, in Russia. Wasn't little Rocky a chubby 7-yr-old redhead in IV? Anyway, Rocky comes back to America and was greeted by little Rocky, who was all of a sudden 12 and had black hair. I am a huge fan of 1-4, but 5 doesn't deliver.
Rating:  Summary: Good Story, Depressing Movie Review: Confused? Well, the movie itself was very well written. If you've watched the ROCKY series and truly understood it, then V's story makes sense in a linear way. The character of Rocky Balboa has come full circle, from bum to star to bum. Rocky's older now, and the boxing game is much different. After losing his riches to a crooked accountant, losing brain cells to years of repeated beatings (most notably by Ivan Drago in IV), and losing respect by a Don King-like promoter, Rocky feels every bit the loser he did back in the original ROCKY. He tries to continue living his boxing career vicariously through a new protege, with disastrous results. And although his boxing career is over, Rocky still proves he is the best there is at what he does (ala Wolverine) by returning to his street-fighting roots. Without giving away the ending of the movie, the point is that Rocky has his family, and the rest of life's troubles mean nothing when up against that fact.So it was a well-written movie, but I personally didn't care for it all that much. Right off the bat, I hate it when the good guys get screwed. I don't mind seeing Rocky beat up, for whatever reason, but it really gets to me that after five films, he winds up in the gutter again, despite it being done realistically. Also, the soundtrack to the movie sucked big time. Rap music? For Pete's sake, what happened to "Eye of the Tiger"? What happened to Vince DiCola? And the climactic street fight wasn't corepgraphed well, I thought. It went on too long, and Rocky took beatings in thew wrong parts. When you hear that triumphant Rocky theme start to play (even if only fort a few seconds), you expect that fight to be over a few seconds later. Instead, every time it looked like Rocky won, his opponent kept jumping up like the killer in a slasher flick. And call me a sap, but I prefer an ending where the hero wins big, rather than just survives. So, while not a great ending, it is at least a definite and plausible ending. ROCKY V may be the worst of the series, but it's still ok, and worth a viewing at least once for closure's sake. Go ahead and get the collection, you'll get 3 great movies, and two okay ones. Fun fact: in a "rare" display of Hollywood nepotism, we find that Stallone's son can actually act. Although I will never figure out how that character manages to age so quickly. In III, he looked about 7. IV took place the day after, and he looked to be about 10. V took place soon after IV, and now he's about 14. What is Rocky feeding this kid?
Rating:  Summary: Not a great film, period. Review: Forget the other "Rocky" films that came before this one. This movie is simply horrible. I am a huge "Rocky" fan, but this sequel attempts to reach and it reaches too far. It's obvious that the script intended for Rocky to end-up a street-fighter, which is in no way in character with Rocky in any of the previous films. Not to compare it with the other films, but you have to know where Rocky is coming from, and it's not from the street-fighting realm. He's a trained, yet sloppy, loser-fighter in the clubs of Philadelphia of the mid-1970's. If he ever fought in the streets, there's never any indication that he did so before. That's how this film reaches by rewriting the Rocky character, which is just not acceptable after four films have already been made about his life. Rocky is a fascinating Everyman, but a dirty, low-class, blood-thirsty street-fighter he is not. The film tries to make him seem glorious for returning to his roots after overcoming them, which is what makes the Rocky saga so amazing in the first place. Rocky V is based on a totally different character which is not Rocky Balboa, but a cheap imposter. Save your money and just be concerned with Rocky's I thru IV. And, be leary of Stallone's future sixth installment of the "Rocky" series...it can't possibly recover from this disaster! (Although, I'd like to be proven wrong.)
Rating:  Summary: A very good movie but.... Review: Here are the good things and bad things:
* Amazing acting!!!
* The relationship between Rocky and Tommy Gunn was cool.
* Rocky's son is Stallone's real son.
* Rocky is still the champion even if he doesn't fight again.
* WAY TO EDUCATIVE!!!!!!!!! Rocky spend more time with Tommy than his son and money means nothing. (Must of the movie is like this).
* Rocky lose his money for a stupid reason!
* I dind't understand why Tommy had to betrayed Rocky.
* The colors of the movie SUCKS!!! (Rocky 4 have the best budgets)
* HORRIBLE fight choreoghraphy and Rap music at the end!
* The final fight was in the streets.
P.S: The director Jonh G. Avildsen always srew up the sequels. (Let's not forget Karate Kid part 3).
Rating:  Summary: ROCKY V is the best Review: I have seen this movie four times,and i never get tired of it.also i have the sountrack to the movie too.
Rating:  Summary: A sorry excuse for a sequel! Review: I just don't know why they bothered to produce this 5th and final Rocky movie. Rocky had it fine in the 4th. Money, fame, being somebody of high class, and in this one, they turn him back down to the virtual bum he was in the first one! And yet in this one, he isn't even the fighter, how stupid! I'm surprised they didn't just call it 'Tommy'. Afterall, Tommy Gunn is the star here. And what was really dumb was that not even in the end did they show him getting back on his feet financially. They just leave everybody clueless as to what happened to his finances. Did he get his financial problem worked out? Is he still the victim of Pauly's stupid mistake? Rocky's goal AND Adrian's goal was for him to get a nice place, money, ect. Other than being champion, that was the whole other goal. And in that street fight at the end, it wasn't even announced if he'd get any money for that fight with Tommy. This movie just leaves you high and dry and to what happenes to him financially and just seeing him lose everything like that was depressing! I rest my case.
