Rating:  Summary: Nicholson's finest hour! Review: This is one of the great movies of the 70's. The supporting cast in this film reads like a who's who of acting. Every award this movie recieved was well deserved, especially Jack Nicholson and Louise Fletcher. (One little word of note. In the stage play, the role of McMurphy was played by Kirk Douglas. His son, Michael would work to get the movie on the screen. Thus, the family connection.)
Rating:  Summary: A classic antiestablishment tale Review: Jack Nicholson was born to play this role, a rebel incarcerated in a psychiatric hospital who realizes he won't get out at the end of his 'jail sentence' because he was committed, i.e., he didn't enter voluntarily - so he's stuck there until the high mucky-mucks determine that he's "cured." Nicholson is not the kind of guy to play by the rules, not even to get out of this place, and the more he acts out against the cold attitude of the authorities (Nurse Ratched, in particular, whose name has become synonymous with cruel and implacable persons in authority), the more his fate is sealed. This fantastic movie, which swept the 1976 Oscars in every main category, is based on Milos Forman's book of the same name. Like the book, the film is filled with memorable characters, and it's hard to believe that they're even acting. In many places, the movie takes on the feel of a documentary; it's that realistic and well-acted. An iconic and classic movie that will last forever. Its themes are timeless and universal: one man's reaction (with courage, pride, stubbornness, and sacrifice) to a repressive institution . Marvelous. Ten stars.
Rating:  Summary: A classic we can all watch Review: As an uncultured teenager in the age of Bruckheimer, I am wary of "classic" films, often finding them to be just too old, too soft, and too boring. Cukoo's Nest is an exception to behold. Here is a film that, for once, deserved every last Oscar is received. Based on Ken Kesey's wonderful but far more convoluted book, Cukoo's Nest stars Jack Nicolson as R.P. McMurphy, a living-large thrill seeker escaping jail time by acting crazy enough to instituted at a mental ward. There we meet a slew of comic performances by offbeat characters, and also the diabolical Nurse Ratched. Ratched runs the whole show with hard fist. I think we've all encountered someone like Nurse Ratched, whose rage and disapproval boil cold until an air of stifling compsure and soft-spokenness, which is far more arresting than uncontrolled yelling. Her and McMurphy inevitably clash, and his reign of disorder inspires the other immates to speak up against the injusticies of the ward. I suppose this is predominantly a "man" movie, with lots of male bonding, male-oriented jokes, and a female protagonist. It's goofy nature and comedy lures us into a tragic and powerful tale of triumph, but the two don't clash one bit. This new DVD edition provides an insightful second disc, and a commentary on the first, which despite its a large party of commentators, doesn't feel crowded. The film certainly doesn't look its 25 years, but the transfer is even more clear. The soundtrack allows us to hear every background groan and rant in detail, and the comedic chaos is rendered comprehensible. One Flew Over the Cukoo's nest is truly a wonderful film, one of the best of all time. Let me put it this way, it beat JAWS for best picture...
Rating:  Summary: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Review: Excellent, powerfully effective film starring Jack Nicholson as a troublemaker who fakes mental illness to escape work. He meets new friends at the mental hospital and also makes enemies. His fellow "nuts" as he calls them learn a thing or two from him as he teaches them to believe in themselves and to live life. Exceptional and flawless performances from every cast member, most notably from Jack Nicholson as "Mack." Also, Louise Fletcher does a wickedly great job portraying the cruel Nurse Ratched. Absolutely flawless script and a quiet but beautiful music score also add to this film to make it what it is: a perfect masterpiece. Funny, moving, dramatic and sad, this is the film we've been waiting for. No questions asked...it's actually the best movie out there.
Rating:  Summary: A great great Movie ! Review: This is a GREAT movie. The acting is fantastic. Nicholson is just amazing also with the other guys. You understand easily why the movie won 5 academy awards. It's funny to see Dany Devito with hair and Louise Fletcher, the nasty but so quiet nurse, is so gorgeous and unfortunately evil. You won't understand how much you will sympathize with all those nuts but It happens. Thanks Milos Forman !
