Rating:  Summary: Good! Review: This is one flick that I am happy I saw. Although the story did seem to jump from one thing to another, everything else about the movie seemed fine. The acting was very good in this movie, esspecially Tim Robbins character. I hope that this DVD comes out soon so that I can watch again and maybe I'll understand the story a little bit better.
Rating:  Summary: Powerful Movie Review: Mystic River is a very powerful movie with powerhouse performances by Sean Penn and Tim Robbins. Who both rightly deserved to win oscars. I think everyone should see this movie no one will be dissapointed
Rating:  Summary: One of the Top 10 Films of 2003 Review: I saw "Mystic River" in the theatre and i'm really excited that they're releasing a three disc set."Mystic River" is a great film about three childhood friends.Jimmy,Dave,and Sean who are stopped by a man in a car.Dave gets in the car and is sexually molested and comes home 4 days later.The incident destroys the friendship of the boys.Years later Jimmy's (Sean Penn) daughter is killed and the prime suspect of the crime is Dave (Tim Robbins).Sean (Kevin Bacon) and his partner (Laurence Fishburne) are the head investigators of the crime.Marcia Gay Harden and Laura Linney give admirable performance with Harden nominated for the Best Supporting Actress category while Sean Penn and Tim Robbins won in the Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor category. This is a brilliantly written film and one of the best films of 2003.A- for the movie.
Rating:  Summary: Simply oscar worthy... Review: Alright before I start I have to make one thing perfectly clear, I have not read the book and I cannot comment on whether or not the book is any good, nor if the book is anything like the movie. However the movie is incredible in my opinion, Sean Penn delivers one of the best performances of his career and yet is STILL blown away in my humble opinion by Tim Robbins. Now I am going to dance around certain issues here to make sure I do not give away any twists and turns in the movie, and believe me there are quite a few. Penn does an amazing job as portraying a rough and tough guy whereas Tim Robbins comes across as a softer, little more gullible man. The movie starts off with a story from the past about the three men as boys and then pans to the present where the three men's (Penn, Robbins and Bacon) lives are intertwined once again through a very tragic circumstance. One though I should warn about is that this is not one of the feel-good movies of the year, although the story itself is amazing and Clint Eastwood in my opinion delivers his most stellar performance so far, I have to urge you not to see this movie if you are not in the mood for something heavy, and don't expect to be leaving the theater, or in the future, turning off your DVD player without actually feeling sad and feel like something heavy is weighing on you. A very powerful film that will have you talking about it for several days later.
Rating:  Summary: Amazing performances by the entire cast! Review: I saw this movie shortly after reading the book. That is always tricky as one cannot help but compare the two. I was very impressed by the casting and performances, and the Oscar nominations and wins are very well deserved. The mood and setting were perfectly captured on film. Of course, not every detail can be put in a movie, and I wondered whether those who hadn't read the book would have questions, for example, about Sean's relationship with his wife and why he was in that situation. I strongly recommend this DVD to anyone who appreciates an excellent drama with solid acting.
Rating:  Summary: Just OK - not spectacular Review: I was not all that impressed with this movie. The performances of the actors were great and Clint Eastwood did a superb job as the director. However, I was never able to envoke any real sympathy for Sean Penn's character. He just wasn't likeable. The movie's theme is dark and makes you think deeper than you would expect. It wasn't one I was excited about, wanted to buy on DVD or wanted to see again. I would have been OK with seeing it at our Tuesday night 50 cent movie theater, but not to pay $8 for. I just couldn't come up with any genuine feelings for any of the characters; they had too many flaws.
Rating:  Summary: Superior film. Review: Mystic River is to me Clint Eastwood's masterpiece. As a crime/thriller/drama film, this is as good as it gets. The work of screenplay writer Brian Helgeland is just as perfect here as it was when he adapted the book L.A. Confidential, and this is a great achievement, to write two astounding screenplays. Eastwood's direction is flawless, and the cast, needless to say, is just perfect ensemble work; they all are a remarkable group of actors. The film's mood is oppressive, tragic. The last scene of the film left me speechless. THIS FILM IS POWERFUL! GO SEE IT NOW! THIS IS WHAT I CALL GOOD CINEMA!
Rating:  Summary: Realistic Viewer Review: This movie sucked. It could not have been worst unless it had been Matrix's Revolutions. I watched this movie in breathless anticipation of the good part to come.It never happened.I figured out the "plot twist" half way thru the movie, an just sat around waiting for this snorefest to be over. This horrible movie was not worth the eight dollars it cost me for the ticket.
Rating:  Summary: a stupendous display of filmography and acting Review: I was truly amazed with this film when I saw it in theatres and have been anxiously awaiting its arrival on video for months now. Sean Penn gave a remarkable performance, as impressive as his usually are. I recommend 21 Grams to anyone else who enjoys his acting. Tim Robbins also did exceptionally well and Kevin Bacon gave an equally gripping performance.I give the movie a full five stars.
Rating:  Summary: A Masterpiece from both director and cast Review: For a while I was worried I would never get a chance to see this movie in theatre's after hearing nothing but great stuff about it from family and friends. Then because the film was up for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor to name a few, the AFI Silver Theatre in my hometown of Silver Spring, Maryland began showcasing some of Penn's early and more recent films (21 Grams was one of those films as well). Mystic River was one of these selected Penn films that were being shown and when I finally saw it I was very awe-struck and amazed that it was even better than I had heard. I found Mystic River to be an "artistic" film just like Lost In Translation. However, the difference here is that with Lost In Translation, I couldn't see what was so great about a film that in all honesty was too slow-paced and capable of putting me to sleep throughout it as well as Murray's performance in it. So when Penn won Best Actor instead of Murray I was very pleased. It's hard to pick out certain captivating performances since every single performace was worthy and equal in every way. Penn's performance like always was thoroughly gripping and gut wrenching, especially the scene with him being held down by a mob/crowd of Boston cops when he finds his daughter dead that TV spots and trailers gave most nods and kudos towards. Tim Robbins gives an equally captivating performance as the life-long, but estranged friend of Penn and Bacon who you truly don't know whether or not if he is responsible for the death of Penn's daughter - personally I felt the whole way through that he wasn't the killer, but I was wondering throughout the whole thing if it wasn't him then who else could it have been. Bacon's performance is also captivating as the detective assigned to Penn's case and torn between the loyalty he still has to his Robbins and doing his job to find the killer of Penn's daughter. Marcia Gay-Harding as the wife of Robbins is perfect as she gradually shifts from loving wife to finding herself scared of her husband for what she thinks he may have done to Penn's daughter. Fishburne's performance as Bacon's partner was so-so. The only performance I wasn't too fond of was Linney's character. Like others who told me about the movie she was a cold person, but the fact that she lacked being in a lot of scene's took away from her character's over all demeanor. I have yet to see Unforgiven, but Clint Eastwood has definitely made his place in filmmaking history by directing two movies that have both been up for Best Picture and Best Director nominations even if Mystic River lost. Eastwood keeps you on the edge of your seat throughout the whole movie and the ending sequence when you find out who really killed Penn's daughter - don't worry I'm not giving it away for those who read this and haven't seen the movie - is shot breathtakingly well. He forces you to think throughout the entire film and then slowly fits in the remaining pieces of the puzzle for you towards the end to allow you to confirm or deny if what you were thinking about the murder of Penn's daughter was true or not. The fact that Eastwood composed the score for the film made the movie even better. I ended up leaving the theatre pondering over anything I could think of from this well crafted film. Definitely worth renting or buying (for those who have seen it in theatre's) once it's out on VHS and DVD.