Rating:  Summary: Thout provoking Review: I saw the movie in 1989, and it really left a lasting impression on me. Too many movies glamorize suicide. This one shows the aftermath and the pain that is caused for those left behind. I think it should be shown at all high schools. Too many teens think that suicide is such a romantic thing to do. The reality of it just doesn't sink in with them. What I like so much about this movie is that it shows how very selfish suicide is. Keanu is amazing in this movie. I also fell in love with the song, Wishing on another Lucky Star. I wish J.D. Souther would release this as a single. I'd buy it in a heartbeat.
Rating:  Summary: A must-see for any die-hard Keanu Fan! Review: I saw this movie back in 1988 in the theater when I was a junior in high school. It's release probably saved my life. I was able to see the effect that one person's suicide could have on everyone that person came in contact with. It moved me enough to want to get help instead of just quitting. It was the first movie I had ever seen Keanu in, and I fell in love. When I later saw "Bill and Ted's", I kept saying, "Hey, that's the guy from Permanent Record!" I agree with the other reviewers...this is truly Keanu's all-time best performance. As for the price, I've been trying to obtain this film since 1989, and the price has never dropped. If you can afford it, GET IT...you won't regret it.
Rating:  Summary: A movie you will NEVER forget! Review: I saw this movie for the first time about 10 or 11 years ago, which I taped off the TV for future reference. I think this is the best movie I have ever seen to date, it is very emotional and will keep you on your toes. Not too many people know about this movie, but if they did I am sure they would have the same reaction to this movie as I did. It is highly recommended to see, and for the price, well I am sure if you had seen the movie on TV, and now know you can purchase it, it is definately worth the price.
Rating:  Summary: Permanent Record Review: I saw this movie on HBO about 4 years ago and i thought it was great!I totally regret not taping it! It has the most amazing song in it and i look for this song everywhere! Being an eighties film it might not appeal to everyone, but the suicide plot and beatiful song might just change your mind! So if it comes on TV watch it and im sure you will want to buy it! Trust me im not a Keanu Reeves fan at all but this movie i loved!
Rating:  Summary: Incredibly moving Review: I thought this movie had a very realistic portrayal of teen suicide (or ANY suicide for that matter) and the ripple effect it has on everyone who knew the person, no matter how slightly. Keanu Reeves is great, as are the rest of the supporting cast. They all present their plights realistically. This movie will stay with you for a long time after you see it.
Rating:  Summary: This movie took my breath away Review: I wasn't going to write a review because so many other people had said what I would have, but I figured that I had to put my two cents in about this great movie. After Speed I became obsessed with Keanu Reeves and rented every movie with him. I watched them all in a row and this one just took my breath away. So much so that I watched it a few more times just to understand it more. Society seems to think that only people with no prospects commit suicide; but this movie that shows that even if you have everything going for you, it can all seem like too much. Too much to handle, to the point where you'd rather not handle anything at all. I know the movie is not just about David's suicide, but about how his friends handle and grow from it, how society itself handles teenage suicides. The students wanting to have a tribute to David, but the school being afraid that honoring someone who commited suicide would cause others to do the same; they also seemed to believe that having a tribute for someone who took his own life was just something that you didn't do. I personally found this insulting and was glad that in the end the students found their own way of memorializing their fallen friend. Your friends may lie, the truth can come from strangers...life is long, it is not made to measure. It will go on, the same in pain and pleasure. Wondering how we ever got this far by wishing on another lucky star.
Rating:  Summary: Permanent Record: Worthy To Put In Your Permanent Collection Review: I would consider this movie one of Keanu Reeves' best performances. At the time of this movie, as well as "Bill And Ted's Excellent Adventure", Keanu had an innocence about him that made him endearing; no doubt one of the reasons for his enormous popularity. This movie, we see a combination of innocence, yet at the same time, a wisdom. The wisdom develops as a result of his friend's tragic suicide. I agree with a reviewer that the question of why this young man, brilliantly played by a very handsome Alan Boyce, would take his own life, when clearly he had a life worth living. There is an implication that everything going for him became too much of a responsibility, which in turn, became a perceived burden. But the movie doesn't tell us that; no answers are given. The movie focuses more on the aftermath. Everyone that this one life and death affects. From Chris (Reeves), his best friend, to his brother Nicholas, who goes into his dead brother's room and smashes everything. We see how it affected his secret lover, a perfectly understated performance by Pamela Gidley, who can be seen in "Little Vampires" (I think that's the name of it!) One of the most touching and heart-wrenching scenes is when Reeves' character, drunk, nearly hits Nicholas with his car. The confrontation that takes place is a scene not to be missed. The message: Life goes on and MUST go on. Suicide affects everyone. Not just the one committing the act, but everyone around them. But through the ashes, a Phoenix of knowledge wisdom and hope can emerge.
Rating:  Summary: Please come to DVD Review: I've noticed many reviewers are hung up on the why of David's suicide, since he had everything going for him. What I love about this film is the bravery the filmmakers exhibit in showing that suicide and self-harm are not choices made from logic. It's called mental illness because it is an illness, that, gone untreated, can escalate to tragedy. Films like this really show you that there really is no answer, sometimes. I love the funky accents that the actresses sport in this movie. And Keanu Reaves shows a rare depth that is missed the more and more I see the films he did following. Please see and support this film. While dated by its fashion, the Joe Strummer music is excellent, and the message is one that resonates. The only reason I don't give this a full five stars is the superintendent is played one-dimensionally as a villain, while everyone else shines -- including the adults. It's rare that authority figures are cast as sympathetic, and I wish more Hollywood films would follow this one's example. This is a quietly moving and profoundly rewarding film. One I hope to someday own in my DVD collection.
Rating:  Summary: Left me wondering what his motivation for suicide was.... Review: Mostly this is about the effect of suicide on the survivors. The cast does a nice job esp melrynk and reeves. The song is wonderful and deserved radio airplay. Should be put on DVD.
Rating:  Summary: An emtionally moving and touching film, one of the best Review: Permanent Record is one of the best films ever to deal with suicide. It will make you laugh and cry and feel the emotions and confusion of all the characters as they deal with the aftermath of one of their friend's suicide. Keanu Reeve's best performance ever. This is one movie noone should miss.