Rating:  Summary: Doesn't get much better than this Review: What a great story, and the best casting to make it perfect. Randall McMurphy (Niholson, perfect for the cocky con role)opts to go to an asylum instead of prison...BIG mistake! He shakes things up, and makes a lot of friends with the inmates, but a terrible enemy in the form of Nurse Ratched (Louise Fletcher). Nurse Ratched haunted me for years after I first saw this movie...she is one of the most terrifying characters ever to come down the pike. McMurphy challenges her authority (and in the process, greatly underestimates her capacity for pure evil)and her little kingdom, of which she is total ruler...he would have been better off to challenge a serial killer in jail! Her malignant manipulation of poor Billy...one of the most satisfying scenes was when Nicholson was strangling her. Too bad he didn't get to finish! Jack Nicholson turned in on of his best performances (this and Chinatown, my personal favorites). The Indian, called Chief, Martini and all the supporting cast were fabulous. LOVED the fishing trip! When McMurphy comes back the first time, and pretended to be lobotomized, he was great, as was the Chief's reaction...the next time...it was the real deal, and horrifying. My sole criticism is this: At the end, when the Chief is holding McMurphy, prior to putting him out of his misery, he should have remained silent. No words were necessary, the scene was powerful enough on it's own. What a great movie, though...the audience was absolutely soundless at the end...everyone was so moved they could not walk or speak for a few minutes...THAT is a sign of a great story.
Rating:  Summary: Wow! Review: I was 10 years old when this movie was in the theaters but I didn't see it during it's theatrical release but I remember watching One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest on HBO and even though I was quite young at the time and didn't understand every thing that Happened in the movie I still very much liked it and out of all of the Jack Nicholson movies I have watched his performance in this movie stands out the strongest in my memory he was absolutely brilliant and I highly recommend this movie. It's been a while since I've seen this movie and I think I will go to Blockbuster and rent the DVD and if I like it just as much as when I first saw it years ago on HBO I just might buy it on DVD.
Rating:  Summary: brilliant Review: I'm a fan of Milos Forman. Make that a big fan. My mom's like oh you have to see this movie. She rented it for me one night and I did watch this movie. Well I experienced it. It is a important movie when you feel that you are one of the charectors. This movie made me feel just that.
Rating:  Summary: A little big guy is destroyed and a big guy triumphs Review: There are some great cinema moments in this legendary film set in a Mental "Health" insitution in a time when the frequent use of invasive surgery and electroshock therapy was used to "cure"the "abnormal", for which read irritable, rebellious, eccentric, even just different. One such moment occurs when inmates McMurphy (Jack Nicholson) and The Chief (Will Sampson) sit beside each other waiting their turn for some electroshock therapy after they had "misbehaved" . McMurphy hands The Chief a piece of gum and The Chief responds by taking the gum and murmuring "Thank you". These two words shock Murphy and are a revelation to him. It was a view held by staff and inmates alike that The Chief was mute. McMurphy, considering himself smarter than just about everybody, has also been fooled. The revelation to McMurphy is that The Chief has "beaten" the system. It is a moment of pure joy, both for McMurphy and the viewer. In another scene, extravert McMurphy(at about five feet six inchesin height) suggests to the introvert Chief (at about six feet six in height) that they break out of the institution and The Chief replies " I'm not as big as you". A defining movie and a wonderful and moving experience. This double edition has excellent supportive material.
Rating:  Summary: WHEN JACK NICHOLSON WAS PLAYING A CREASY ...MAD Review: This man ! ... Is a True MAN ! He can play all of the movies, he is always good for any subject he find always the "LONE" of the strategy for "pull part" of the best of any situation in order to reveal the animal who sooze in himself ! He is very intelligent, JACK NICHOLSON and for this movie the price was costly, because he has visited... realy trues psychiatrics hospitals and he has been bound to leave his wife because he was totally in this strange role, he is therefore "comedian" his life has not importance when he play, his life is playing ! ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST THAT I'VE SEEN VERY much years ago is don't stil OVERTOPED ! 200% JACK NICHOLSON VERY GOOD ACTOR and all of the others actors who are plaid in this MOVIE are now KNOWN.... very much ! for exemple : The young who was stuttering or the other man who has plaid in BACK TO THE FUTURE CHRISTOPHER LLOYD MANY ACTORS ARE NOW KNOWNS