Rating:  Summary: An objective observation Review: Just from the cover & the title, one would have a fairly accurate idea of its content -- so don't be surprised to see so much exposure & nudity. I haven't seen a live show yet but if this film is as real as it seems to be, then, we don't only have a glimpse of the stage glamour but the bitter truth behind the curtains as well. There's the age-old dream of "rags to riches" & the age-old moral of "what goes around comes around".
Rating:  Summary: Girl comes from nowwhere to star in Vegas. Review: Interesting movie about a very young lady who wants nothing more than to be a star. A star of Vegas showroom. She meets some interesting characters, and is both supported and challenged by her nemesis the star of a large glitz production. Some very erotic and some very interesting dances by the lead Berkley. She carries the show as well as she can. Not the most original story in the world--but worth sitting through for some good dances and interesting array of characters she meets both good and bad.
Rating:  Summary: you know what? Review: I actually like this movie. It's not great and it is not all that bad... And why are all these people talking about the sleaze and the disgraceful manner in which all these girls are put through. Okay so all the girls are naked. So what!? It's not like they were forced to sign on the dotted line when they agreed to do the movie. Who cares about the bad acting and the bad story line and all the nudity. Get a grip people it is a movie. A guilty pleasure. I really hate it when all the femmanazis organizations are talking bad about films when women are naked. Didn't women always use sex for power through the ages. Didn't Cleopatra use sex to get Ceasar? And wasn't Crstal a strong character in this movie and didn't she try to help Naomi in the end? Hello? Again I have to say this is movie so enjoy and take great pleasure in watching a very funny look at the Vegas showgirl life.
Rating:  Summary: Amazing!!!! Review: There is only one word to sum up this gem of a film thats "wow"! Paul verhnhoven does what i feel no other director has not, he has made ever little bit of his movie (in my opinion) Realistic and respectable. The plot summary is Nomi(played by the sexy Elizabeth berkley) hitches a ride to become a dancer. After she runs into some unexpected problems she settels in with a friendly innocent women name Molly(Played my Gina Raviera). Molly works at a show called goddes there nomi gets into it with the star Cristle(Gina gershen). Cristle seems to have a attraction to nomi and follows her all the way to a job and gets her a stint as a Showgirl. Here the plot unraveals. Someone get brutally raped, someone gets pushed down a flight of stairs and someone gets there butt seriosly kicked. It is all seen through Nomi's eyes. All in all paul verhnhoven and Joe eszterhas cleverally blend drama with exoticism. The film is a emotional rollercoater and at the end you will find yourself cheering for nomi! All in all this is a film about discovering yourself and finding your roots as a person and being proud, it also teaches some good qualities about friendshp referring to Nomi/Molly! It is truely a amazing piece of work! Also starring-Kyle machlaclin p.s-The reason I think it was so critically trashed, is because the critics did not understand the film and what it is all about! Also please no one compare this gem to striptease, cause it is NOTHING like it. Rated NC-17(DVD FORMAT)
Rating:  Summary: THE DANCE SCENES ARE WORTH THE MONEY PAID ALONE! Review: Showgirls, reviewed terribly by every critic around, is actually a heart pounding show stopper. I cannot believe I didn't discover this cinematic gem sooner. It mixes sex, glamour, dance, lust, and desire and pushes it beyond the limit. Elizabeth Berkley dances with so much attitude it makes you feel the rhythm inside you. Gina Gershon is sexy and diabolical. She is one hot smoldering temptress. Gina Ravera is adorable and well-placed as Nomi(Berkley)'s conscience. This movie is lots of fun.
Rating:  Summary: How Bad Can A Movie Be? Find Out Here Review: This is a brutally bad movie. How did Kyle McLachlan end up here? Has he fired his agent yet?This movie attempts and pretends to be a serious movie, but I have seen many a Shannon Tweed Skinimax movie that was far better. Berkley is horrible, and Gershon astounds with her acting "ability". Why then, do you ask, would I rate this 4 stars? It is rare you can find a specimen of a movie this bad. The ability to produce this crap is worthy of four star all by itself. By the way, Berkley and Gershon are both stunningly attractive, but the sexuality in this movie is quickly overpowered by the stench of the script and acting. For what its worth, the DVD offers almost no special features. The purchase of the DVD should only be driven by the superior picture and sound quality.
