Rating:  Summary: saveing private ryan Review: saveing private ryan is the best movie and it is my all time favorite movie in the world it is really accurate in the dates and how things happened even though saveing private ryan probbably didnt happen it is the best movie. i have seen some good movies but none of them beat this. i watch that movie every day. i think whoever hates that movie is crazy!
Rating:  Summary: A Near Classic Review: This film almost makes it to being a classic, but it fails at times for being overly sentimental. The opening D-Day scene on Omahu Beach is terrific, it leaves you shacking almost! After that the movie becomes an almost routine tour-de-force of all the old GI squad flicks going back over the years. Its alomst like Speilberg watched every old GI WW2 movie ever made and took a piece out of each to mesh into this film. In a way its a tribute to the genre I suppose. The opening and closing scenes with Ryan and his family years later is a tear-jerker for sure. It would have been nice as well had Tom Hanks and co while searching for the elsusive Ryan might have come across some British and Canadians. This would have added greater depth and color to the movie and provided a little dfifferent perspective. Most Americans don't really know much about the British and Commonwealth contribution to the war, and this would have been a chance to show a little of it. Too bad. The equipment and gear is very accurate, the two German Tiger tanks and open topped assault guns get A+ from me! The battle in the town with the US paratroops is also good showing how confusing the opening Normandy battles were. The final battle at the bridge, while exciting, is fantastic. These are German Panzer Grenadiers, the best the Wehrmacht had, yet they seem to be portrayed a bit like key-stone cops! If anything it was often small German platoons holding off large numbers of green US troops in the Normandy bocage. Speilberg got it a bit wrong there, but something like that would not be so romatic for film goers. Final point, the P-51 should be a P-47 that knocks out the Tiger tank on the bridge at the end. Otherwsie, a decent film overall despite these flaws.
Rating:  Summary: Comaparison with the other movie 'The Thin Red Line' Review: How Are They Talking about the War?Theses two movies, Saving Private and The Thin Red Line are very similar movies about the point of view of war. In the movie Saving Private Ryan, the soldiers go through very painful experiences to save Private Ryan. During the process, the movie shows humanism and reality of the war. In the same way, The Thin Red Line tries to show humanism through the soldiers who are suffering from the cruelty of the war and the poor people with no guilt who become the victims. Also, the movie represents the time of war with reality very well. In those two movies, there are some horrible and cruel scenes, and they both deal with the deaths of people. The focus of these movies is to make people think about war. People will say, ¡°How cruel the war is! That is so terrible. Thinks like wars must not happen again.¡± In addition, both are quite serious but touching movies because even during the war, in those movies, people still know the dignity of human beings and people try to help others. The movies are both famous, and valued as great works. In these ways, Saving Private Ryan and The Thin Red Line are both taking a serious view of war.
Rating:  Summary: Absolutely Terrific Review: Simply put this is the best movie ever made. There is a very violent and extreme beggining but you have to remember all this happened in real life. The cast was overall great Tom Hanks portrayed Captain Miller perfectly as was with the old veteran Seargent that had been everywhere in the world. As was with the Jackson the religious sniper and Reiben the smart mouth BAR man. If u hate this movie i dont know what you are thinking
Rating:  Summary: Excellent war scenes, weak storyline. Review: The first 25 minutes of SPR, as everyone says, are breathtaking and horrifying at the same time. It is sheer perfection. However the problem with this film is Spielberg's storytelling, the cliches in the scenes, the forced romantic pseudo-patriotic air that you breath in each spoken scene. It is not told in a realistic way -a problem that Spielberg has in many of his films, he tends to sentimentalize and simplify- and the film becomes very uneven: perfect on the technical side, hollow, shallow on the dramatic side. Band of Brothers, however, did nail the misfortunes of soldiers in battle; and it felt real. One last thing: Saving Private Ryan did capture battles in a way no other film had, it took war scenes to another level in cinema, and that is a lot more than most war films -not all of them- had achieved in the past. And another one last thing, to people who like really good war films, I recommend: Paths of Glory, Apocalypse Now, Full Metal Jacket, Platoon, Patton, Tora Tora Tora, Black Hawk Down, and, please, watch Band of Brothers, it is an INCREDIBLE miniseries. Thanks for reading and farewell.
