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Rating:  Summary: The Absolute Worst Review: If a man really believes that feeding me fruit is going to make me hot, he needs more than these damn DVDs that's for sure!
Rating:  Summary: Oh My God Review: Ok, somehow people really need to get a grip on reality. This stuff is horrible. Me and my girlfriend watched this and busted out laughin most of the time. First of it's VERY old school, second, the "techniques" ... please ... a 16 year old can come up with this. Want my opinion get a book, bc this is pityful. Frankly I think that the other people who reviewed this must be the "stars" of these series.
Rating:  Summary: Oh My God Review: Ok, somehow people really need to get a grip on reality. This stuff is horrible. Me and my girlfriend watched this and busted out laughin most of the time. First of it's VERY old school, second, the "techniques" ... please ... a 16 year old can come up with this. Want my opinion get a book, bc this is pityful. Frankly I think that the other people who reviewed this must be the "stars" of these series.
Rating:  Summary: ON WHAT WOMEN WANT - I WISH ALL MEN WATCH THIS DVD Review: Reviewed By: Jenne Dr. Lonnie Barbach is our hostess with the mostess for this foray into the world of what women want. As a woman, I'm the first to admit I'm not always sure what I want from a man, so I was more than interested in finding out what Dr. Barbach and the video itself had to say on the subject. To begin with, there is a short introduction where Dr. Barbach explains that this is not meant to be a definitive guide on the subject and is really just designed to give people ideas, some food for thought as it were. Actually, food featured pretty heavily in the first two scenes of this video. There are also some interviews with real women scattered throughout the film where real women are asked what they want from a man. If those do nothing else, they may well confirm what we were told at the intro, and that is each women is as individual as the clothes she wears, or the job she has. Scene one transports us into a bedroom where a couple begins to explore the delights of having a thoughtful man who knows how to cut up and prepare all manner of fruits. From grapes to mandarins he tenderly feeds his partner, before gently removing her clothes and feasting on her. I got the point here in that many women say they want their partner to worship and adore them and he certainly does that in this scene. Magically we travel back to real life interviews as we do between all the scenes in this video. I actually really like this touch as it adds some reality to the whole scenario. Next, we enter a kitchen as a man prepares, or more accurately attempts to prepare, a meal for his partner before she returns from a hard day at the office. Even though the meal wasn't the most appetizing looking thing in the world, the fact that he went to all that trouble just for her, certainly appealed judging by what she choose for dessert: Him -)) This scene was a little hard for me to swallow but it was erotic as she devours him. I would have liked to have actually seen the couple undress, but that said, it was worth watching because the sentiment behind it was right. A little effort goes a long way. Take note guys! The next issue that is talked about is trust. The scene cuts to an older women masturbating on her bed as she reads an erotic story. She's blissfully unaware that her lover is secretly watching through a crack in the door, although it's not long before he decides to join her. What follows next is actually as much about communication as trust in my book, although the two do go hand in hand. She directs him, showing what strokes she prefers and the results are satisfying for both partners judging by the smiles on both their faces. I actually thought this was a great scene for those who may be worried about sharing their masturbation habits with their partners. The basic message being if you share you'll get more out of the experience. Back to the real interviews and opinions before we go to the airport where a women decides to surprise her partner who has returned from a business trip. After picking him up, she reveals that all she is wearing beneath her coat is some lingerie. It's not long before they arrive at an old haunt of theirs and the windows of the car start to steam up. This was a really fun scene and the fact that the female took the initiative was a definite plus. Carrying on that theme, we move to sex in public places and anyone whose ever partaken in this particular activity knows just how exciting it can be. Here we join a couple that is sightseeing from a vantage point high above Los Angeles. This scene has all the elements that both partners will probably enjoy watching, like most of those in this series. The setting is romantic and yet offers the element of danger in that they are exposed as they make love with their clothes on. The fact that she has a dress on and no panties is definitely a plus here, as it makes for