Rating:  Summary: Leonard Malton is quite wrong Review: I am so offended by Leonard's review that I just HAVE to write at rebuttal.When I first saw this movie on the big screen it was utterly breathtaking. The scope, depth, humour, and characterizations were all excellent. Then there was the incredible view from the top of the forest canopy! I also lament that theatres are shrinking here in Houston. So the really big screen that helped generate that reaction are becoming rare. I have no way to afford a home theatre of a scale to get the impact of that moment. I have the PAL VHS and am buying the widescreen DVD now that I have a DVD player. If you are considering the purchase of film, I strongly recommend it. Sorry Leonard, but this is no where near the only "miss" that you have published. It is time to grow a deeper appreciation of the world.
Rating:  Summary: I don't know what they're talking about Review: I can't understand how people could say that this movie is no good. It may be a little "quiet" without alot of action or excitement. But it is not a light movie. I believe it holds a very loud message that modern civilization need's to hear: By destroying what God put on this earth, we actually destroy ourselfes. This movie brings this message through loud and clear. Acres and acres of forest and rainforest are burnt to the ground every day and this movie asks the question "do we know what we are burning down?" Very fine acting, beautifull scenery. You just have to have a slightly intellectual and enviromentist mindset to enjoy it.
Rating:  Summary: This movie is well worth 2 hours of your life. Review: I could watch this movie everyday for the rest of my life and still be drawn in by it. Not only is there the Sean Connery factor, but the scenic shots are amazing. It shows the beauty of the rainforest, and how easily that beauty can be destroyed. Connery and Bracco are excellent. They get the point across and still keep it all believable. The story line is great, it shows just how simple things can be if we allow them.
Rating:  Summary: Dvd Version has at lease 3 nice parts cut out of it. Review: I do absolutly LOVE this movie. The cast is great, the scenery is great, and the story is great. Most of all, Sean Connery is great. I first saw this movie when I was in High School and I have seen it at least 200 times since. This movie started my (so far) 10 year long obsession with Sean Conery. And I am not usually the type of person who watches a movie over and over. I just LOVE this movie.
Rating:  Summary: I LOVE this movie! Review: I do absolutly LOVE this movie. The cast is great, the scenery is great, and the story is great. Most of all, Sean Connery is great. I first saw this movie when I was in High School and I have seen it at least 200 times since. This movie started my (so far) 10 year long obsession with Sean Conery. And I am not usually the type of person who watches a movie over and over. I just LOVE this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Reel bad Review: I thought this movie was a huge stinker. I couln't believe how bad the acting and plot of the story was. My family already figured out what the "cure" for cancer was before the characters even came close. Other parts of the movie seemed ridiculous as well. . . trash this one.
Rating:  Summary: Brilliant Review: I too could watch this movie ,every day for the resty of my life and not get tired of it. We recently moved to a community with no T V or video but I still took my video of Medicine Man. Forget the critics who gave this a bad time . The electricity between the stars is tangible and the shots are inspiring. The message of mans destruction and greed are dealt with as admirably as a two hour movie can when it also has to entertain. What ever happened to Bracco? I've never seen her in any other movie yet she was excellent and kept Sean on his toes . I'd like to imagine there was a certain amount of fireworks between these two on set!
Rating:  Summary: Big Tam's top performance Review: If limited to taking but one Sean Connery film to a desert island retreat, this would be the choice. 'Big Tam' displays his best in this film set in the Brazilian rainforest. With a conscience ravaged with guilt for accidently decimating an Indian village, his life as a field researcher is tempered by his dealings with the native population. An opportunity for redemption appears in the form of a cure for 'the plague of the twentieth century' which he's found, then lost. Portraying the questing scientist shows Connery at the fullest of his acting powers, which are here outstanding. None of the other films since the end of his James Bond series comes even close [ENTRAPMENT would be #2 for the desert island]. Connery moves from towering rages through deep irony to heartfelt caring without a false step. His opposite in this film, Lorraine Bracco, is a mystery. None of the other films she's made even approaches her performance here. She's hardly a top-notch actress, but it would seem Big Tam brought out whatever 'best' she has in making Medicine Man. The scene of her under the influence of yoko extract was hilarious. She must be given credit for trying. It would be nice to know whether her role was created around her New York City origins. There are those who grizzle about this being a 'message film'. In an era when nearly every human foible becomes the subject of books and films, a little publicity of what is happening to the source of the oxygen we breathe shouldn't be out of place. Connery's line 'less rain forest means less rain' must have come as a shock to those who caught it. Most people seem to think the opposite is the case and that cleared forests can recover easily. Even now, the Brazilian government is preparing to sweep away thousands of square miles of your source of breathable air. McTiernan had his work cut out in covering topics as diverse as field biology, medicine, environmental mechanisms, native peoples' issues and the personal relationship of the two main characters in this film. The half-hearted comments of Maltin and Keogh in the Editorial Reviews section above reflect the superficial view offered by too many critics. This film is a fine achievement and one that can be seen repeatedly. Buy and watch this film. Then have friends over for a showing.
Rating:  Summary: Dvd Version has at lease 3 nice parts cut out of it. Review: If you are going to get this movie in DVD because you liked it on VHS, please keep in mind that the company that released the dvd cut several good parts out of it. I have no idea why, because to me, it is now missing a lot of the good parts.
Rating:  Summary: Great Tree Hugger Flick! Review: If you are into anthropology or the environment, then you will definitely love this flick. It's hard to describe the movie without giving away the story, but it has a very interesting twist ending. I must admit that it could be taken as a bit of a propaganda movie for environmentalists...but for me, that just adds to its charm. The casting, acting, and staging are all very well done. The movie is from 1992 but brings up an issue that is very pertinent in today's world. As with many older movies that have been switched over to DVD, the special features can be considered weak/non-existent.