Rating:  Summary: QUIT WHILE YOUR ON TOP. Review: I loved Rocky 1, but why ruin a classic. I think fans of rocky were pleased with just 1 movie. In my mind producers should have known not to make even a second one let alone 4 more.And another thing, I always imagend Rocky being not wealthy, in this movie he has a "robot made". I don't know about you , but I really did not like this movie. I just hope they don't make a 6th one!
Rating:  Summary: Better than what the critics say Review: I remember seeing Rocky V as an 8 year old kid, and was disapointed with it. Until a few months ago when I viewed it again, I felt this way until wathcing it late at night, and concentrated on Rocky V as a totally seperate movie from the previous four. When doing it this way, Rocky V is not a half bad film. It certainly doesn't have that feel good spirit the other four had. There isn't much to be happy about, and we don't get to see Rockky have a motivational training sequence. There also is no Apollo Creed which instnatly kills off the pace of this film. However, Rocky V I feel ranks right up with the first one when it comes to acting. It isn't so much Stallone who improves, but somehow, he convinces you his brain is damaged. But it's the new comers to this movie which actually make it such a well acted movie. Richard Gant plays the scum bag Don King impersonator George Washington Duke and he does the role well. Give him Don King's hair, and you have a Don King. Ex Pro Boxer Tommy Morrison acts pretty darn well for his one and only movie. He carried himself like a seasoned veteran in this film, but the one who really steals the show is Stallone's son Sage. The fact that Rocky's son ages from 5-14 in about 2 years worth of time between Rocky 3 and 5, Sage Stallone like Morrison carried himself like he had done many movies. You really see the transition from a snobby yet kindhearted richkid, to intimidated to his new environment, to being a punk in the poorhouse, to a kid learning to adjust in the end. He plays it perfectly. Why Sage's career didnt take off I don't know. His only other role was a supporting role in another Stallone movie "Daylight". I hear it's his choice, but I'm not sure. In the end, is this the worst of the 5 Rocky's? I feel the 2nd was. Rocky 4 and 3 had a lot more action than this one, but if you are looking to actually watch a movie where good acting dominated it, and not the action, watch Rocky 1, and 5. As a little side note, if nothing else, watch this movie for the credits. Elton John performs what I feel to be his best song. "The Measure of a Man" That song is just incredible, and almost brings a tear to my eye when I see it with the little Rocky montage they have for the credits. All in all a very good movie
Rating:  Summary: It's Middle-school all over again! Review: I remember the hallways of my Middle-school; it seemed at the time like a ticking time-bomb. If you bumped into someone, they would want to fight you. At the drop of the hat, people (and I mean the boys) would be ready to throw punches. I must have been challenged to a fight, on average, three times a day. "You wanna fight?" "Let's go" and "Hit me" are all I really remember.
So it is with Rocky V; easily on the top-ten list of worst movies made in the 90's. They intended this film to be a gritty return to the original "Rocky" realism and imagery; especially when a freak financial accident leaves them broke and living back in the Philadelphia projects. The film tackles one issue heavily; what it means to be real. Let's look at the criteria:
To be real you have to be the following. 1. Poor 2. have a stunted vocabulary 3. be able to pound anyone who challenges you to a fight 4. have the acceptance of everyone around you
And while the majority of the film is Rocky trying to tell his protege Tommy Gunn (a real-life fighter at the time) to stick with him and not let the wolves of a huge boxing-promoter (a Don King homage if ever there was one) destroy his career by taking him away from Rocky, all this movie ends up proving is that to be a man, to be legitimate and true, you have to pound someone into a bleeding mess. And you yourself have to endure massive amounts of damage in the process.
The only acting points in this movie come from Talia Shire as Aaaaa-drian!!!! and Burt Young as indolent brother-in-law Paulie who constantly seems like he's simply being himself (the equivalent of Jason Mewes playing the character Jay). Stallone for all his exploration of Rocky Balboa, cannot make him come across as genuine. Perhaps this results from Stallone's inability to ACT??
Other than that, there's not much to say. The final scene is a brutal, Mad-Max Thunderdome depiction of justice (two men enter, one man leave). The blue-collar hero Rocky punches out the rich, punk kid who has forsaken his roots. He also punches out the rich, Don King character who uses the ready-made, rich-man villain line; "touch me and I'll sue." Rocky's response? "Sue me for what?"
How about assault and battery? Not to mention disturbing the peace, destruction of public property, inciting a riot, etc. Nah; but how about we have the Catholic priest bless the bloody, bruised Rocky as the crowded street people cheer him on? I'm sure any priest would condone his behavior as Christian: instead of turn the other cheek, how about cave in the other cheek? Yes, they actually show a priest blessing Rocky after a street fight, as if it's some kind of prize to be won. But what about the loser? I guess he's excommunicated for not being a man.
The movie also leaves out the last fifteen minutes of the movie where police show up, dispurse the crowd with batons and pepper-spray, arrest Balboa, Gunn, his promoter, and cordon off the area as a crime-scene. Nevermind though; Rocky won. He beat up the other guy, therefore his behavior is perfectally natural, acceptable and not associated in any way with a severely militant personality. Somebody send this kid to the school counselor!