Rating:  Summary: Charlize Theron, as you've heard, is amazing. Review: There is an indistinct moment during MONSTER when Charlize Theron does disappear into the role of serial killer Aileen Wuornos. You stop looking at Charlize Theron and thinking of how she transformed herself so completely. You stop watching the mannerisms she's given her character and the way she has her talk. You stop spending the film separating the actor and the role, and you just become engrossed in the film and in the flawed reasoning and psychology of a disturbed, sad killer. When that happens, MONSTER begins to work really well. Well-acted by Theron and Christina Ricci in the vein of MONSTER'S BALL and BOYS DON'T CRY, it's not a perfect film, but it's certainly a provocative one. You begin to actually sympathize with Wuornos and her history of abuse. Though her acts are irredeemable, several audience members did weep for her at the screening I attended. Discussions afterward were plentiful, asking questions about how much Wuornos was a creature of her environment and how much she was just a killer. It's a tremendous accomplishment that MONSTER generated that kind of response. The screenplay does pull some punches, though. Some of Aileen's earlier actions and statements are too contrived. The film makes one of Aileen's more sympathetic johns a stutterer so that the audience will immediately feel for him. At one point, to demonize a supporting character, the screenplay has her utter an out-of-place obscenity which leads the audience to immediately hate her. On the whole, though, MONSTER is a very good film with a great performance carrying it.
Rating:  Summary: Emotionally gripping masterpiece Review: Charlize Theron gives the performace of her career as prostitue/murder Aileen Wournos. No, you will not recognize her due to the fact she gained 30 pounds, is wearing bad teeth & has her face protestically altered. Amazing performaces all around. Theron offers a human portrayl of "monster" Wournos.The kind of movie that stays in your head. Overall, one of the best films I've seen in years.
Rating:  Summary: One of the best performances of all time. Review: Monster is one of the only movies, (if not the only) that not once did I see the lead actress. Instead for the entire film you are emmersed and witnessing a character come to life. Not just because of the intense prostetics Charlize Theron had to wear but instead the startling performance she gives. Monster is the true story of the only known woman serial killer Aileen Wuornos. Ive seen many documentaries on this woman and every one portrays her as a cold blooded killer, the movie though tells the whole story from her point of view. On the verge of suicide, Aileen meets her soul mate Selby, played by Christina Ricci in the performance of her career. You see that Aileen wasn't just a murder who did for some sick unknown reason, but that she feels she is on a mission to rid the world of all skummy men who take advantage of woman. The most heartbreaking, and heart warming moments of the film are when Aileen decides to not prostitute herslef anymore, and go clean. You see the hope she has for a real life with the love of her life at her side. There are a number of very violent and graphic seens in this movie, which only adds to the dramatic tension. Director Patty Jenkins, atempts a first in cinema history, by showing a serial killer as not a cold blooded murderer. Instead she surprises you by actually caring for the characters and even finding them funny at times. Imagine trying to do that with Charles Manson. Most credit though belongs to Charlize Theron, who i must admit surprised at her talent. Who knew she was capable of something like this? She gives one of the best performances of all time, and also gives true meaning to deserving the Oscar. DVD extras include a documentary on the film, with a few shots of the real Aileen in court. It takes you through Charlize's day to day prostetic job. Also includes theatrical trailers, and a few featurettes on the music, & score of the film. This movie has touched me, & I can't imagine it not doing the same for you, so buy this brilliant motion picture.
Rating:  Summary: Creating a Monster Review: For those of us with a bent toward law and order, the idea that a murderer's past would be factored into our thoughts about what they've done is to open the door to a flood of excuses from anyone with the inclination to evade responsibility for the life they've taken. The case of Aileen Wuornos proposes just this dilemma in a way that forces you to place degrees of guilt on a matter that we wish to be black-and-white. Not being one to generally muster much sympathy for criminal behavior, you sure wouldn't have wanted me to cast the deciding vote on a split jury for the first couple she committed. Quite honestly, they deserved what they got. However, she quickly takes what in the original instance was self-defense and descends into madness. While unable to ignore the carnage she left behind, you'd likely find yourself unable to stare too long at the tragedy we'd find if the lives of some of societies least desirable were followed back to where they started. Wuornos ended up (this is no secret) on death row for 12 years before being executed. Who could have expected less? At the same time, the darkest in human behavior sometimes mangles those who are completely at its mercy, and our only becoming concerned and indignant at the moment that it explodes leaves you wondering how we often expect anything more.
Rating:  Summary: Theron's Oscar Was Well Deserved Review: Ugly and uncomfortable to watch, "Monster" is the first true crime movie since "Dead Man Walking" to leave me feeling utterly broken inside. Aileen Wuornos was a sad and pathetic creature whose past made her into what she became and Charlize Theron brings every complex dimension of her completely to life again in this film. It wasn't just the makeup and added pounds that made Theron into Wuornos but her uncannily accurate portrayal of the woman who was lost between the horror of her personal life and the dreams she had to be somebody more than her circumstances dictated. Theron almost seems to be inhabited by the soul of Aileen Wuornos with every word, body movement and tormented and crazed wide-eyed look. Her performance certainly deserved the Best Actress Oscar for this role and possibly of the decade. The music by BT adds another suitably eerie dimension to the film but it is really Theron's performance of the wonderful screenplay that makes this a 5-star film. There's really not any gore to speak of, but the raw and bottom-line truth of Wuornos' life is what makes the story nearly unpalatable. Guaranteed, this movie will sicken, frighten, sadden and make you squirm. If it doesn't, you should check to see if you still have a pulse. Undoubtedly not for the faint of heart but if you do see it be prepared for an unparalleled ride.
