Rating:  Summary: It's a interesting film that tell us God is one of us Review: It's the story of a albino boy very intelligent and teach us be one between us
Rating:  Summary: Chowder! Review: The only reason I wrote this review is because I wanted to say "Chowder!" Three stars, movie was neither good nor bad.
Rating:  Summary: Good. Review: 'Powder' is a good movie. It comes on T.V. fairly often so check it out.
Rating:  Summary: pretty decent film Review: Powder is an in depth film that shows just how cruel people can be to people that are different from themselves. It takes place in a small town in Texas where Powder was locked in his grandparents basement for most of his life. They die when hes a teen (he's 16 i think?) and he is picked up by the local sheriff and brought to a school for him to learn. The shock is that he is pure white and bald so immediately he stands out and since hes not really had any interactions with people except in the books he read, he is a total outcast. He befriends a girl that doesn't think hes too different until he gets just a little too close to electricity. What happens next is phenominal. This is definately a movie that will touch your heart in one way or another. All you guys out there, if you want a date movie this is one to check out since it mixes all the elements to be a "chick flick", but no it isn't one. Its just a touching story that will leave you wondering how society treats people that are different and that in a way, we know it'll never change but we at least know it does happen.
Rating:  Summary: Awsome Movie!! Review: I loved this movie. The story of an outcast Jeremy/Powder, an amazing yet somewhat creepy character. When his preggant mother carries Jeremy/Powder inside her she is stroked by lighting, she then gives birth to electricity itself. Jeremy/Powder is made of electricity and raised by his grandparents who were infact afraid of him. They both die when Jeremy/Powder is a teen. He is then taken from his beloved home by a headmistress of a troubled boys school and she finds that he is a most unique boy. Jeremy/Powder discovers the pain outside of his home and sees the terrible truth about the place he was born into.
The way this movie makes you feel after the movie and even in some of the scenes like the dieing deer scene, the "Friends don't..." scene in the councilor's office and the scene when Jeremy/Powder helps the sherif's wife comunicate. Those are the kind of scenes that make the movie unforgetable. The performance of Sean Patrick Flanery as Jeremy/Powder was amazing . This movie is one of my favorites at the moment and I would definately recommend it to almost anyone.
Rating:  Summary: Good. Review: 'Powder' is a good movie. It comes on T.V. fairly often so check it out.
Rating:  Summary: All Things Are Possible Review: One thing that Powder brings to mind is that humanity has failed. Humanity has been succumbed to insatible greed, violence, destruction, religious fundamentalism in a bid to have dominance, power and control over others, so insecure male supremacists can play people for fools while laughing all the way to the bank. Most of the customers who gave this movie a bad review, are more or less likely to be racist, sexist, homophobic, and were angered by the movies' universal themes for they found their faults through Powder's character. It is irrelevant whether or not "god" is simply energy that relays from live form to another. The message in this movie is that humans before male supremacy were loving, caring, empathetic, sympathetic, open-minded, intellectuals whose values were not the least bid superficial or materialistic. Their motives for being was working for leisure, living for pleasure, enjoying one another, laughing and loving and reflecting upon themselves and others around them. People must take the time to connect with others as well as the universe and maybe then the human race will finally stumble OUT of the Dark Ages of which we still reside today. Jerald Brockert wrote the best review of this movie and emphasized that those who feared this movie (as I have come to notice) are incredibly prejudiced and narrow-minded, and can only feel "superior" to others by destroying the lives of otehrs. Powder represented what humanity was and what it should return to being. Living for living. I, personally, don't take any pleasure in destroying the lives of others and if you do, then I don't recommend you watch this film for you are the very evil that you feared most seeing reflected in this film. Having suffered immense discrimination for my "liberal-minded" views, my being mixed-race, and being female as well, I can relate to Powder on every level of this film. All of the scenes were well-planned. It was a pleasure to finally see de-sexualized women as full human beings and not sex objects to be raped for the picking nor properties of men but contributors to human society. Jeff Goldblum was outstanding as the science teacher. Mary Steinburger, although having good intentions, still did not do what she thought best for Powder giving him a supposedly "adequate" home. I believe that if you have the humanity and compassion, which most of us all lacking, to cry then you truly are human. Those of us who are selfish, arrogant, and narrow-minded enough to think we are superior to others because of "what" we are as opposed to what one thinks, is a pathetic excuse of existence on Earth. If we keep whining about violence, racism and prejudice then let's do something about it...eliminate it...if you're down with capitalism or supremacy of any RACE...then let Powder set the example that with compassion, empathy, and an "attached" vision with which to look at the world we can overcome all. Brilliant, stunning, captivating, and remarkably touching for those of us with even a little humanity inside. Powder will remind us all that our technology has surpassed our humanity. That in the end we are all connected to one another. If you are MATURE, a FreeThinker, with your own sense of individuality, never longing to be oppressed by any ideology, or fundamentalist behavior (like our beloved Muslim terrorists or capitalist junkies) than liberate yourself, free your soul and try just being HUMAN for once in your life... An eye-opener...Powder plays on your fears like Madonna plays on feminism. I dedicate this movie to intellectuals, women, goths, gays, lesbians, Jews, political activists, children and those who dare to open their minds.
Rating:  Summary: Chowder! Review: The only reason I wrote this review is because I wanted to say "Chowder!" Three stars, movie was neither good nor bad.
Rating:  Summary: 1 star is way too generous. Review: haven't seen this movie, and don't intend to. a movie about a special boy who is misunderstood and has super powers written and directed by a convicted child molester just doesn't appeal to me in the slightest. It was rated as one of the top ten worst movies of the year it was released, I will rely on that.
Rating:  Summary: Very prophetic and touching movie. Review: Beautiful and inspiring movie. Heart-felt & soulful. It makes one contemplate, what really is important in life? It touches on man's inhumanity, and cruelty to his fellow man.