Rating:  Summary: too much of a good thing? Review: This is a good film and you will like both, the story and the actors' performance. Unfortunately, too much of (unnecessary) patriotism is spoiling part of the enjoyment. Otherwise, the film is well-made, great settings, great costumes, great casting. Robert de Niro is delivering his usual high-quality self and Cuba Gooding is convincingly determined to succeed at his quest. Try it out and see for yourself!
Rating:  Summary: men of honor Review: One of the worst movies of all time. Painful to sit through on an airplane!
Rating:  Summary: Good Movie Review: This movie is an insperational film about the Human Spirit and the ability to perservere under any circumstance. This is a good movie that leaves you feeling uplifted. I would rate this movie slightly above average. For an entertaining evening this movie fits the bill.
Rating:  Summary: Honor, Sir Review: The most amazing part of this movie is that its true. Well, most of it. I know it was "Hollywood-ized", so who knows just how much was really true? The DVD shows a nice biography of the real man, him telling the true story, and a good amount of it is true. He really lost his leg, and he really made it back.This really is a great drama. When looking at most movies, you really wonder WHY on earth it was made. But this..its one of those works the makers can be proud of.
Rating:  Summary: Wow! A Tale Of Overcoming The Odds Review: I was skeptical about whether or not I should rent "Men of Honor". I'm not exactly sure why though. Cuba Gooding, Jr., and Robert De Niro. And the fact that this is based on the life of a real person makes this one of the best movies of all time, in my humble opinion. Cuba Gooding brings you right into the movie. It's not easy portraying a real person, but he did it as great as he possibly could. A tale of overcoming the odds, and proving everybody wrong. Do not let this movie slip by you. You NEED to see it, to judge for yourself. I am not a person who liked the idea that blacks weren't equal. So this movie was a very emotional one for me, and I could watch it again and again and would never get tired of it. Men of Honor deserves the 5 stars I gave it, and anyone who hasn't seen it and is judging it by the negative responses need to find out for themselves. It's as simple as that.
Rating:  Summary: Showing Us True Courage and Never Say Quit! Review: I just loved this movie shows us never how hard the task may be never give up just try again because there is too much at stake US I would recomend this movie to anyone who wants to enjoy a great movie!
Rating:  Summary: Could have been better! Review: I agree with Jeff Shannon's review, if this didn't have so much adult language it would have been a great and inspiring film (even with the cliches). But we're left with an R rated film that lot's of kids will miss out on simply because of the language! Superb performances by both actor's though!!!
Rating:  Summary: Pass a sick bag or fifty! Review: Haven't you people got sick of these overly PC films made to appeal to arrogant Americans? Obviously not, judging by this. Cuba are of course automatically the bad guys and America is on a mission to fight, stand up for itself, be brave etc etc etc. Spare me, for God's sake. Why don't we make his black too, so that it'll be very PC and show that blacks can do things too, think the directors. Well the whole point is that we shouldn't be at a point where people don't know it already. You should use black AND white actors as and when they're good for the role, and Cuba Gooding Jr should be the lead because he's good, not because he's black. His race shoulnd't come in to it. And Gooding is simply not good at acting. See I'm not being racist, I'm simply saying I don't think he's a good actor. His race has nothing to do with it. The war they try to glorify everything is this movie is nauseous. Avoid at all costs.
Rating:  Summary: Men of Honour....Gimme a Break Review: Here we go again....Men of Honour is about an African American man who must overcome racial prejudice in the navy to become a deep sea diveman. The movie is "based" on the real life experiences of Carl Brashear who became the Navy's first black master diver. The real life story of Brashear was probably interesting, until Hollywood got a hold of it. This potentially good story is ruined by poor acting (Theoron and Rappaport in particular are horrible) and totally fictionalized cartoon characters such as DeNiro's Billy Sunday character. Michael Rappaport is particularily terrible as the only person in the Navy to befriend Gooding's character. Rappaport plays a studdering simpleton from Wisconsin with a New York accent if you can believe it. The script is loaded with dumb Hollywood cliches that would make a 14 yr old with half a brain cringe. The characters in the film are all one dimensional (good or bad just like the WWF). It is very obvious to the viewer which events in the story are true and which are fictionalized because some events are just too far fetched. Of course the all too familiar bogus love story that appears in just about every movie these days rears its ugly head. Looking at the other reviews on this board one has to wonder if they saw the same movie. Men of Honour uplifting??? Gimme a break. I guess if movie goers continue to be so easily pleased Hollywood will continue to dish out this junk.
Rating:  Summary: Scuba Gooding Junior Review: I know it's not really about Scuba diving, but it's sounds funny to say scuba instead of cuba. Well enought of that. The film is based on a true story. We have a young black navy boy Carl Brashear (played by cuba gooding jr), who want's to become the first black diver in the US Navy. Off course in those days (the 40's) black people where only good as cooks in the army. But Carl only had one thing in mind "I want to become MASTER DIVER" after three years he get's into the Diving School, where Navel Commander Billy Sunday (played by de Niro) is his Teacher. To start of with everyone there Hates the though of a (black person) becoming a diver, especcialy Mr. Sunday. However as the story continues and Brashear starts beating the odds and becoming the best Navy Diver the US Navy ever has had, more and more people start respecting him. Also Mr. Sunday. So he passes his exam after a long, hard and verry cold test. And becomes the first black US Navy diver, from here you must go and see the film your self. If you think the begining is great, wait until you watch until the end. :-) Further more the Sound and Picture Quality on the DVD are excellent. The extra's like the audio comment during the film and the tribute to the real Carl Brashear are also very good. For me this is a must see movie. Sorry for my bad english at some points, that's because I am from the Netherlands.