Rating:  Summary: WWII is heroic theme itself... Review: You don't have to invent absolutly unbelievable story to make a film about WWII. It was horrible and heroic time by itself. So, as one of previous reviewer said: "1 star for the opening sequence, 1 star for the perfomance". I'd like to notice that if IT IS a real story, then it's a story about a general who is able to WASTE some of his soldiers to look "good soul"... Sorry guys, but it is my impression. I put the 3rd star, because only after this movie I understood something about Western front. You know, in the school (long ago) we were just told that Americans entered the war in the end of WWII. In my justification I can say that some Americans believe Germany and Russia were allies (apparently they think 27,000,000 Soviet people were killed by Americans)! Your schools were not much better...
Rating:  Summary: Best War Movie Ever Made On Film Review: I loved this movie. I've watched it millions of times and I still keep watching it. It is a war masterpiece and it was the top-grossing picture of 1998. The movie begins with World War II's historic D-Day invasion. And then shows that eight men must recruit Private James Ryan from the battlefield. This movie has lots of sad scenes and the bloodiest scenes I have ever seen on film. The movie is very intense as you watch the brutal realities of war and the eight men who all search for hope and grows with honor and courage. This is a great movie but I would not let kids under 17 watch this movie.
Rating:  Summary: A Breathtaking Film Review: There aren't many films I'd call "Classic", but this one certainly falls into that category. I have watched this movie dozens of times and never tire of it. It is such a well made film that it has almost re-defined what a war film is about. This film was surprisingly accurate. Many war films have to displace certain historical facts to make their story work, this film does little if any of that. The film begins with the invasion of Omaha Beach, the most brutal battle that the Allies fought in this war. I was taken by surprise at how graphic Spielberg made these scenes. Never before has such a high profile film delivered the brutal reality of a war. The first 15 minutes gives us an idea of what D-Day looked like for the people that were there living it. The film proceeds on where three brothers die within a week and a rescue mission is made to find the last brother who is somewhere behind enemy lines. This film delivers a fabulous look at the brotherhood of soldiers as well as the brutal reality in which they lived and operated. The acting crew was probably as good as it could have been. Tom Hanks was the perfect choice to play Capt Miller, a veteran Ranger who was a confident and talented solider and leader of men. I've seen Hanks in many films and I believe this to be of his best performances. His character development always leaves the audience wanting to know more about him, as does the charismatic presence of Hanks. Tom Seizmore and Ed Burns were perfect for their roles. Soldiers that didn't want to be there but were going to fight as hard as they could in spite of it and their situation. Barry Pepper, Matt Damon, Adam Goldberg, Vin Diesel, Jeremy Davies, and Giovanni Ribisi make up the rest of the cast. teh on screen chemistry of these men help make this movie very memorable. The brutality and horrors of war, the brotherhood of soldiers, the pain of death, and the duty to obey orders are all centerpieces to this story. This film was made to honor to soldiers who fought in WWII and I feel that this film pays them tremendous tribute and respect. This is the kind of film that we all need to see. It presents a side of war that most of us are unaware of. This movie will remain my favorite movie for a long time.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome War Film Review: Let me start out by saying that this is an amazing movie! The only reason why it got 4 stars instead of 5 stars is because it dragged on and on in a couple of places. It is an awesome movie. This is one of the best war films I have ever seen. Everyone must rent this movie.
Rating:  Summary: 1 star for the opening sequence, 1 star for the acting Review: This movie should be seen by everybody so they get a good sense of the horrors of war. So watch the D-Day landing sequence and then turn it off. Then watch a movie based on REAL-LIFE D-Day events called "The Longest Day" and then "The Fighting Sullivans" -- where five brothers join the Navy on the same ship. And then pull out the "Band of Brothers" miniseries from HBO. With all the true stories of WWII in Europe, they couldn't come up with a better story than this contrived plot? And the scene where they think they find Private Ryan but it isn't the right one? C'mon, it's too early in the movie and we all know it's Matt Damon who plays him! Just one example of the many unoriginal and melodramatic moments in this movie that are played for gratuitous effect. If you want to see it, rent but don't buy.