easier access, and is something that I recommend everyone tries at least once in their life. Now we move back indoors and to the familiar bedroom setting, where a couple is busy making love but with a difference. In this scene the women is in control of the situation. By in control, I don't mean in an S+M type scenario, I just mean it's obvious that she is comfortable with her sexuality and knows how to tease her partner and more importantly they both enjoy this. Hubby was captivated by a scene where the woman sits astride the man and uses his penis as a clitoral stimulator, then teases him by masturbating. The film finishes by once again returning to our real life interviewees who again try to sum up what they find sexy in a man, and teh women all seem to fail miserably. What's it all add up to? This was a well thought out video and one that I really enjoyed watching, as did my partner. I didn't think the title reflects what this video is about though. To me it wasn't so much about what women wanted but how you could introduce elements into a relationship that would serve both partner's needs. Men want passionate, alive women. Women want passionate, alive men was the message I got from this video and I'm not sure if that's what the producers were aiming for, but either way it's an erotic, sensual film that as a women I was able to really enjoy. I came away from this viewing experience ready to take control, try new things, or revamp old ones from our past. The fact that this video seemed to have a really nice pace and flow to it was a definite plus as well. Bringing out important points but not in the way many instructional type videos do. The emphasis was on making things fun and I for one fully concur with that sentiment.
Rating:  Summary: ON WHAT MEN WANT Review: Reviewed By: Katie What do men want? For years I've thought about this question and finally they've come up with a video that's going to give me all the answers, or so I hoped. The video opens with an introduction by Dr. Bernie Ziebergeld explaining that his video is not about what EVERY man wants, but that it gives you some ideas of what many men want. It's a place to start at least. From there it goes into a man-in-the-street interview asking men what it is they want when it comes to sex. The answers are really not all that surprising, one of which is that men want their partners to actually be interested in them and in sex in general. Apparently they enjoy it when the woman takes the initiative. "Being creative is important because it makes men feel that you care enough to share in the work of sex." The video goes on to follow one couple, showing how the woman initiated sex with her partner by leaving a snapshot of herself in various stages of undress from the front door all the way to the bathroom shower where she waited for him. What follows is a shower scene where she washes him and then gives him a hand-job rich with slippery, soapy lather. (Note: Some soap can cause a burning sensation in the urethra) It's a very sexy scene. Matter of fact, I rewound the video and watched it again ;-) The couple then goes on to have sex while standing in the shower. Now I know this isn't always physically possible for some couples, but it was still sexy to see it work for them. Back to the man-in-the-street to find out more of what men want again followed by a normal looking couple acting out one of the suggestions given by the men being interviewed. In all, there are five scenes acted out - Surprise in the Shower, Driver her Crazy in Bed, Fun in the Van, In the Jacuzzi, and An Erotic Birthday Present. There was an interesting thing that happened in the Jacuzzi, as noted by Dr. Ziebergeld. The setup for this scene is that the man gets more pleasure out of pleasing his partner than in taking pleasure for himself. In that scene we see him pleasuring her orally by the side of the Jacuzzi, but the man never has an orgasm or full erection even though there is plenty of sexplay. Dr. Ziebergeld suggests the following for how men would like women to deal with this type of situation: "Respond by not asking anxious questions about whether she is turning you on or stimulating you correctly. Just go on with the show." I agree with this to a point. Making the situation stressful when it is happening is NOT a good idea. However, if it happens on a regular occasion, I think as a couple you should discuss what is happening. What does it all add up to? Overall, I enjoyed watching this video. It did give me some ideas for different things that I can do with my lover to enhance our relationship. It's important to be reminded every once in a while of what keeps the spark in a sexual relationship. If your partner is a bit shy and is not willing to tell you outright what he wants, Dr. Ziebergeld suggests that you tell him your likes and wants first. Your sharing will help him to do the same. That's good advice, but doing so is not always easy. Watching these videos is a step in the right direction.
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