Rating:  Summary: holly dares to tell her opinion against the original! Review: I could never understand the hype about the original Gone with the Wind, or with Clark Gable and particularly with Vivian Leigh. I had read the book when I was 14, and found it ok. Of course I was discontent with the ending, though I thought Scarlett deserved it, so when they made the sequel, Scarlett, I was looking forward to it. I liked the photography, and the choice of Joanne and Timothy Dalton. I thought it was quite good how they portrayed postwar Georgia, and Ireland and the Irish. But when Scarlett went to London, and Fenton threatens her, beats her, and her butler and housekeeper stand by and do nothing: that is too rediculous for words!! Of course they needed a reason for her to go to prison, but couldn't they make up a different story, that could be a little more plausible? And coulnd't they have made Fenton and the English a little more real? There was an Irish problem vor almost 900 years, there is an Irish problem today. But people simply are not so black or so white! I liked the character of the priest (Colum) best, he was the most real person of them all. And I liked Scarlet and Rhett, she because she was not so incredibly stupid as the one in Gone with the Wind, and him because he was less cynic, just bitter and hurt. And the green eyes in the book were blue in the case of Vivian, so what do some people complain about?
Rating:  Summary: timeline Review: i have been a huge fan of gwtw for about 30 yrs. i have read the book to many times to count, as well as watching the movie. i was very excited when i had heard that there was to be a sequal. recently i re-read both books and seen both movies. i am having a hard time with the time line though. didnt scarlett restore tara before the ending of the movie gwtw? if she did why does it look so shabby? when bonnie was thrown from her horse and died, wasnt it melly that came over and convinced captain butler to allow a funeral? than fainted, asking mammy to try to get her home. the next scene was at mellys death bed, which i took to be maybe 1 week later, after bonnie was buried because scarlett was in black. the book scarlett opened with mellys funeral and scarlett going back to tara, only to find mammy sick and dying. i could have sworn that the book scarlett said that mammy had been back at tara for 6 months, then went on to say that scarlett could not believe that melly had only been dead for 3 weeks. i also think that some of the dialogue used in gwtw was not carried through in scarlett. i enjoyed the movie and the book, but i kept in mind that there were two different authors. how can anyone really make a sequel when they didnt really know what margaret mitchell would have really thought? had she ever herself planned a sequel? did she leave notes? i truly would like to see this redone. although the scenery was beautiful was it really necessary to go to ireland? i also agree about the green eyes? fiddle dee dee i could have played a better scarlett, and my eyes are blue!!! well, i'll just think about that tomorrow.
Rating:  Summary: A Wonderful Ending To A Wonderful Begining in GWTW Review: I love this movie. It gives any die hard fan of Gone With The Wind a wonderful sense of closure to Rhett Butler and Scarlett O'Hara Butler's relationship. I recomend this movie to anyone who enjoys classics and GWTW.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent! Review: I really enjoyed Scarlett. Sure, its not as great as the original and was a trifle politically correct, but I LOVED seeing the beautiful costumes, handsome actors, and of course our beloved fibbing procrastinating Scarlett. The plot? Well, after reading numerous romance novels, I can't honestly say there is anything TOO original here, Scarlett and Rhett (played by hunky Timothy Dalton) eventually part because of a 'big misunderstanding,' but reunite after Scarlett is accused of a hideous crime.Peeves? I really hated to see Scarlett grovel towards the end. I felt Rhett was just as much to blame for the divorce. Also, I felt it unrealistic that the maid and butler would stand by and allow Scarlett be assaulted with a fire poker. Please. Also, I wanted to know what happened to Mary. This is never mentioned, and I felt the authors should've come up with a better manner of getting Scarlett off the hook. I was really surprised that Scarlett (always a pretty decent judge of male character), would fall for Lord Fenton. Ech. Overall, a great film, great costumes, and fun acting.
Rating:  Summary: Ouch... Review: If you want to see everything that's good in this movie then go watch a nature film about Ireland on National Geographic. Watch this "Scarlett" only if you have strong nerves. This Joanne is no Vivien Leigh. The problem is that she is neither Scarlett. I partly agree with the reviewer who said "I would rather have a good actress with brown eyes play Scarlett's role than a terrible actress with green eyes" -- surely I would rather have a good actress playing Scarlett. I agree with the one who said Terri Garber would have been very good. Her role as Ashton in "North and South" was very Scarlett-like. The storyline of this movie has very little to do with the book, which was not a bad book, although not as good as GWTW. Also, this movie is supposed to be sequel of GWTW the movie, not GWTW the book, so how come Suellen all of a sudden have a family life with 3 children? I also missed Cat, she was lovely in the novel and was barely visible in the movie, although they picked a lovely little girl to play her role. Pick either Gone With The Wind or North and South, not this movie. It's ridiculous.
