Rating:  Summary: What STYLE! A powerful yet sensitive film. Review: It has lots of sophistication and style, but it's not a one-size-fits-all movie. It's dialog and pace makes it seem more like a play than a movie. Some complain that it's too long which would indicate it's not their kind of movie. By no means is it dark. It has plenty of humor and quips to keep you entertained. What a surprise when Brad Pitt start communicating with the Jamaican woman in her own dialect! Pitt's character "death" has an unusual behavior that's really entertaining.This movie clicks with a lot of people. It fills a void that the movie business seems to have abandoned -- romantic movies apparently don't appeal to the masses, but there is a large audience that loves this kind of sensitivity and beauty in films. Those who rely on gimmicks like special effects and actions scenes to stay entertained probably would not be enticed by the trailer for MJB. The preview does a good job of presenting the topic and general tone of the movie. Unfortunately the critics are paid to be critical so they find fault with anything they can. Some of the reviews I read make you think that the whole movie is a mistake. They complain about the death character being "cold" not showing emotion and having stiff movement. What else would you expect from someone portraying death? Is this is a sign of poor acting? Of course not. The critics are so full of themselves they missed the point of the movie entirely. The movie is filled with so much detail, you have to watch several times to catch it all. You're better off not analyzing every scene trying to poke holes in the story. Just watch the show and you'll be entertained and quickly affected by it's message and music. The romance between Susan and Joe is captivating and full of passionate emotion. It's a good thing I bought this movie on DVD, otherwise I'd wear it out from watching it over and over!
Rating:  Summary: For those who belive & hope that true love is possible. Review: This movie touched me in many new ways. Being a fan of Anthony Hopkins and also Brad Pitt, I am surprised that it took me this long to watch this very moving and touching movie. I feel that words alone cannot express my gratitude to these wonderful actors. I was truly needing something new and fresh and challenging in my life, and this movie did provide that avenue. This movie held me at its mercy from the time it began, until the very last moment. For a few hours I was quiet, still and moved from laughter to tears. I cannot remember a finer love story ever put to film, and I have seen most of them. My hope would be that if you are reading this and wondering if you should see this film - my challenge to you is not to wait another minute. I would also encourage you to invite every person you care about to see it with you. It will touch and move every person to hope and dream again - as it did me. I thank you Mr. Hopkins, Brad Pitt and Claire, for your outstanding performances, for the authenticity of your roles played, and for the new hopes, dreams and desire I now carry in my heart. I will forever cherish this movie. I will encourage everyone I know to see and experience this wonderful film. Thank you.
Rating:  Summary: Dynamite romantic fantasy &music - What an experience! Review: I thought this might be a sad movie, but when it started out and Hopkins is hearing voices it really got me intrigued. Actually the saddest part was early in the movie. After Susan and "Joe Cool" (Brad Pitt in the coffee shop) meet, share some personal thoughts, have some laughs and then (presumeably without exchanging phone numbers) go their separate ways. They each alternate looking back at each other leaving the scene. Pitt (character name unknown at that point) has such a forlorned look on his face as if he may miss the chance to see Susan again. I really enjoyed the humor and tone of this movie... also the passionate romance that builds between Susan and Joe Black. The music is really intense too. Claire Forlani is seems so natural in her role as Susan. Hopkins and Pitt are excellent together with their sometimes supporting and sometimes conficting roles. The setting of the movie is GREAT! It's interesting seeing how the extemely wealthy live in such opulent surroundings. Most of the movie seems so real that you forget it's a fantasy. So you may have a hard time grasping parts that aren't believeable. I let go of reality for the full 3 hours and just accepted the notion that anythings possible in the movies! This movie is so full of feeling. I absolutely loved it. The DVD extra segment on behind the scenes details was cool too.
Rating:  Summary: Absolutely beautiful! Review: Although Brad Pit and Anthony Hopkins were excelent, you will fall in love with Claire Forlani. This film will bring out the romance in everyone. See the film and fall in love.
Rating:  Summary: Brilliant! Review: The opening scene at the café will go into history for one of the most romantic scenes ever recorded. The actor (B.Pitt) and actress are wonderful, the scene has quite a schockgul outcome. The movie itself is superb, 3 hours goes by quicklier than imagined, and you sit back thinking of meaning with life and death. GREAT!!!!