Rating:  Summary: Absolutely Amazing Review: I saw this movie with my mum know nothing but the fact it was about a lesbian who killed people. I was completely blown away by every aspect of the movie. First off i have to mention Charlize, her performance is unforgettable and heart breaking, you forget its just an actress and get sucked into an amazingly sad story of a woman like anyone else, who just had horrible things happen to her and crossed the line. You can see that even though Aileen did some horrible horrible things, she was still human, still a person just making a last attempt for love. Christina Ricci also did a great job as Selby, the phone call scene will stick with me for the rest of my life, it was almost physically painful to watch. The movie was very disturbing at times, and i had to fast foword through the rape scene, but it just pulls at your heart without making Aileen into any sort of hero. All the director does is show you as the viewer what happened, and what made her cross the line. Truely an amazing movie.
Rating:  Summary: A CINEMATIC VIEW OF A SORDID, WASTED LIFE... Review: This controversial film is worth seeing, if only for Charlize Theron's outstanding, Academy Award winning performance. Ms. Theron totally loses herself in the character of Aileen Wuornos, the serial killer who murdered seven men in Florida and was arrested, tried, convicted, and sentenced to death. Aileen Wuornos was finally executed in 2002, after spending many years on death row. The film details the hard knocks life led by Aileen Wuornos, from that of a troubled teenager looking for love in all the wrong places to that of a hard living prostitute. It also looks at the very human side of Aileen Wuornos, a woman who found love in the person of a troubled, young lesbian in her late teens (Christina Ricci), who would ultimately betray the trust that Aileen Wuornos believed lay between her and her eventual fate. Ms. Theron's physical transformation is startling, though I found her still recognizable as Charlize Theron. It is her performance, however, rather than her physical transformation, that is more startling, as she infuses it with a high voltage intensity and swagger that bowls the viewer over. She makes the person of Aileen Wuornos come to life. She is a low rent individual, white trash to the core, prostituting herself by getting into cars in order to have sex with total strangers. So, this film is not for the fastidious, as we are looking at the seamy underbelly of the beast in this film, and it sure isn't pretty. It is also a credit to Ms. Theron's compelling performance that the viewer is able to feel pity for Aileen Wuornos, a woman who is so vile, yet, at the same time, so vulnerable and pathetic. The direction is excellent in the film, as are all the supporting performances. Christina Ricci is very good as the weak, passive, troubled young woman with whom Aileen Wuornos enters into a lesbian love affair, a relationship which lasted years in real life rather than the short time depicted in the film. Ms. Ricci infuses the role with a certain amoral, vapid selfishness that makes the character's betrayal of Aileen Wuornos comprehensible. Bruce Dern, in the role of Thomas, Aileen Wuornos' only true friend, is a stand out, as he adds depth to an otherwise small role. It is clear that Thomas saw something in Aileen Wuornos that the rest of the world missed. It is the most decent relationship that Aileen Wuornos appears to have had. The film itself, despite the stellar performances, is somewhat flawed, as it is unclear as to what made Aileen Wuornos tick, though it makes an attempt at deciphering her psyche. There are several theories that are exposed for the viewer to ponder: abused child, rape victim, and love sick puppet. They fall short of explaining adequately this troubled woman who would go on to achieve such notoriety. Notwithstanding this unresolved issue, the film is still a compelling one, though not one I would necessarily care to view again, as there is nothing at all uplifting about the disturbing and sordid life led by Aileen Wuornos. Consequently, I consider this film to be a one shot deal, despite the wonderful performances.
Rating:  Summary: Impressive Review: Gritty drama and true story about the story of Aileen Wuornos. I was completely impressed by the incredible acting and story telling. How they made the lovely Charlize Theron look so unbecoming is remarkable and she completely nailed the part of Aileen. Ricci was just as good an actress and deserved some recognition.
There was nothing fancy or beautified about this movie at all. It was edgy, a bit raw and very straight forward. All the more convincing and a highly recommended watch. No sympathizing here with Aileen, just the straight story telling of her life and her tragic end.
Rating:  Summary: Didn't meet the hype. Review: Monster is one of the most overrated pictures I have ever seen. Charlize Theron does play a very convincing role of serial killer Aileen Wuornos, however, the movie lacked a steady pace and I often found myself bored and lost in trivial dialogue. Certain aspects of the film I felt were not explained in sufficient enough detail. Mainly, how the supposed "straight" Aileen, quickly becomes a lesbian within a day of knowing Selby (played by Ricci). Not knowing any background history of the case before viewing this film, I can't get past the fact that a womans sexual preference shifted in an infinitessmal amount of time. I don't care how love starved or eager she was, it just wasnt too explanatory. Also, there is not much character or background development for either Therons or Riccis characters. It gets two stars only because Theron was successful at tricking me into believing she is an ugly woman.
Rating:  Summary: Don't Push Me 'Cause I'm Close To The Edge! Review: Rarely does a film I'm watching stir my emotions. But, as I was watching Monster on DVD, I found myself cringing and eventually had to shut the film off. Of the thousands of films I've seen, this is the first time that I ever had to shut a film off and take a break as it was too real. I now know how people feel when they tell me they have to close the book from time to time because of the scenes I've written.
Patty Jenkins wrote and directed Monster, which is a powerful depiction of a woman who had been brutalized for years, and ended up becoming a murderess. Charlize Theron won the Oscar for her surreal protrayl of Aileen, who only needed to be loved. This seems to be a recurring theme in our society. The monsters of the world create more monsters as the brutalized mind twists and then turns the tables on their captors.
The problem, however, is that not only does the victim kill her captor, but, she goes on to kill people who hadn't done anything to her. Nevertheless, Monster is a gripping film.