Rating:  Summary: Hilarious east meets west comedy satire Review: " Mr. Wong is very funny, but it is definetly not for kids due to the profanity. I don't think that it is that much different from " South Park" with its' irreverant humour, though Asians will criticize it for having racist stereotypes. Please!! This politically correct garbage that the public has had rammed down their throats for years now is so infuriating and pathetic. Everyone is so afraid for even saying something slightly provacative, that lots of films,music etc. get shuttled aside so that people are not 'offended'. Yes,yes, I know... we all have to live together and should respect one another,etc.,etc., but I think people should be honest enough with themselves to look and laugh at what their individual culture is perceived to be by others. Caucasian people are very funny in their habits, views,etc. So are Asian people. Perhaps their cultural upbringing is such that it is not considered good manners to poke fun at themselves. Some might say that they simply cannot take a joke. Whatever the reason is for the dislike of 'Mr. Wong' by various individuals, it is a very funny comedic diversion and I'm SURE you will laugh. If you like 'South Park', you will probably like 'Mr Wong'. The extras on the dvd were interesting and also amusing. The only thing I didn't like was that I thought the episode length was particularly short and should have been longer.
Rating:  Summary: Hilarious east meets west comedy satire Review: " Mr. Wong is very funny, but it is definetly not for kids due to the profanity. I don't think that it is that much different from " South Park" with its' irreverant humour, though Asians will criticize it for having racist stereotypes. Please!! This politically correct garbage that the public has had rammed down their throats for years now is so infuriating and pathetic. Everyone is so afraid for even saying something slightly provacative, that lots of films,music etc. get shuttled aside so that people are not 'offended'. Yes,yes, I know... we all have to live together and should respect one another,etc.,etc., but I think people should be honest enough with themselves to look and laugh at what their individual culture is perceived to be by others. Caucasian people are very funny in their habits, views,etc. So are Asian people. Perhaps their cultural upbringing is such that it is not considered good manners to poke fun at themselves. Some might say that they simply cannot take a joke. Whatever the reason is for the dislike of 'Mr. Wong' by various individuals, it is a very funny comedic diversion and I'm SURE you will laugh. If you like 'South Park', you will probably like 'Mr Wong'. The extras on the dvd were interesting and also amusing. The only thing I didn't like was that I thought the episode length was particularly short and should have been longer.
Rating:  Summary: If you want politically incorrect humor that will make... Review: ...you laugh out loud, just purchase this DVD. Mr. Wong is an 85 year old Chinese houseboy who worked for Bing Crosby for 37 years. When Bing dies, his estate is purchased by Miss Pam, a super wealthy socialite, who soon learns that she has also purchased the services of Mr. Wong. Simply put, it is in your face humor that is funnier than hell. Of course, there are Asian groups who dislike it as Wong is the stereotypical Oriental flim flam man - he has buck teeth, a heavy accent, and he loves to gamble, drink, and curse. If you like "in your face" type humor, and you don't worry that every word you say is going to offend someone, then this is the DVD for you.
Rating:  Summary: mr.wong dvd Review: Besides the race issue, this cartoon just has very little entertainment value. The drawing is really hideous, the jokes(if they are jokes at all) are not funny, and you get a rather unpleasant feeling after watching it. Some racial satires are funny because they make fun of real life people. But when was the last time you've seen a 75 yr old chinese guy who's indestructible, can swear really well in english, and works for free for a single white female? The creator of this cartoon claims that it's a satire on racism. But the satire is nowhere in sight. The film is really about wartime desensitization in practice: give a reason to bring harm to a group of people(cuz they swear and they are ugly), imagine them to be subservient, and actually bringing harm to them. If you are someone who hates certain group of people and wish to bring harm to them but can't, this cartoon might appeal to you. Otherwise it's just a complete waste of time.
Rating:  Summary: as an asian american.. Review: honestly, i don't care about racist jokes. if they are done right they are funny.unfortunately the majority of this dvd was just not that funny. the first episode was outrageously funny the way that south park is. then it goes steadily downhill, as its writers clearly didn't really have any good ideas beyond the premise of the show itself (as evidenced by the so-called 'music video' of the theme song thrown in about halfway through the dvd). by the time i got toward the end i couldn't wait for the stupid thing to be over.
Rating:  Summary: Prejudice here is a rittle one sided.... Review: I'd enjoy this if the stereotypes extended to other minority groups, as popular shows like "King of the Hill" and "The Simpsons" do, in equal judicious amounts. In this DVD, the joke falls solely on "The Chinaman". No one else. This singling out is what makes everyone uncomfortable and the humor substandard. Rickles, Mason, and other "Race Humorists" disperse their venom in unbaised portions, and that is when everyone can laugh. I gave this DVD 2 stars for its beautifully rendered art and retro appeal. Everything else is like eating Matzos sans aqua! Chitterlings mit no Tabasco. Tasteless. Take that, honkey! Just Kidding.
Rating:  Summary: Prejudice here is a rittle one sided.... Review: I'd enjoy this if the stereotypes extended to other minority groups, as popular shows like "King of the Hill" and "The Simpsons" do, in equal judicious amounts. In this DVD, the joke falls solely on "The Chinaman". No one else. This singling out is what makes everyone uncomfortable and the humor substandard. Rickles, Mason, and other "Race Humorists" disperse their venom in unbaised portions, and that is when everyone can laugh. I gave this DVD 2 stars for its beautifully rendered art and retro appeal. Everything else is like eating Matzos sans aqua! Chitterlings mit no Tabasco. Tasteless. Take that, honkey! Just Kidding.
Rating:  Summary: Not for everyone Review: Mr wong is Funny, but be warned this style of humor is not for children or people who are easily offended. In the past this cartoon has caused a stir witht he aisian community for its "racist tones". I personally think that those who find it racist totaly miss the point as it really makes fun of racist views. You just have to be smart enough to read in between the lines. This should not be viewed by young kids though as they usually are impressionable. If you are comfortalbe with south park you will love Mr. Wong
Rating:  Summary: Not for everyone Review: Mr wong is Funny, but be warned this style of humor is not for children or people who are easily offended. In the past this cartoon has caused a stir witht he aisian community for its "racist tones". I personally think that those who find it racist totaly miss the point as it really makes fun of racist views. You just have to be smart enough to read in between the lines. This should not be viewed by young kids though as they usually are impressionable. If you are comfortalbe with south park you will love Mr. Wong
Rating:  Summary: Not Exactly Cutting Edge Humor Review: Mr. Wong is a very racey toon focused on an old 85 yr. old Chinese man who very much fits the description of many many Asian stereotypes. During it's initial debut on the internet, it was met with a typhoon of debate over its controversial content. I believe this was the strategy icebox.com used in releasing this series. They had to be crazy to think that it was not going to make people upset. It turns out that it was written by Pam Brady and Kyle McCulloch a couple of people who worked on South Park. Put it this way, if you did not like the Chinpokomon episode of South Park (which I loved - I laughed and was extremely offended at the same time), then for crying out loud, don't watch Mr. Wong!
Personally, I thought Mr. Wong was just not that funny. Sure, there's an occasional laugh here and there however the series ends up being not very interesting. Using the ole race card in order to be edgy and controversial can work and be really funny, but Mr. Wong in my mind does not execute this type of humor nearly as well as many other cartoons that have happened in the past handful of years.
I suggest if you are interested in the series to search it out online first (you should find 1-2 episodes out there) before making a decision whether or not to buy it. Personally I would not recommend it. Check out "Zombie College" from icebox instead. It was easily their best series IMO.