Rating:  Summary: LOVED THIS! regret waiting so long to watch it. Review: I did not watch this at first, because I had heard that it was not that good. Well, boy, was that a mistake. This movie is terrific. Brad Pitt is great showing the nuances for the role -- love the peanut butter stuff, oh, and the "delicious cookies". LOVE THIS.
Rating:  Summary: Yes!Yes!Yes! Review: This movie was excellent. It was well written and inspiring. So much so,that after i watched it, i went and wrote a poem of my own. It really makes you look at life.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent! Review: This movie was so good. It was sad, funny, and included a love story in the middle of all this. It opened your eyes to death and when he was saying goodbye to his daughters (Hopkins) really made me cry. The youngest daughter figured out what was happening at the end when Joe (Pitt) tries to reveal himself. My favorite part was when Bill and Joe are about to cross the bridge and Bill asks,"Should I be afraid?" and Joe replies,"Not a man like you." Oh this movie was so sad! It was great!!!!!!!!! My very fave movie-it even beat Titanic on my list!
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful ROMANTIC FANTASY! Review: If you like movies like "Somewhere in Time" (also by Universal) you'll love the intensity and beauty of this masterpiece. It has a pace that allows you to appreciate the dialog between characters and pick up on the humorous banter sprinkled throughout the movie. Overall this is a feel good movie. Along the way, you feel almost every kind of emotion possible: fear, mystery, sadness, romance, humor, celebration. Even though it's a fantasy, it does present a storyline having several sources of conflict. The story isn't necessarily meant to be realistic, but builds on the theme that death is experiencing several aspects of human life. Some of it wonderful and some of it not so great. There are plenty of details that may not seem realistic or likely. The story is best enjoyed if you appreciate what is done well (which most of it is) and not dismiss the movie for what may be lacking. Some viewers may be expecting a movie about dying and afterlife. However, that's not the focus in "Meet Joe Black". It's about death experiencing life while on vacation in a "borrowed body". The fact that Joe is death and only temporarily in Susan's life is what makes for the main plot and conflict. Bill must not reveal Joe's identity or all bets are off. Brad Pitt's portrayal of Joe (as death) having several first time life experiences is what makes the story special. The movie starts out a little slow with bits of the story coming together. After meeting Joe Black, the story unfolds. As the movie gets closer to the end there are some interesting twists to the story that make it hilarious (Hopkins and Pitt do a great comedy routine!), but also presents a powerful conflict between the two. When Joe meets Bill he is concerned if he "blends in". For a few days, it's obvious that he doesn't blend in all that well. He learns quickly that imitating others is the way to go even if it's out of place at times. This keeps the movie entertaining. He also interprets everything literally so some of his quips come out quite funny. Later on in the movie, he takes a question literally but turns it into something beautiful. Susan asks him to tell her that he loves her now. He responds with, "I love you now... I'll love you always". WOW! A lovely scene and intensly romantic. The music in this movie is great. It alone makes the movie worth 3 stars. The acting is intense. Forlani is wonderful as Susan and Hopkins delivers a sensational performance as her firm but loving father. Brad Pitt has the most difficult part as death. How does anyone know what that character should act like? His emotions are diverse. Cold at first, then loving and romantic. Before the movie ends he's experiencing tears (of sadness and joy?) Some people commented that he was like a robot and his facial gestures were forced. I bought the who act as the way death might respond if put in this situation. Pitt's acting is full range: discomfort, joy, pleasure, anger, laughter, nice guy, tough guy, assertive, sensitive, shy, embarassed. This has got to be Brad Pitt's best acting yet. Job well done, Brad!
Rating:  Summary: Oh for goodness' sake. . . . Review: Gaseous, gaseous, gaseous. Nothing but bloat, nothing but air. No substance, no sense of realism within the story's own context (why isn't Brad, when brought back to life, a mangled quadriplegic?), subplots with exactly NO suspense (when is Hollywood going to learn that leveraged buyouts do not a compelling story make?). Everyone speaks in hushed tones -- barely audible monotony. I kept having to turn up the stereo just to hear the palaver. I noticed that the Amazon reviewer, in his review, kept saying things like "If you stick with it" and "You will be rewarded for your patience." A great film, my friends, pays off in every frame. This film was (rightly) panned when it arrived last year; there's no need to get all revisionist about it.