Rating:  Summary: Horable!! Don't waist your time!! Review: In gone with the wind, Scarlett was a little bit of a brat, but she at least had some morals!!! I this movie, Scarlett (who you remember loved Ashley until Melanie died) has become hated around Atlanta because of the fact that she chased after Ashley so long. To save her dignity, Scarlett runs to Rhett's mothers house, where she stays for a time (much to Rhett's dismay). When a turn of events gets Scarlett kicked out of Mrs. Butler's home, she eventually ends up in Ireland with a baby that Rhett has no idea exists. In Gone With the Wind, Scarlett married many men for their money, but she was not going around sleeping with men out of wedlock, which turned out to be a very bad idea! Also, the boathouse scene was such a corny idea!!! This is defiantly NOT a good sequel to gone with the wind. The woman who played Scarlett couldn't even begin to compare with Vivien Leigh. Maybe someday they will remake this movie and actually take the time to choose good actors and write a decent story line!!!
Rating:  Summary: Starts well, then falls apart Review: I enjoyed the first part of this film, Timothy Dalton is, of course, devestatingly gorgeous as Rhett Butler, the woman playing Scarlett is a bit insispid but who cares, so long as I could drool over Dalton I was happy. The part where they get shipwrecked on an island together, aaaaah! If only! I found it quite interesting to meet Scarlett's posh relations on her mother's side, and I was glad that Suellen had finally got herself a husband, she wanted one os much, poor soul. The killing off of Mammy is of course a big mistake, but the author clearly doesn't know how to portray black characters convincingly, which is I suppose why the film suddenly shifts to Ireland, where Scarlett goes to discover her roots. From here on it's downhill all the way. Pure melodrama, and Sean Bean is so blatantly wicked he might as well wear a hat with 'villain' written on it. If only Margaret Mitchell had written a sequel herself! Naturally I want Scarlett to get Rhett back, who doesn't, but the way it happens in this film is just too silly for words. I persevered to the end because, of course, Timothy is still there, and still devastating, but honestly! It just gets sillier and sillier.
Rating:  Summary: Gone With the Wind This Ain't Review: I love GWTW, personnally I think that it is one of the BEST movies of all time-- this is not up to par. I have read GWTW by Mitchell and I read Scarlett by Alexandra Ripley and I must say that the original is by far better. Now the Scarlett Miniseries was suppose to be the sequel to the GWTW movie not the book otherwise it would confuse those who've seen the original but didn't read the book, like Scarlett's other children by her first two husbands, I digress. However, the screenwriter or even the director of this movie thought it important to put Suellen having a family, after all in the first movie you expect her to be an old maid! Joanne Whalley as Scarlett O'Hara Hamilton Kennedy Butler is a like unbelieveable and I do agree with the other reviewers that said Terri Garber(Ashton of North and South) might have been a better choice, albeit type-casting. Timothy Dalton as Rhett Butler is a good choice, I actually liked him as Rhett and seemed a better notice that in the sequel Rhett has a Southern accent. Which from my understanding Clark Gable refused to play the part with the accent. My overall opinion of this movie is blah at best, if you really must see it I recommend finding it at your local video rental store.
Rating:  Summary: Ouch... Review: If you want to see everything that's good in this movie then go watch a nature film about Ireland on National Geographic. Watch this "Scarlett" only if you have strong nerves. This Joanne is no Vivien Leigh. The problem is that she is neither Scarlett. I partly agree with the reviewer who said "I would rather have a good actress with brown eyes play Scarlett's role than a terrible actress with green eyes" -- surely I would rather have a good actress playing Scarlett. I agree with the one who said Terri Garber would have been very good. Her role as Ashton in "North and South" was very Scarlett-like. The storyline of this movie has very little to do with the book, which was not a bad book, although not as good as GWTW. Also, this movie is supposed to be sequel of GWTW the movie, not GWTW the book, so how come Suellen all of a sudden have a family life with 3 children? I also missed Cat, she was lovely in the novel and was barely visible in the movie, although they picked a lovely little girl to play her role. Pick either Gone With The Wind or North and South, not this movie. It's ridiculous.
Rating:  Summary: Scarlett the movie was disappointing. Review: I am a Gone With The Wind fan and also Scarlett, both being the books. I have the DVD on GWTW. I saw Scarlett when it first aired, and felt it was an insult to call it a sequel. Had they even come close to following the book, and let Terri Garber be Scarlett, I would have probably loved it. Instead, it was made into a cheap soap. I truly hope that someday it will be remade with the quality that is portrayed in Gone With The Wind. It would be a winner.