Rating:  Summary: Brilliantly Bad, Terrifically Terrible Review: As an avid fan of the wonderfully worthless "Valley of the Dolls", I thought I had seen the ultimate in the "so bad it's great" filmmaking genre. Then along came "Showgirls", which showed me just how wrong I was. Glory hallelujah, I have seen the light! Yes, friends, this is the most delightfully deplorable motion picture of all time. As if Joe Eszterhas and Paul Verhoven (who apperantly have some SERIOUS issues with women) hadn't squeezed enough gratuitous nudity and sex in their thoroughly unenjoyable "Basic Instinct", they have topped themselves in one of only two movies ever to get an NC-17 rating ("Crash" is the other one, and it's actually pretty good). This perfectly pathetic film follows the adventures of Nomi Malone, a hot-headed drifter who hitches a ride to Vegas and becomes the biggest thing to hit the sex industry since former president Bill Clinton. Along the way, she'll throw many a hissy fit, befriend an angelic stripper, lock horns with a self-absorbed rival, avenge a brutal rape, and utter some of the worst lines of dialogue ever written for the silver screen. Former "Saved by the Bell" star Elizabeth Berkely plays Nomi like John Travolta played Terl; she overacts to the brink of Spontaneous Human Combustion, shouting the horrid dialogue at the top of her lungs, which surprizes me because they are buried under twin Everests of silicone. The other actors don't fare much better, partially because they are acting to the worst script ever, worse even than the plotline to the Carrot Top movie. So why five stars? Because you'll love every minute of it. The film is howlingly hilarious, from the actors to the script to the dialogue. You'll be awestruck by the film's monumental depravity from beginning to end, and because the movie is 131 minutes long, you'll have plenty to savor. So put the popcorn on the stove, invite your closest friends, and enjoy the most deliciously detestable movie ever made. It's a guarenteed good time, and remember, this flick cost United Artists 40 million bucks. Oy!
Rating:  Summary: GOOD MOVIE, LOTS OF EYE CANDY.... Review: I like this movie, it has a lot of beautiful women in it, and lots of nudity. The story is good, but best of all, Elizabeth Berkley looks really, really great. This DVD is priced just right to own.
Rating:  Summary: Showgirls Review: This is the only American T&A film that is worth having in one's film library. This is powerful to me, while others think it's a waste of time. Elizabeth Berkley (Saved By The Bell) is so beautiful, and she shows 'us' what she's got in this film. I must advise people, who haven't seen this film, that the most nasty, disturbing rape scene is in this film that involves a pop singer, his bodyguards and a female fan of his. This is not a film that is just filled with nudity and 'cheap shots'. This is a drama about stripping, 'adult' entertainment and the lifestyles of the 'rich and shameless' in Las Vegas.
Rating:  Summary: Showgirls Verhoven's Folly Review: I read a comment that had me rolling with laughter with recognition because it was so right on. Any given scene in Showgirls plays out like this. Nomi makes new friend (guy in pickup truck, head of nightclub, lead dancer, choreographer, casino head, rock star.) They talk. The other character says something wrong. Nomi's eyes flare with rage(think Joan Crawford)and Nomi storms out of the room. If something is in front of her at the time (ice cubes, make-up brushes, tray of french fries) she will dash it to the table to spectacular explosive effect, leaving other character in cloud of befuddled wonderment at what just happened. Like an episode of Three's Company, you almost marvel how you never cease to tire of seeing different variations on the same theme. It may help a lot that in most cases Nomi is still clamoring to put on a top as she exits. Showgirls is Paul Verhoven's folly. As "emotionally complex" as Nomi is throughout, the film manages to be entertaining enough to keep you sitting through it. In the end Showgirls is like walking by a peepshow, you don't want to lower yourself to go in, but somewhere inside you you wouldn't mind having a quick look. The DVD is very sharp and detailed with nice bright color. I consider it a little above average for picture quality. Someone mentioned that this widescreen version is cropped top and bottom because the film was shot in 4:3 format. To the contrary liner notes however indicate that Showgirls native format is widescreen! They show a convincing diagram of the cropping that would occur if the film was shown in 4:3 standard format. Whatever the final verdict I did not notice anything cut off that I would like to see. I this case I perhaps prefer the illusion of widescreen. Whatever the truth is, increase in clarity from the DVD over VHS is more than a payoff for this compromise. If we were talking About "Gone With the Wind" or "Fantasia" I might do research and hold out for the definitive version. The included reading material on the film is nifty. The back cover of the DVD describes Showgirls as one of the most controversial-and shocking-films of all time. Hee hee. And the inner liner notes are even more amusing as Paul Verhoven and Joe Esterhaus posture about their indepth research. Apparently "P.V. and J.H. ... put aside their inhibitions and delved into the exotic and sensual subculture of Las Vegas nightlife." What a sacrifice these great filmmakers made! :)To paraphrase Esterhouse "In the world of big casinos where there is only semi-nude dancing and the illusion of respectability, in some ways may be more corrupt than the more honest statment of the lap dancing clubs. I think the story represents an interesting moral paradox." While this might make Showgirls an important cautionary tale for girls thinking of entering into the casino showgirl circuit. It may only indicate that after his extensive research Joe prefers lapdancing and casino shows make him sexually frustrated. My message is see Showgirls for the nudity, not the message. The film will be more honest for you ...and less frustrating.